Nirrti (Stargate)

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Nirrti is a female television extraterrestrial villain who features in Stargate.




Nirrti was a Goa'uld who came to adopt a female persona and based on the Hindu goddess Nirrti. (Episode: Singularity) In time, she came to stand amongst the ranks of the System Lords. (Episode: Fair Game)

In time, she was noted to had become an enemy of Apophis. During their war, an attempt at ending hostilities came about. Nirrti came to send an emissary of peace to negotiate a treaty concerning a Stargate that was in Apophis's control. However, the negotiation was simply a ploy with Nirrti having modified the 'emissary' so that they would explode the moment upon entering the Stargate thus causing a massive explosion. (Episode: Singularity) At some point, she was noted to had stood amongst the ranks of the System Lords. (Episode: Fair Game)

One of the planets on which she was experimenting was Hanka, where she spent years performing genetic experiments on the population from a secret laboratory in a forest. She was even able to create several humans with telekinetic abilities by the use of a retrovirus. When Stargate Command first came through the Stargate she unleashed a deadly virus, killing nearly everyone on the planet, including one SG team. There was only one survivor of the plague, a human girl named Cassandra. Cassandra was later discovered by SG-1, who brought her back to Earth. There, she was soon found to contain the explosive elements of Nirrti's human bombs, and it was only due to the quick thinking of Carter that Stargate Command was not completely destroyed. Meanwhile, back on Hanka, Jack O'Neill and Teal'c were engaged by Nirrti's Ha'tak, but were able to flee through the Stargate in time. (Episode: Singularity)

SGC met Nirrti in person when she was one of the three Goa'uld System Lords who went to Earth to negotiate with the Asgard regarding the inclusion of Earth in the Protected Planets Treaty. During this meeting however, she used her cloaking device to attack Cronus and Teal'c, mortally wounding Cronus. Although she pretended to be unable to heal him with a Goa'uld healing device, her lies were discovered and she attempted to flee. She was quickly captured by the personnel of Stargate Command, despite her personal cloaking device, and was handed to Cronus as a prisoner. (Episode: Fair Game)

After SG-1 killed Cronus, she was able to flee and continued with her experiments. When Cassandra began exhibiting signs of telekinesis, SG-1 went back to Hanka, where they found Nirrti's laboratory. As she was present in her laboratory, Nirrti followed the team back through the Stargate, and arrived at the SGC where she tried to come near Cassandra. When Cassandra sensed her presence, she alarmed the base and the Goa'uld was captured when she attacked O'Neill and Dr. Janet Fraiser. When she was ordered to heal Cassandra, Nirrti demanded to be let free along with a sample of Cassandra's blood. Although General Hammond at first refused, he later agreed, although he would not allow her to keep Cassandra's blood. After Nirrti healed the girl, she was allowed to leave the base, but told the SGC that she would continue with her experiments. She also mentioned, while she found their willingness to go along with the deal instead of merely killing her honorable, she doubted that she would have done the same herself. (Episode: Rite of Passage)

During a talk concerning the upcoming System Lord Summit, Major Samantha Carter expressed some concerns about Nirrti showing up at the Summit. Sam's father, Jacob Carter revealed that there wasn't any chance of that happening, given how Nirrti was still a renegade and also "persona non grata" among the System Lords. (Episode: Summit) K'tano's rebel Jaffa captured a shipment of weapons intended for Nirrti's Jaffa on a planet in her domain. K'tano managed to convert many of her Jaffa to his cause. He later sent a team of rebel Jaffa on a suicide mission to another planet in Nirrti's territory. (Episode: The Warrior) Adrian Conrad's Goa'uld was able to help Colonel Frank Simmons make a deal with Nirrti, allowing her to capture Dr. Janet Fraiser as part of Nirrti's revenge for defying her attempts to analyze Cassandra Fraiser. In exchange, Nirrti gave Simmons information on how to genetically engineer humans into Jaffa. Her plan was thwarted when SG-1 managed to rescue Frasier, with Major General George S. Hammond and Bra'tac leading the effort to kill and/or capture the 'new' Jaffa that she had created. (Episode: Survival of the Fittest)

Nirrti later came to a world, the name of which is unknown, where she found a device of the Ancients. This was a DNA Resequencer, which allowed her to read and alter a person's genetic code. With this device, she started to experiment upon the local population under the guise of helping them, and gave them various mental powers such as telepathy and telekinesis. However this led to them becoming badly mutated and deformed. The Russian SG-4 team later discovered her experiments to create a hok'tar on the planet P3X-367 finding Alebran in his ruined city after he had left Nirrti. They brought him back to Stargate Command to speak to SG-1 as it was because of them that Nirrti was still free. Alebran informed them of all that he knew but soon died due to Nirrti's experiments, seeming to turn into liquid. The two SG teams returned to the planet in order to help the natives, but the natives did not believe that Nirrti was evil as she had been the one to save them from a plague which had ravaged their planet. Teal'c and Jonas Quinn were taken prisoner by the natives after Eggar discovered their intent to kill Nirrti in O'Neill's mind, and the others were soon captured upon Nirrti's return also. SG-1 attempted to inform the natives of Nirrti's true motives while Nirrti performed experiments on both teams, meeting with no success for some time. Nirrti performed several experiments on members of both teams before finding that Jonas' Kelownan heritage had caused him to be somewhat more evolved than the Tau'ri. She was sure she could create her hok'tar in him, and even asked if he would submit to allow her to do so. Although Jonas rejected the offer, Nirrti nevertheless performed several experiments on him. During this time, however, SG-1 was able to somewhat convince the natives of Nirrti's true intents and after Eggar read her mind, he discovered this to be true. He thus found out that she was only using them for her own ends. Another native, Wodan, who was telekinetic, subsequently strangled her using his power, and then killed her by breaking her neck, despite O'Neill's urging to keep her alive. Eggar, however, first read her mind to discover how to fix the damage she had done to them all. (Episode: Metamorphosis)

