Son Gohan
Son Gohan is a male anime and manga character who features in Dragon Ball.
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Dragon Ball Z
Son Gohan (Japanese: 孫そん悟ご飯はん, Hepburn: Son Gohan) was a male human/Saiyan hybrid who was born the son of Goku and Chi-Chi named (after some argument) after Goku's adoptive parent Grandpa Gohan.
When Gohan was only four, just as Goku introduced him to his friends, Goku's brother Raditz came to Earth. Kidnapping the boy in the hopes of forcing his father onto a more Saiyan-like course, Raditz instead wound up causing Gohan to manifest his power, badly hurting Raditz and giving Goku and Piccolo a chance to defeat him. After Goku sacrificed himself to kill Raditz, the Saiyan warrior revealed that his fellow Saiyans would be coming to Earth; Piccolo took Gohan into the wild, hoping to train him in the use of his power for their arrival.
Gohan and Piccolo eventually developed a kind of friendship, one that eventually led Piccolo to sacrifice himself to save Gohan from an attack from Nappa. Gohan was later instrumental in the defeat of Vegeta, and accompanied Krillin and Bulma as they travelled to Namek, eventually helping them in their battles against the forces of Frieza.
A year later, Gohan and Chi-Chi waited for Goku's safe return to Earth. However, things turn bad when the Z Fighters sensed Frieza heading towards Earth, along with another powerful being: his father, King Cold. Gohan and the Z Fighters regroup where Frieza and King Cold's spaceship is landing, at Northern Wastelands, but without Goku's help, the Earth appears to be doomed. However, when Frieza and King Cold land on Earth, they are confronted by a mysterious youth, who transforms into a Super Saiyan and easily destroys Frieza and King Cold along with their henchmen. After the fight, he tells the others to follow him to when and where Goku will be arriving. After waiting two hours, Goku arrives on Earth and he and the youth have a private talk. With the conversation over, the youth departed to his future, but promises to meet them again when the Androids arrive. During the next three years, Gohan trains hard with Goku and Piccolo to prepare for the Android threat. Three years later, the Z Fighters locate the Androids on an island nine miles southwest of South City. However, not wanting to fight in the city in fear of causing more damage after Gero had already destroyed half of the city, they fly to a wasteland so they can fight. Goku transforms into his Super Saiyan form and dominates Android 19, until the Saiyan contracts the heart virus Future Trunks warned him about three years prior, allowing Android 19 to gain the upper hand and steals some of Goku's energy. Goku, however, is saved by the arrival of Vegeta, who transforms into a Super Saiyan himself and easily destroys Android 19 while the Z Fighters watch in amazement. With Android 19 destroyed, Android 20 becomes scared and retreats, with the Z Fighters in pursuit. During the search, Piccolo is suddenly ambushed by Android 20, who attempts to steal the Namekian's energy and use it against Vegeta. Luckily, Piccolo telepathically contacts Gohan and tells him to come help him. Gohan soon arrives and knocks Dr. Gero down to the ground, saving Piccolo's life as the Z Fighters gather around. Piccolo then fights Android 20 alone and dominates the android with the strength he achieved from the last three years of intense training, cutting off one of Gero's hands. Future Trunks then comes back from the future and arrives on the battle field with the Z Fighters, only to discover that these Androids are not the ones in his future timeline. However, Android 20 manages to escape and the Z Fighters search for him while Gohan flies Bulma, Trunks, and Yajirobe back home to Capsule Corporation. Dr. Gero makes it back to his lab and activates two of his more powerful creations, Android 17 and Android 18. However, the Androids rebel and kill Dr. Gero and proceeded to activate another android, Android 16, whose sole purpose is to kill Goku. The Z Fighters battle the new Androids, only to be badly beaten as the Androids fly away to find and kill Goku.
Gohan later trained for the battle against the Androids, and later trained with his father in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to deal with the menace of Cell. During that time, Gohan became a Super Saiyan, and revealed a potential beyond that level to his father; leading to Goku's eventual decision to have Gohan battle Cell when he could not defeat the villain himself. However, it was only when Cell attacked his friends that Gohan unleashed his rage, ascending to the level of Super Saiyan 2 and thrashing Cell. However, in his enraged state, he took too long, taking a cruel joy in harming Cell, which gave Cell enough time to initiate a self-destruct; and forcing Goku to sacrifice himself to save Earth. A guilty Gohan was soon forced to battle Cell anew, as he regenerated into an even more powerful form. In the Kamehameha battle that resulted, Gohan was able to overwhelm and destroy Cell with the encouragement of his father from the Other World.
In the seven years that followed, his brother Goten was born, and Gohan allowed his training to slip as he pursued his mother's ambitions for him, eventually coming to attend Orange Star High School in Satan City. While there, he eventually felt a need to use his power responsibly but secretly, adopting the identity of the Great Saiyaman. Despite the silliness with which he played superhero, the Great Saiyaman became widely acclaimed.
However, his classmate Videl eventually discovered his true identity, and blackmailed him into entering the World Martial Arts Tournament, as well as teaching her how to fly. Gohan's entry eventually led several of his fellow Z Warriors to enter, and also lured Goku to return from the dead for a day to enter as well. As he trained with his brother and Videl, he and Videl began to become close. During the Tournament, Gohan nearly lost control when the vengeful Spopovitch brutally beat Videl during his match against her. Unfortunately, his dispaly of power made him a prime target for Spopovitch and Yamu. They ambushed him during his battle against Kibito and drained his energy (assisted by the Supreme Kai, who paralyzed him), using it to bring Majin Buu halfway to reawakening.
