Giorno Giovanna

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Giorno Giovanna and his Stand Gold Experience.

Giorno Giovanna is a male anime and manga character who features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.



From childhood to teenage years.

Haruno Shiobana (Japanese: 汐華 初流乃, Hepburn: Shiobana Haruno) was the son of Dio Brando and a Japanese woman who had encountered him around 15 years ago where she became enchanted by him. Unlike other women he met, Shiobana survived and became pregnant with his child when she was young and gave birth to his son in 1985. By this point, she had returned to her home in Japan where she preferred a life of partying and fun rather than being a mother thus leaving her child often alone in the apartment. This led to Haruno at 2 years old living in a fear and alone in the dark with him too scared to even cry as his mother neglected him. When he was 4 years old, his other had met an Italian man who she came to marry with her and her son moving to Italy as a result as they became Italian scientists. Upon moving, he was renamed Giorno Giovanna (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ Joruno Jobāna) where the quiet boy began to live in the new country as his stepfather seemed initially kind to him. However, every time his mother was out, his stepfather would beat him and treat him cruelly whilst other children treated him cruelly leaving the young Giorno having a low opinion of himself. One day, he came upon a wounded man who was bleeding and being chased by others where they asked Giorno if he had seen where their quarry had gone. Giorno felt the wounded man was a kindred spirit and lied to his attackers by directing them elsewhere thus saving the man's life. It was eventually learnt that the man was a member of the Mafia who was indebted to Giorno and said he would never forget his kindness. Afterwards, the Mafia man used all his connection and resources to make Giorno's life better such as causing him stepfather to treat him nicely, having the other children treat him well and even food stands giving him free food. As he grew older, he developed a mysterious ability which affected his own body as it caused his hair to turn a golden yellow in colour.

On 29th March 2001, he was 15 years old when he operated as a petty thief who worked at the Naples airport region. During this time, he encountered a short Japanese man named Koichi Hirose who witnessed Giorno show off his famous trick of stuffing his entire ear into his ear canal. During this time, Giorno offered Koichi a ride as an illegal taxi with Hirose agreeing due to a large queue for taxis. However, Giorno used this opportunity to steal the luggage after Koichi put it into the vehicle where he attempted to get away only for Hirose to use his Stand power to stop the vehicle. Giovanna gave a sly smile and managed to escape whilst using Gold Experience's power to turn Koichi's luggage into a frog that would seek him out. Afterwards, he encountered Koichi attempting to find him to recover his luggage causing Giorno to flee where he used his Stand's ability to escape. He was then confronted by 'Leaky Eyes' Luca who called the area around the airport his territory and that Giorno having operated there had not paid him for working in the region. Luca noticed the frog that Giovanna had with him and attempted to kill it to make a point and was unaware of the creature's nature. After hitting it with a lethal blow, the attack was reflected back at Luca who was killed as a result as Gold Experience's power reflected the attack on the frog back at the attacker. He left the scene and the body remained behind with Giorno taking the train sometime later when he was confronted by a stranger named Bruno Bucciarati. He was a mob member of Passione who had been told of the death of Leaky Eye Luca and was attempting to find his killer. Bruno came to believe that Giorno was responsible with the two battling when they revealed their respective Stands. At first with the advantage, Bucciarati was unprepared for the abilities of Gold Experience that affected his senses and he was forced to escape. He attempted to use his Sticky Fingers Stand to escape but Giorno managed to find him but Giovanna decided against killing him as he felt that Bruno was a good man. Instead, Giorno wanted to rise in the mob and displace its leader as he felt the boss was engaging in unsavoury practices that caused people to suffer. Thus, Giovanna reasoned that Bruno disagreed with the bosses methods and offered the two to work together in bringing his fall. Bruno decided to ally with Giorno and not reveal his part in the death of Luca with him telling Giovanna to meet the local Capo who lived in the prison in order to petition for membership into Passione.

Giorno is directed to a prison, where he meets a lieutenant of Passione known as Polpo. Despite being in prison, Polpo, remained an active capo inPassione where he appeared satisfied and safe inside his cell and had somehow obtained a number of possessions that kept him busy. When questioned about what the most important quality in a person is, Giorno initially tells him that it might be talent. However, Polpo claims that it is actually trust that is most important. Polpo, snacking on wine and crackers, appears to actually bite off and eat his own fingers, something that confuses Giorno before his fingers mysteriously reappear. Polpo gives Giorno a lit lighter and tells him to keep the flame from going out for 24 hours in order to join the gang. Giorno encounters his first obstacle when trying to leave the prison, as the guards order him to partake in another body check even though he was not allowed to accept anything from the prisoner. Initially burning his hand to hide the lighter while being patted down, he uses Gold Experience's ability to transform the lighter into a flower, the flame hidden in the petal bud, when the prison guard makes him open his hands. The guard ultimately allows Giorno to leave with the unassuming flower. Returning to his middle school and ignoring other students as well as the janitor, Giorno successfully reaches his student dorm. At first, he attempts to keep the lighter in a loaf of bread and surrounds it with books and such, in order to keep it stable and the flame safe from moving air. However, Koichi manages to find Giorno's dorm and attempts to break in in order to get his passport back, forcing Giorno to hide outside the window. In an effort to keep Koichi from discovering and putting out the lighter, he transforms his ceiling light into a snake, which burns itself trying to grab the lighter. Luckily enough, Koichi actually finds his passport, allowing Giorno to swiftly steal the lighter and escape while he was distracted. Walking down a flight of stairs, the janitor from before accidentally splashes the lighter and extinguishes the flame while cleaning the stairs. As Giorno tries to figure out what to do, the janitor relights the lighter for him, causing him to notice the oddity of the test: What is the point of the test if the person being tested could freely extinguish and re-light the lighter without Polpo knowing.

