Passione (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

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Symbol of the Passione.

Passione are a crime family that features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.



The Passione hierarchy.

Passione (Japanese: パッショーネ, Hepburn: Passhōne, lit. Passion in Italian) were a Mafia gang that operated in Italy in the modern age. Sometime ago, they came under the leadership of a mysterious figure who took the title of Boss. He had acquired the powers of the Stands through the use of the Arrow he acquired from a dig in Egypt and used it to similarly empower his minions. These formed the core of the Passione organization with new recruits going through a trial whereby they were pierced with the Arrow to awaken a Stand power in them or die in the process. Under the Boss's orders, Passione began to expand their operations into the drug business and earnt a great deal of profit. Their activities drew the attention of Jean Pierre Polnareff who was investigating Europe for one of the Stand Arrows leading to him encountering Passione members. After defeating a number of them, the Boss himself directly intervened where his Stand managed to allow him to effortlessly defeat Polnareff who was believed killed in the encounter with Diavolo. With no threat to them, Passione came to continue their operations and profiting from their powerbase.

Over the years, Passione continued to expand where they recruited more Stand users into their ranks. When Risotto Nero was recruited as an assassin by the gang in 1994, he formed Squadra Esecuzioni (暗殺チーム Ansatsu Chīmu, lit. "Execution Team" in Italian). Some time ago, the La Squadra Esecuzioni grew dissatisfied with what they believed were lost profits that they gave to the organization. Thus, they secretly sought to overthrow the mysterious Boss and take over his drug routes. Their activities were discovered by the Boss who killed two of their members named Sorbet and Gelato as punishment for their defiance thus bringing them into line. However, their resentment of their leader grew as they never forgot this humiliation and eventually they once more attempted to turn against the Boss when they discovered that he had a discovered the existence of his daughter. Thus, they attempted to find her identity in order to kidnap her and use her as a hostage against the Boss. Giorno Giovanna joined the gang on March 30 with the intent to overthrow its Boss and seize Naples from him. Giorno was cooperating with Bruno Bucciarati, a gang member who was disgusted with the drug trade and wanted to put an end to it, and Bucciarati introduced Giorno to the lieutenant Polpo to have him admitted within the gang. Immediately upon his admission, Giorno assassinated Polpo, which enabled Bucciarati to become lieutenant in his stead. Officially, Polpo was deemed to had committed suicide in prison leaving a vacancy in the organization. The rest of the organization came to learn of Polpo's demise and the strange circumstances of this death led to many concluding that it was suicide. This led to many deciding to lay a claim to the fallen Capo's fortune that was valued at billions of lira's. At the same time, Polpo's former lieutenant Bicciarati who had hid the fortune sought to claim it in order to position himself as the new Capo of that part of the gang.

Bucciarati and his team were subsequently tasked by the Boss to protect Trish from Squadra Esecuzioni and bring her to Venice. Team Bucciarati managed to defeat and kill all but one man of the assassination team and brought Trish to Venice to meet her father. During the meeting with the Boss, Bucciarati was shocked to discover that the Passione leader had no intention of reuniting with his daughter but rather to eliminate her in order to maintain his own secrecy. Bruno thus turned against the Boss and barely managed to survive where the majority of Team Bucciarati departed with him as they were declared traitors. The Boss then put out a call to all members of the Passione to find and eliminate the rogue members of Team Bucciarati. Team Bucciarati under Trish's counsel went to Sardinia to investigate the Boss's past, defeating the members of Diavolo's Guard Squad sent after them, and forcing him to personally intervene. In Sardinia, Diavolo defeated the last member of the assassination team, Risotto Nero, and also killed Leone Abbacchio, whose rewinding powers enabled him to uncover past events. Fortunately, Abbacchio had successfully recreated a negative of Diavolo's face and handprints. Team Bucciarati's search for the Boss' identity caught the attention of Polnareff, and he proposed that they meet in Rome to acquire the Arrow, which would unlock a power enable to defeat Diavolo.

It was later discovered that Team Bucciarati began to make their way towards Rome with Diavolo ordering Cioccolata and Secco to eliminate them. Despite their efforts, they failed and Team Bucciarati made their way to the Coliseum but were unaware that Diavolo himself had followed them to the structure. From there, he came to learn that the rogue Passione members had intended to acquire one of the Stand creating Arrows from the still alive Jean Pierre Polnareff and use its power to defeat the Boss. Diavolo thus sought to stop them and acquire the Stand Arrow for himself in order to attain its power. Ultimately, he was defeated by the efforts of Team Bucciarati though many of its members were slain in the process. In the aftermath, Giorno Giovanna came to establish himself as the new Boss of the Passione criminal organization with its members swearing loyalty to him.


In appearance, Passione was a large criminal organization organised into multiple cells with each consisting of a team ranging from 6-12 members that were headed by a Capo (幹部 Kanbu, lit. executives). The Capo controlled a set territory and managed certain activities within the gang whilst being propped by loyal lieutenants. Passione teams were also divided into certain activities such as assassination or drug running. The ultimate leader of the organization was the Boss (ボス Bosu) whose identity was kept a secret and known only to their closely trusted right hand man that was the Consiglieri (参謀 Sanshou). When a lieutenant died, it was customary for their subordinates to attend their funeral. Afterwards, the next lieutenant was chosen by another lieutenant from among said subordinates who performed a task greatly beneficial to the gang as a whole, for instance bringing several billions of liras' worth of jewels.

When operating in the city, Passione members disliked drawing attention to themselves as it made them at risk of assassination and thus operated publicly as civilians with some even maintaining a source of employment as a cover for their operations.

Members were required to donate 50% of their profits to the organization whilst they retained the remaining 50% for themselves.

Passione possessed a high number of Stand users despite having less than one thousand members, due to their harsh recruiting test. In order to join, one must be approved by a lieutenant in the gang through an interview.


  • Diavolo : the mysterious Boss of the Passione whose name and Stand were unknown to anyone with him making great efforts to eliminate anyone that could expose his identity.
  • Vinegar Doppio :
  • Bruno Bucciarati : dark haired former lieutenant of the Capo Polpo and leader of Team Bucciarati. After Polpo's death, he became the Capo's replacement and was tasked with escorting Trish Una to the Boss. However, he became a traitor after learning the Boss wanted to kill his own daughter.
  • Guido Mista :
  • Leone Abbacchio :
  • Giorno Giovanna :
  • Narancia Ghirga :
  • Pannacotta Fugo :
  • Luca :
  • Polpo :
  • Mario Zucchero :
  • Sale :
  • Formaggio :
  • Illuso :
  • Prosciutto :
  • Pesci :
  • Melone :
  • Ghiaccio :
  • Risotto Nero :
  • Squalo :
  • Tiziano :
  • Carne :
  • Cioccolata :
  • Secco :
  • Pericolo :
  • Sorbet :
  • Gelato :


  • Passione was created by Hirohiko Araki where it featured in the setting of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe in Golden Wind.

In other media


  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Passione appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.

Video games


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind:

External Links

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