Gohan was healed by Kibito, and after an abortive attempt to destroy Buu, the Supreme Kai took him to the Planet of the Kais and trained him in the use of the Z Sword. The Kai's ancestor, the Elder Kai, helped him ascend to the "Mystic" state, causing Gohan to reach his maximum potential; despite that, he was defeated by Super Buu, who had the powers of Piccolo and Gotenks at his disposal. Gohan was absorbed by Buu, increasing his power even more, but was later freed by Goku and Vegeta.
After the Majin Buu battle ended, Gohan spent some more time as the Great Saiyaman, but eventually settled into the role of a scholar, with Videl as his wife; they had a daughter, Pan.
Dragon Ball Super
Personality and attributes
Whilst growing up, he came to use his powers to stop a crime leading to the public calling him the Golden Warrior. (金色の戦士, Kiniro no Senshi). As a masked superhero, he came to use the guise of the Great Saiyaman (グレートサイヤマン, Gurēto Saiyaman) to hide his true identity as he stopped crimes on Planet Earth.
Chi-Chi intended to raise Gohan as a scholar instead of a fighter, but fate had other plans.
After the battle with Cell, Gohan gives up martial arts to focus on his studies and only resumed his training at the behest of his little brother Goten. Although he acknowledged he had fallen out of practice and lacked the fighting expertise of his father and Vegeta, Gohan gave all that he had as he fought Majin Buu and was eager to kill Buu for murdering his family and friends. In the years to come, he continued to train on-and-off while having a career and being a family man. He marries Videl, with whom he fell in love despite her being Mr. Satan's daughter, and has a daughter named Pan. Gohan proves to be a loving husband and doting father who takes delight in lavishing his daughter with attention and affection.
Gohan was the son of Saiyan father Goku (孫そん悟空ごくう Son Gokū) and his wife an Earthling mother named Chi-Chi (チチ Chichi). As a young boy, his parents would have another son with this being Gohan's younger brother named Goten (孫そん悟ご天てん Son Goten).
As a child, he came to be kidnapped by Piccolo (ピッコロ, Pikkoro) who began training the youth to fight the Saiyans. This led to Gohan being trained to be a warrior where he learnt the necessary skills to fight powered opponents.
By adulthood, he came to be romantically interested in Videl (ビーデル, Bīderu) where the two came to bond over the time of the 25th Tenkaichi Budōkai. Whilst together, he came to help train her and learn techniques such as the ability to fly. The pair later came to be married where she birth to the couple's daughter who was named Pan (パン Pan).
Powers and abilities
Gohan's half-Saiyan, half-human nature gave him a inherently higher power than either of his parents, though it only manifested when threatened while Gohan was very small. Gohan was one of the most powerful beings in the universe, with combat skills learned from both Piccolo and Goku, and with such attacks as the Kamehameha and the Masenko Blast in his repertoire.
Initially, a young Gohan lacked any formal training but had a degree of hidden potential. He came to first learn to learn to use ki and fighting through training under Piccolo. Afterwards, he came to be a more seasoned warrior through battle. He would later spar with his father in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where he grew even stronger though Goku came to note that his son was even stronger with this being held back by mental barriers. This barrier would shatter during the Cell Games where seeing the death of Android 16 caused Gohan to lash out with his full power. However, after that point, he did not engage in further training and instead focused on his studies.
Among the techniques known by him included:
- Hidden Potential (秘めたる力 Himetaru Chikara, lit. "Hidden Power") :
- Masenko (魔閃光 Masenkō, lit. "Demon Flash/Glint") :
- Kamehameha (かめはめ波は Kamehameha) :
During his survival training under Piccolo, Gohan learned to wield the sword that Piccolo had created for him using Magic Materialization in self-defense and hunting. During his training under Shin, Gohan removed the legendary Z Sword from its resting place which he was eventually able to wield after getting used to its immense weight.
- Son Gohan was created by Akira Toriyama where he featured in the setting of the Dragon Ball universe.
Alternate Versions
- In an alternate timeline, Gohan appeared in the world that became Future Trunks' reality. He came to be the only Z Warrior left, who regularly battled against Android 17 and 18. He eventually trained Trunks, until he lost an arm and was slain by the Androids in a climactic battle.
- In Dragon Ball GT, Gohan appeared in the setting of the alternate reality continuity set many years after the defeat of Majin Buu. Gohan was possessed by Baby when the alien invaded, eventually being used to wound Vegeta so that the Tuffle creation could merge with him. Gohan remained a pawn of Baby until the alien was destroyed by Goku. Gohan's role during the crises that followed was much lesser, but still significant.
In other media
- In Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone, Son Gohan appeared in the setting of the non-canon anime film. As a child, Gohan was kidnapped by Garlic Junior, leading to the first widely seen unleashing of his power when he pushed Garlic into his own Dead Zone.
Video games
- In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Young Gohan and Adult Gohan appeared as playable characters in the setting of the fighting video game where he was voiced by Japanese actors Masako Nozawa and English actors Colleen Clinkenbeard and Kyle Hebert in the dub.
- Dragon Ball Z:
- Dragon Ball GT:
- Dragon Ball Super:
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