Unknown to anyone at the time, Nirrti's experiments on Jonas Quinn gave him the ability of precognition through a brain tumor that formed. Jonas had only limited control over it and unlike what Nirrti believed, his Kelownan heritage did not allow his body to stabilize, though he did not liquefy. Ultimately, the tumor was removed and Jonas lost the ability Nirrti gave him, but not before he used it to aid SG-1 in defeating the Goa'uld Underlord Mot and his Jaffa who were ruling P4S-237 and tried to attack Earth. (Episode: Prophecy)


Personality and attributes

Nirrti was a System Lord who was interested in creating an advanced human, also known as a 'hok'tar', to be used as a perfect host. For this purpose, she experimented on humans on several planets. (Episode: Singularity)

Little was known about Nirrti from Earth's perspective. In early Hindu reference, she was referred to as a destructive goddess of darkness. (Episode: Fair Game) She was known to use duplicity and ploys to gain an advantage over her foes. This included modifying people to become living bombs and use them as 'emissaries' sent to negotiate a 'peace' only for the representative to explode at her enemies stronghold. (Episode: Singularity)

Among the Goa'uld, she was noted for being an enemy of Apophis. (Episode: Singularity)

Powers and abilities

Nirrti was a Goa'uld and thus possessed all the natural traits of the species. This meant that she was a parasitic organism that required a host body to operate in the world. In her case, she had taken over a human body where she came to be a prominent scientist. (Episode: Fair Game)

She had a vast knowledge of genetics which she also used to create living bombs. One of these living bombs was sent to Apophis, where the person in question blew up, destroying everything in the surrounding area. (Episode: Singularity)

As a Goa'uld, she was known to make use of a hand device. (Episode: Fair Game)

She also developed a personal cloaking device, which worked by phase-shifting based on her studies of the Re'tu. (Episode: Fair Game)

At one point, she was noted for having stood amongst the ranks of the System Lords. This was until her attempted murder of Cronus where she was stripped of her position. (Episode: Fair Game)


  • Nirrti was created by Robert C. Cooper and portrayed by actress Jacqueline Samuda where she featured in the setting of the Stargate SG-1 universe.
  • The character was based on the Hindu goddess Nirrti.

Alternate Versions

  • In Stargate: Continuum, Nirrti appeared in the events of an alternate timeline when history was changed by a time travelling Ba'al. Within this new chain of events, Ba'al had conquered several System Lords, including Nirrti, who served under him and participated in an attack on Earth. She, along with Qetesh, believed that the Tau'ri should be blasted to the brink of extinction, finding such an idea enjoyable.

In other media


  • In Stargate Atlantis: Blood Ties, Nirrti was referenced in the setting of the non-canon novel published by Fandemonium and written by Sonny Whitelaw and Elizabeth Christensen. While investigating the Lilin, Doctor Daniel Jackson found information that indicates Nirrti killed their creator, the Ancient Lilith. While Nirrti is stated to be one of Lilith's children in the information Daniel found, he thinks it more likely Nirrti was Lilith's protégé or had taken her as a host briefly to get access to her knowledge on genetics before killing her.


  • In Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords, Nirrti was referenced in the setting of the RPG book published by Alderac Entertainment Group. When the Goa'uld still held dominion over Earth, Nirrti had little interest whatsoever in political bickering or military power. Her primary concern was her study of humans, and how their physical abilities as hosts could be improved. The other Goa'uld, however, would not give her the time or opportunity to delve into her studies. Kali, in particular, aggressively sought to take over Nirrti's holdings in present-day India. Thus, Nirrti was forced to play the political game she so loathed. She partnered with Olokun, a relationship which would prove disastrous for him, but beneficial to Nirrti. She slowly but surely established a large power-base and by the time of the Tau'ri Rebellion in Egypt, she had more than earned the title of System Lord. Her continued research on how to modify human hosts led to devastating casualties in her slave populations, and she took to using the slaves of other System Lords - without their permission. Bastet and Kali, infuriated, managed to get Nirrti stripped of her System Lord status. By this time, however, the galactic empires of the Goa'uld were vast, and even while demoted, Nirrti had no trouble finding wayward human populations to perform tests on, and this was all that really mattered to her. After Ra's death, she was able to regain much of her old territory in the power vacuum, and was thus reinstated as a System Lord.


  • Stargate SG-1:

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