Queen Atomia

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Queen Atomia is a female comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




Golden Age

Queen Atomia

She set forth in building a new universe leading to Atom World appearing on Earth where it headed to the site of a recent bomb detonation. Atom World attempted to absorb the fragments of radiation but their plot was foiled by Wonder Woman and the Amazons. She then had her Neutron Slaves move Atom World into some water where they attacked the water molecules to create radioactive vapours that caused the Amazons studying them to fall unconscious. It was then that her Proton servants shrunk Wonder Woman and the others bringing them to Atom World where they were placed into an Electronic-Corroder in order to turn them into Neutron Slaves. (Wonder Woman v1 #21)

Silver Age



Personality and attributes

In appearance, Queen Atomia was was a beautiful red-haired woman who wore majestic green clothes that highlighted her status. (Wonder Woman v1 #21)

Powers and abilities

Atomia was noted for being a telepath and could project vibrations that allowed her to control the brainless to serving her. (Wonder Woman v1 #21)

She was the ruler of U-235 Atom World where she was tended to by her female followers that resembled red Protons whilst she had a legion of robotic slaves that resembled blue Neutrons. They were able to use capto-magnets to pull people from the normal world into their planetoid. Her brain was said to be the most powerful force on her world allowing her to telepathically control the Neutron Slaves. However, it also meant that those with powerful minds could also command the Neutron Slaves through telepathic waves. (Wonder Woman v1 #21)


  • Queen Atomia was created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter where she made her first appearance in Wonder Woman v1 #21 (January, 1947).


  • Wonder Woman v1: (1947)

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