However, once the lighter is re-lit, Polpo's Stand Black Sabbath appears. It attacks the janitor for having re-lit the lighter, testing him by stabbing his soul with the Arrow. As the janitor was unworthy of possessing a Stand, he perishes without injury. The Stand then turns its attention to Giorno who saw the lighter being re-lit, and he attempts to dodge its grasp. Black Sabbath, grabbing Giorno's shadow, forcibly pulls out Gold Experience and tries to stab it with the Arrow. Gold Experience deeply injures its hand simply grabbing the Arrow, allowing Giorno to conclude that a direct stab is guaranteed to be fatal. Giorno, realizing that Polpo is a person that would kill innocent bystanders, resolves to defeat Black Sabbath. Breaking free of the enemy Stand's grasp by performing a reversal and punching it, Giorno figures out it can travel quickly within shadows. Koichi enters the scene, claiming that he saw the lighter being re-lit as well. This causes Black Sabbath to target him instead. To save Koichi, Giorno turns the railing into morning glories that hang, eliminating the shade and forcing Black Sabbath to retreat. The two settle their differences and decide to work together to beat the enemy Stand. Giorno tries to move to an area with more sunlight, but Black Sabbath uses the shadows or birds to move to the shadow of a tree and proceeds to get a vice-grip on Giorno's ankles. When Koichi tries to use 3 Freeze on Black Sabbath, it only results in Giorno's ankles nearly breaking. Before he could have Echoes cancel the effect, Giorno tells Koichi that his ability is actually just what he needed; with Black Sabbath trapped, Gold Experience proceeds to accelerate the life of the tree whose shadow was housing the Stand, causing it to wither and crumble. With no shadow to keep it safe from sunlight, Black Sabbath was eliminated. The next day, Giorno meets Polpo again, who accepts him within Passione, hoping to use Giorno as another tool. However, in retaliation for Polpo killing the janitor and 'insulting his life', Giorno transforms a gun into a banana, leading to Polpo shooting himself when he tries to eat it.

Giorno then becomes the newest member of Team Bucciarati, composed of five members including Bucciarati himself. When brought to meet the rest of the members in a restaurant, Giorno introduces himself but was coldly ignored by the others. He was then pressured into drinking a cup of 'tea' which was actually the urine of one of the members, Leone Abbacchio. He earned the group's proper attention and awe by doing so without hesitation, having discreetly turned one of his teeth into jellyfish made of 98% water to absorb all of the liquid. After Polpo's death, the seat of Passione lieutenant becomes available. Bucciarati takes the group on a boat to Capri IslandW to retrieve Polpo's hidden fortune of 6 billion yen in order to court the Passione higher-ups and get Polpo's position. During the trip, the group faces Mario Zucchero, another Passione member looking for the treasure, and his mysterious Stand. Although Giorno's teammates are going missing one by one, Giorno manages to deduce that everyone was alive. Before the distrustful Abbacchio, Giorno allows himself to be attacked and captured by the enemy Stand in order to both help him reveal its ability and convince him to reveal his own Stand, Moody Blues. A fly transformed from Narancia Ghirga's shoe by Gold Experience enables Abbacchio and Bucciarati to track the captured members and figure out the secret behind the enemy Stand and defeat it and its user. Upon discovering that their rival gangster has a partner who ran ahead to Capri Island, Giorno and another member of the gang, Guido Mista, go ahead of the rest on an inner-tube-turned-fish to clear the way, in which Giorno keeps track of Mista's movements and Mista encounters Sale. After Sale's defeat by Mista, the group encounters another capo named Pericolo, who has come at Bucciarati's request to take the money and subsequently raise Bucciarati to lieutenant rank. They then receive their first mission: to protect Trish Una, the daughter of Passione's boss, from the traitors seeking to capture her in hopes of getting information on the Boss and using her as leverage against him.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Giorno was shown to be a white skinned male with an average height yet a slim and muscular build. In the past, his hair was once a dark and unkempt but after gaining his Stand it changed to blonde where he arranged it into a short, braided tail along with three distinctive oversized curls arranged in a row over his forehead.

