Sasha Hammer

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Sasha Hammer in Invincible Iron Man v2 #30.

Sasha Hammer is a female comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




Sasha Hammer

At some point, she and Ezekiel were arranging for the transformation of human beings into living bombs with candidates being selected to undergo the bio-modification. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #1)

She was present in a limousine waiting for Ezekiel after he massacred the board of the Jones-Reynolds corporation. Sasha expressed concern for Stane after he jumped from the Jones World corporate HQ skyscraper in New York City where she chastised him for not taking more safe measures at exiting the 44-story building. Though he apologised, he was quite content with his bio-augments with Sasha telling him to rest as they had their next meeting with Tony Stark in a week's time. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #1) Afterwards, she and Stane met another one of their clients who was sponsoring their work in creating living bombs for terrorist operations around the world. In this case, she helped in the bio-augmentation procedure that was being performed to the candidates supplied to them. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #2) Later on, Stane decided to meet with Stark during an event at one of his corporate office buildings when it was struck by living bomb terrorists that destroyed the building. Ezekiel came to be badly wounded but his augmentation allowed him to survive and make a quick recovery in the hospital. Sasha came to be waiting for him where she was ready to collect him once his body had fully healed. Waiting by the car, she then asked about how the progress of his enhanciles had been with Ezekiel being somewhat frustrated at the limitations of the human body. At an unknown location, she checked up on Zeke as he created a new displacement suit that handled the excess head generated by the enhanciles in his body. With this complete, he felt that he was ready to finally have a direct confrontation with Tony Stark. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #3) With the last round of enhancements complete, the pair then met with various terrorist and criminal groups looking for augmented suicide bombers. The intention was to coordinate their activities against Tony Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. with this leading to a concerted strike against four Stark Industries factories. However, much of their salvage had been used up with Sasha making calls to gather more supplies for their efforts. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #4) Sasha would later provide comm support and help in the coordination in the strike against Stark Industries where she helped Zeke as he infiltrated one of the sites. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #5) In a fight against Iron Man, Ezekiel seemingly killed the Armored Avenger but it turned out to be a remotely piloted Iron Man Armor with others being sent to deal with the bomb squads sent by Stane at the Stark Industries facilities. This led to Zeke telling Sasha to have the bomb squads to detonate before they were intercepted. Despite their efforts though, their plans were thwarted and Zeke was defeated as well as captured by Tony Stark in their next fight. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #6)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Sasha Hammer was a human woman with East Asian features who had long black hair that she kept up in a pony-tail. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #1)

At some point, Sasha came to be involved with Ezekiel Stane where she came to care for his wellbeing. During their interactions, she came to refer to him by his nickname of Zeke. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #1) She commented that Zeke was the weirdest boyfriend she had ever had in her life. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #6)

Powers and abilities

It was shown that she was skilled enough to assist Ezekiel Stane in bio-augmentation procedures. (Invincible Iron Man v2 #2)


  • Sasha Hammer was created by Matt Fraction and Barry Kitson where she made her first appearance in Invincible Iron Man v2 #1 (July, 2008).

In other media


  • In Iron Man: Armored Adventures, a woman with short white hair by the name of Sasha appeared in the animated television series where she was voiced by actress Paula Lindberg. The black shades wearing woman served as the personal assistant of Justin Hammer where she assisted him in his various schemes. When Hammer's criminal schemes are finally made public and Justin was taken down, she was disappointed that she would not get her promised promotion.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Sasha Hammer was mentioned in the animated television series third season Ultron Revolution in the episode "The Conqueror". She was listed as a competitor of Stark Industries with her making new recent innovations compared to Tony Stark.


  • In Iron Man: Rise of Technovore, Sasha Hammer appeared in the setting of the anime film where she was voiced by Japanese actress Houko Kuwashima and by English actress Tara Platt in the dub. She was an associate of Ezekiel Stane who carried with her Thus Spoke Zarathustra where she quoted passages from the book. Though she rarely did anything to assist Stane to change the world with "The Wind" she was shown to gives him advice.


  • Invincible Iron Man v1: (2008)

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