Olympus Group

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The Olympus Group is a business that features in Marvel Comics.



The Olympus Group was a corporation operating on Earth that was secretly controlled by the Olympian gods. (Hercules v3 #3)

After the Asgardians disappeared during the events of Ragnarok, the Amatsu-Kami known as Mikaboshi attempted to conquer all the Earthly pantheons under his demonic rule. This led to him along with his demon horde laying siege to Mount Olympus itself with it taking the combined might of Hercules, Ares and his son Phobos to combat this threat. Mikaboshi was defeated and exiled leading to a victory for the Olympians but this came at a price - Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods had fallen in battle against the Japanese deity.

Using the Olympus Group, Hera came to mastermind a new set of labours for Hercules to accomplish to prove himself to the world and as part of her plans for revenge against him. She was responsible for resurrecting Eurystheus and having him be responsible for this task. (Hercules v3 #3)

As a result of this event, the Olympians retreat and scattered across the mortal world. To disguise their movements, they took shelter in a mortal corporation which they named the Olympus Group that operated secretly amongst mankind. With the death of her husband, the goddess Hera took charge of the Olympus Group and became its CEO. As part of her plans, she stocked its ranks with the most villainous beings known to the Olympians who aided her in her goals. The rising star of the Olympus corporation later became a threat to Osborn Industries and its director, Norman Osborn who believed that the CEO of the Olympus Group was just a spoilt heiress with a god complex.

This chain of events led to a conflict between the Olympus Group and the Dark Avengers. However, during the battle, it was decided that the other side was a potent ally. As such, an alliance was formed between the Iron Patriot and Hera. (Assault on New Olympus)

Amadeus Cho was later overwhelmed by the Dark Hulk persona in his mind which caused a great deal of property damage when he rampaged out of control against his friends. In the aftermath, Cho was arrested but was not prosecuted as the city of New York decided not to press charges though did place damages of over $10 billion on him with this being the entirety of his fortune at Olympus Corp. Thus, the company was said to be going into receivership and Cho was removed as C.E.O. with his sister Maddy Cho being placed in charge over the distribution of the assets. (Incredible Hulk v1 #717)


The heads of the business were the Dodekatheon that consisted of the twelve primary deities of ancient Greece. (Incredible Hercules v1 #123)

Under Clause 437 of the Incorporation Documents, a Director could be ousted for erratic behaviour and lack of judgement to be replaced by their successor. (Totally Awesome Hulk v1 #14)

Among the corporation's products included:

  • B-98 Beta Robo Drone : a can-shaped drone called the 'Kegger' allowing the controller to remotely view and communicate on the field. (Totally Awesome Hulk v1 #1)
  • X-19 Mini-EMP Communication Disruptor : a hand-held device that could disrupt communications in a local area. (Totally Awesome Hulk v1 #3)
  • Continuum :

On Earth, their corporate headquarters and public front was shown to reside on Wall Street. (Hercules v3 #2)


  • Hera : (CEO)
  • Zeus :
  • Pluto :
  • Athena :
  • Eurystheus : (Hercules v3 #3)
  • Achelous : (Hercules v3 #3)
  • Typhon :
  • Amadeus Cho :


  • The Olympus Group was created by Frank Tieri and Mark Texeira where they made their first appearance in Hercules v3 #4 (September, 2005).


  • Hercules v3: (2005)
  • Incredible Hercules v1:
  • Totally Awesome Hulk v1:
  • Weapon X:
  • Incredible Hulk v1:

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