Giorno's childhood was filled with unhappiness and loneliness due to bullies and the abuse by his stepfather. During his early childhood, he was initially cold and uncaring towards anyone and believed himself to be scum just for the way people treated him. Those that knew him easily thought he'd grow up to become a twisted individual. This changed when he befriended an injured gangster he saved. As the man protected Giorno from those that did him wrong in return for his aid, he learned that he could trust people. Since then, he has become a more confident and solicitous person.

The life of neglected and abuse he received in his childhood had greatly impacted on Giorno's self-esteem to the point that he felt he was nothing but scum at the bottom of life's hierarchy. It was said that had this continued he would have gone into a life of petty crime that would have led to his eventual death. This changed upon him saving a Mafia man who looked out for him during his childhood and influenced his mindset in his adult years. Giorno came to see the Mafia as not being criminals but a noble force in society that did things that corrupt politicians or blind police were not capable of accomplishing. Thus, he never saw them as petty criminals but that there was a nobility behind them. He also had a dim view of criminals selling drugs to women and children with this being the same view held by the Mafia man he saved. It was for this reason that when he became a teenager that he sought to become a "Gang-Star" and the leader of the mob as he felt its leader was using them to hurt people instead of being a force for good. Unlike typical mafia bosses, he wanted to give divested riches to the poor, giving him an agenda similar to Robin Hood. He eventually influences all of Passione except their Boss, who later became their worst enemy.

One aspect of his persona was his incredible resolve where he was able to see through a situation until its very end. Giorno's resolve is such that in the heat of battle, he is frequently willing to allow himself to be injured if it leads to an advantageous situation. An ambitious individual, he readily takes any occasion to achieve his final goal of becoming a "Gang-Star". Upon beginning to cooperate with Passione gangster Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno wastes no time in infiltrating the gang and steadily works his way up the ranks. His assassination of Polpo was partially a way to get a promotion for Bucciarati. Later, Giorno also tried to personally approach the Boss of Passione, and planned to plant a tracking device on him.

He was shown to carry a picture of his father DIO in his wallet.

Similar to his biological father, he was shown to have a battle cry where he shouted the words, "Muda Muda Muda Muda...Muda!" (Translation: Useless Useless Useless Useless... Useless!). In some cases, he was shown to shout out "WRYYYYYY!" during some of his fights.

Powers and abilities

Giorno had inherited his own Stand ability from birth though he was unaware of it for many years initially with him subconsciously calling upon it in times of need. Such was the case when as a child he subconsciously caused plants to grow around an injured Mafia man to hide him from his pursuers. His own Stand was known as Gold Experience (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス, Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu) that took the form of a golden being that had the power of changing inorganic objects into living organisms or enhance the growth of life in an area. He could cause plants to grow high allowing him a means of escape or he could initially transform an object into a small animal such as frogs, snakes, flies or even plants that were under his control. Thus, he could turn say luggage into a frog that would seek him out or turn a ceiling light along with its wires into a snake that responded to his commands. If the animal was attacked, then any such blow or damage was reflected back on the attacker. As such, a fatal strike instead of killing the animal ended up killing the perpetrator. Gold Experience also had another ability in its Stand form where its ability to impart life could extend to other living beings. The Stand could essentially overload the senses of an attacker and cause them to go berserker as their thought processes accelerated far faster than normal. As such, those strike by Gold Experience with this power could experience an out of body experience where they thought far faster than their body was capable of responding. This caused an attack to lose temporal coordination of their bodies as their body could not catch up with their thought processes. His power allowed him to heal both himself and others.

Inspired by Baby Face's ability to transform body parts into inert cubes, Giorno discovered that he could do the reverse and create singular body parts and organs out of inorganic matter and assimilate them into the body of an injured individual. Thus he is able to heal gruesome wounds through various means, though Giorno noted that this ability isn't actually healing, just replacing what has been damaged. In one instance, he transforms bullets into the very flesh that they pierced and grew back one of his hands out of a brooch. The process of replacing lost organs and flesh with created ones was noted to be painful, although neither Giorno nor Narancia react when this ability is used on them, with only Mista feeling any sort of pain from the process when Giorno heals him.

After being pierced by the Arrow, Giorno's Stand came to evolve into a Requiem Stand where it came to be known as Gold Experience Requiem (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・レクイエム, Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu Rekuiemu). It came to gain new abilities far beyond its base form where it could turn anything back to a state of 'zero'. Thus, an opponent's attack and willpower was turned back with them being reset back to zero as a result of its ability. Those that were killed by the Stand were also affected by this power as the reset meant that they continuously experienced their moment of death where they died only to return to the point of 'zero' and experienced it again. Giorno himself said that he was unsure about the exact workings of his Requiem Stand which seemingly had a consciousness of its own.

He was shown as being a skilled thief as he was able to steal a large number of items from a person without the owner being aware. Another trait he had was the unusual ability to stuck his entire ear into his skin which he used as a trick to entertain people.


  • Giorno Giovanna was created by Hirohiko Araki where he featured in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Vento Aureo universe.

In other media


Video games

  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, Giorno Giovanna appeared in the setting of the 2015 fighting adventure video game where he was voiced by actor Daisuke Namikawa.


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: "Vento Aureo"

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