Sly Leezard

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The treacherous Sly Leezard.

Sly Leezard was the mortal enemy of Kamikaze Kamo, a four-armed ninja duck. A Samurai Lizard, Sly sought to improve his standing within the ranks of the Samurai by conquering Canopis III, the homeworld of Kamo, and he had a plan to use special evaportation satellites which would reduce the watery Canopis to a dead, dry dustball in a matter of seconds. To do so, he acquired the services of a scientist, but Sly's short temper resulted in him accidentally killing the scientist during an arguement.

Bummed, Sly went to a bar on Sludge, where he encountered the Toad Air Marshall, fresh from being fired by KOMPLEX for his latest monumental blunder at Crystal. From the Air Marshall, Sly learned of the human Willy DuWitt, and the two kidnapped Willy and forced him to build the evaporation satellites for them. The Air Marshall was only helping Sly in the hopes that conquering Canopis III more or less all by himself would impress KOMPLEX enough that he could have his old job back, but Sly was unaware of this.

Problems came in the form of Deadeye Duck and Kamo, who infiltrated Sly's base, the Obelus. Kamo and Sly got into a swordfight in the lab following the loading of the satellites onto the Air Marshall's ship. They were ready for deployment and all Sly had to do was pull a lever. Kamo however knocked his sword away and had Sly at his mercy. Sly "surrendered" and gave Kamo his word of honor that he'd call off the launch, and Kamo, becaused a Samurai's word is unbreakable, allowed Sly to live. But Sly broke the Samurai code of honor and pulled the level anyway, launching the satellites over Canopis III.

Luckily, Willy had doublecrossed Sly and implanted self-destruct mechanisms in all the satellites, so Canopis III was saved. As for Sly, when the Supreme Commander learned he had broken their code of honor, he was taken captive by them and imprisoned.

Arcade Game

Sly was faced by the crew of the Righteous Indignation a few times while they were on Planet Rat. Whether this means he was cooperating with the Toad Empire or not remains to be seen.

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