Relena Peacecraft

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Relena Peacecraft is a female character that features in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.

Template:Nihongo (also known as Template:Nihongo), a fictional character, is one of the central characters and the female lead in the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and its various spinoffs. She is the younger sister of Miliardo Peacecraft.




Relena is a rather complex character, one who changes throughout the Gundam Wing series. If Milliardo is to be considered the Gundam Wing counterpart to Char Aznable, then she would be the perfect counterpart for Sayla Mass. She begins the series as a lonely young woman, hiding her true feelings behind a mask of detached politeness. Her initial encounters with Heero Yuy, possibly the first truly honest person she's ever met, lead to her casting off her routine life in order to understand the alien world from which the young Gundam pilot comes.

As the series progresses, Relena does her best to become more worldly and knowledgeable, despite the fact that she is still a fifteen-year-old girl. Given the responsibilities of leading a nation, and then the entire world, Relena was forced to grow up rather quickly; as a result, when she appears in the movie Endless Waltz, she displays an incredible amount of confidence and competence for someone her age.

There are several elements of Relena's character which remain constant, however. One is her idealism; once she learns of her true heritage as a Peacecraft, she does all she can to bring her father's ideal of total pacifism to the world, no matter how many people consider her naïve and how utterly hard it is to bring their theories to the practice. Similarly, Relena is portrayed as very compassionate, always looking out for the well-being of others before her own. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Relena has a fiery determination and bravery that she brings to everything she believes in. When her homeland is under attack, she refuses to back down even as enemies attack the very building she is standing in, but finally gives in when she realizes that innocent people are being hurt in the crossfire. In Endless Waltz, she risks death by stealing one of the enemy force's broadcasts to urge the citizens to stand up to the invaders. When staring down the barrel of Dekim Barton's pistol, she defiantly declares that she's prepared to die for her beliefs if need be.

Relena is often portrayed as an intellectual; she is well-read and enjoys chess. A conversation with Pagan early on suggests that she is a fan of suspense-thriller novels.



Relena was born in April 7, AC 180, and is the daughter of Sanc Kingdom rulers, King Peacecraft and his wife, Queen Katrina, who adopted the original Heero Yuy's "Total Pacifism" beliefs for Earth. But in AC 182, the Sanc Kingdom was attacked by the United Earth Sphere Alliance, crushing the Peacecraft monarchy. Vice Foreign Minister Darlian, a friend of the Peacecrafts, eventually adopted Relena, and she was renamed Relena Darlian.

Gundam Wing: Episode Zero

In the year AC 191, 11-year-old Relena attends The St. Gabriel Academy. There, she would meet an unnamed boy (who is assumed to be Heero Yuy). Later on, her home city would be under attack, and she was then held hostage by an unnamed assailant, until she was rescued by Zechs Merquise (which Relena, at that time, isn't aware that he is her older brother). Zechs, having abandoned the Peacecraft name, introduced himself as the "Prince of the Stars", and walked away. The next day, the unknown boy is gone before Relena could introduce herself to him. (This is where her quote, "My name is Relena Darlian, what's yours?", came from in the first episode of the TV series.) Rumors that spread around the school said that the orphaned boy was part of the attack on a base near the town.

Gundam Wing

During a shuttle flight with Vice Foreign Minister Darlian, Relena witnesses a battle between Wing Gundam and a Leo mobile suit. She then goes to the Gundam's crash site, and is shocked to discover that the pilot is a boy who is the same age as her. Before she can know who he is, the boy flees the scene, stealing an ambulance. Back at her school, Relena discovers that the new student (who introduces himself as Heero Yuy) is the same pilot whom she met earlier. Later on, she tries to invite Heero to her birthday party, but Heero tears up the invitation, and threatens to kill her.

Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian is grievously injured in an assassination attempt by Lady Une, and as he lays dying, he tells Relena that he is not her real father, and that her real father is King Peacecraft. She is then saved by Doctor J's (Heero's trainer) workers, and upon meeting him, she learns the truth about Heero Yuy.

