Sentinel Services (Marvel)

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Sentinel Services.

Sentinel Services is an agency that features in Marvel Comics.




Sentinel Services was a law enforcement agency established in the modern age by the United States government in the wake of growing tensions with Mutants. It was officially part of the United States Department of Defense and a division of the Department of Mutant Affairs that was tasked with protecting the nation against Mutant threats. It was created several years ago after constant battles between warring Mutant groups resulted in many innocent humans being caught in the crossfire. This led to the public demanding something be done to contain the Mutant threat with the government responding leading to the amended Patriot Act. This provided wide-ranging and sweeping powers to the newly formed Sentinel Services with little oversight allowing them to violate civil rights and abduct or detain Mutants without the need of a warrant or lawyer if the subject was a danger to the community. In response, the Mutant communities began to operate in hiding and established safe houses that were managed by the Mutant Underground.

During the prison transfer, the division deployed a Mutant operative from the Hound Program as part of the convoy with this being Pulse who had the ability to disrupt other Mutant powers. The Underground later staged an operation looking to free Polaris and Reed Strucker from the prison transport but faced complication due to Pulse's abilities. This saw Thunderbird knocking out the Hound allowing the rest of his team mates to achieve the objective and escape. As a result, the Underground sought further information on the Hounds and kidnapped Agent Jace Turner where Dreamer attempted to probe his memories. Sentinel Services came upon the building they were hiding to retrieve their agent and the Mutants fled which disrupted the memory retrieval process. As a result, Agent Turner had forgotten the memory that his daughter had died and was traumatised once more upon meeting his wife with him re-experiencing the loss of his child. Agent Turner then returned to Sentinel Services where he became committed to shutting down the Underground and arresting them though faced some opposition from people in the division as the felt he had been clouded by his anger. However, Turner contacted Rory Campbell who used his influence in Washington to place Agent Turner back into the field and in charge of an operation to destroy the Underground.

Agent Turner determined that the Underground intended to strike at a power substation near Trask Industries headquarters. As such, he prepared a full armed response that included a Sentinel robot which ambushed the Underground members infiltrating the facility leading to them apprehending four Mutants.


Their mandate meant that they were capable of arresting a Mutant but only if they were a threat to the community. Thus, being a Mutant was not deemed as being a crime but the sudden flare up of their abilities could see Sentinel Services agents being deployed. It was said that typically when sent after young Mutants whose powers first manifested that they often intercepted the children when their parents were picking them up from school.

Officially, their mission was to leverage their leadership position in genetic research to keep all American citizens safe. This included detected the Mutant gene and defend against such individuals before any harm could be made to ordinary humans. To achieve that goal, they offered testing that was considered the only proven screening method in the world in finding carriers of the X-Gene. Despite the mandate, it was subject to the rule of law and could only conduct arrests if they had a warrant with any unauthorised manoeuvres being considered a gross violation of their authority. This could see legal teams bring about court orders from the Supreme Court to censure any activity conducted by Sentinel Services.

Agents were the typical face of the agency with them being deployed into the field. They were dispatched with investigating and apprehending suspects that were taken for questioning. In more serious cases, armed teams could be deployed when there was a threat of Mutants acting aggressively. Captured suspects were taken for interrogation where they were taken in for questioning. This often saw ordinary humans being taken if they were related to a Mutant and being coerced into aiding the division. Any captured Mutants were taken to prison with them being equipped with devices that deprived them the use of their abilities.

They had a range of equipment available to them in the completion of their goals.

Teams could be equipped with immobilization rounds that were capable of paralyzing a target without causing much physical harm. Captured Mutants were outfitted with special collars designed to shock them to prevent them from using their abilities. Another tool were the robotic Sentinels that resembled small spheres with numerous mechanical tentacles that operated as legs. When deployed, the machines rapidly moved across the landscape to find Mutants where they latched onto their target to immobilise them. They were shown as being highly durable able to survive numerous attacks from Mutant abilities and continue to function. Powerful attacks were capable of destroying these robots and shutting them down. Technicians were able to examine damage done to these robots and adapting them to better survive further such attacks against them.

It was known to liaise with private military contractors such as Trask Industries to get added support. Among the support included the use of the Hound Program that were Mutants brainwashed to serve as superhuman operatives to counter Mutant abilities. Hounds were addicted to drugs and sent into the field to operate as sleeper agents designed to wipe out Underground safehouses and to cause a mistrust of refugees. In the field, Hounds were simply referred to assets and were not seen as human beings.


  • Jace Turner : a senior male agent whose daughter was killed during a Mutant incident.


  • Sentinel Services was an original creation of The Gifted television show though its name was based on the robotic Sentinels from Marvel Comics X-Men.
  • A viral website was made for the agency that was used to promote the television show.


  • The Gifted:

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