Relena intervenes during a rematch between Heero and Zechs at Antarctica, but Lucrezia Noin tells her the truth about Zechs; that he is actually her older brother, Milliardo Peacecraft. After that, before they are forced to escape, Zechs asks Noin to protect Relena.

After the fight, Relena and Noin (now Relena's advisor) move to the reconstituted Sanc Kingdom. Aside from her regular duties as the ruler, Relena opens a school where she can teach her family's beliefs. She gains three more students: Heero, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Dorothy Catalonia, the granddaughter of Romerfeller head Duke Dermail.

Despite it being a neutral nation, the Sanc Kingdom is once again under attack by the Romefeller Foundation, and, despite the best efforts of Noin, Quatre, Heero, and the Maganac Corps, Relena is forced to surrender to Romefeller and dissolve the country. She is then taken into Romefeller custody, and is given an offer to become the new head representative of Romefeller. Relena accepts, taking on the title as the "Queen of the World". In her first act, Queen Relena announces the dissolution of all the national borders, and unifies the Earth as the World Nation. Suddenly, she is shocked to learn that Zechs Merquise is the new leader of the colonial rebel faction, White Fang, and that he officially declared war on the World Nation. After the declaration, former Romefeller leader Treize Khushrenada returns, and asks Relena to resign from her position; she accepts, on the condition that she goes to space to personally confront her brother.

In space, Relena confronts Zechs and tries to talk some sense into him, but he does not want to listen to her, and she is instead held captive inside the Libra, White Fang's space station. She is found by Heero, and again, they confront Zechs. After that, Relena is sent to the World Nation's asteroid base, MO-2, where she witnesses the final fight between Heero and Zechs.

At the end of the Eve Wars, Relena becomes the Vice-Foreign Minister of the new Earth-Sphere Unified Nation. On her shuttle, she sees a teddy bear and a card left by a worker. She discovers that the worker was Heero, and after tearing up his card, she smiles at him.


Though she does not actually appear in G-Unit, references are made to Relena by Dr. Berg, the inventor of the titular machines. Berg mentions that with the Romefeller Foundation being led by "that Peacecraft girl", he will have to act independently from now on.

Gundam Evolve

Relena has an unspoken cameo appearance in Gundam Evolve 7, as the mysterious visitor who is listening to Doctor J's story during his imprisonment.

Endless Waltz

In Endless Waltz, Relena, now the Vice Foreign Minister for the Earth Sphere Unified Nation, is abducted by Barton Foundation representatives while attending a meeting at the L3 Colony, X-18999. She meets Mariemaia Khushrenada (who ordered the kidnapping), who is planning to use Relena's influence with the people for her plans to rule the Earth. During the fight against the Mariemaia Army in Brussels, Belgium, Relena admits to Mariemaia that she gave up the Peacecraft name, and explained that what is needed now is the heart to hope for peace, and that hatred would lead to more hatred. After the battle finally ends, Relena once again resumes her duties as the Vice Foreign Minister, starting the Terra Formation Project, which Preventer Agents Zechs and Lucrezia Noin are working on.


Relena - or at least very Relena-like character - make appearances in several other Gundam series. In Gundam X episode 15 "I Wonder if There's A Heaven?", Roybea Roy visits several of his old girlfriends while on leave from the Freeden. The second girlfriend he meets with looks and acts a lot like Relena, and as Roybea looks her up in his little black book afterwards, says a line similar to Heero's famous "Mission completed." In SD Gundam Force, the character of Lacroa's Princess Lily is heavily based on Relena. Her full name, Lilijimarna Miya Do Lacroa (sometimes spelled as "Relehimana"), references Relena, her Japanese voice actor (Akiko Yajima), and her brother Milliardo. Though Lily looks a good bit like a young Relena, her personality is a bit different, being more aggressive and scheming, even going so far as attempting to cheat in a game of shogi played against the villain Kibaohmaru.

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