Spectre (Mass Effect)

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Spectre is an organization that features in Mass Effect.




The Special Tactics and Reconnaissance (Spectre) branch was founded in 693 CE by the Citadel Council in the time before the Krogan Rebellions. At the time, the Council was uneasy about the growing unchecked expansion of the Krogan into Citadel space and thus commissioned elite agents to act on their behalf. The Salarians Special Tasks Group served as the basis for the creation of the Spectres with their and the Asari huntresses finest being chosen for the role. Their task initially was to partly operate in an observational capacity and also as the first line of defense. When the Krogan turned on the Citadel, the Spectres were ready for them and utilised guerrilla tactics such as using computer viruses along with devastating sabotage to slow their foe down until the Turians joined the conflict. During these years, the activities of the Spectres was a deeply guarded secret of the Citadel until after the Krogan Rebellion when their role was made public.

After humanity's encounter with the Citadel, the Systems Alliance sought to have a greater say in shaping interstellar policy with the best way of achieving that was through having one of their own join the Spectres. Ambassador Anita Goyle and her successor Donnel Udina both headed efforts in getting a human chosen to join the Spectres as this would be the first step toward humanity gaining a seat on the Council. The first candidate for this initiative was David Anderson who was chosen where he went through a series of assessments by the Turian Spectre Saren Arterius. However, Arterius sabotaged the evaluation where he falsified reports in order to make Anderson seem responsible for casualties that were actually the result of Saren's own ruthless tactics in the mission. As a result, despite his efforts, Anderson ultimately failed in the evaluation and the Conuncil refused Anderson entry into the Spectres. Later, in 2183 CE, the Alliance made a further attempt at having the first human joining the Spectres with Commander Shepard being given this task. He was part of a mission to Eden Prime where he was being observed by Spectre agent Nihlus Kryik where they were to recover a Prothean beacon discovered on the planet. During the mission, the planet came under attack from the Geth with Nihlus being secretly killed by fellow Spectre Saren Arterius.

With the arrival of the Reapers, the normally independently working Spectres came to assemble into an elite unit that was able to operate in enemy lines without backup.


In appearance, they were elite military operatives that were granted authority to deal with threats to peace and ability by any means they deemed necessary. As agents from Office of Special Tactics and Reconnaissance, they were only answerable to the Citadel Council. In terms of organization, Spectres either operated independently or in groups of two-three. Their personalities varied as some operated as empathetic peacekeepers who resolved disputes through diplomacy whilst others were cold-blooded assassins who ruthlessly dispatched problematic individuals. Ultimately, their actions aimed to get their mission completed by any means necessary with this frequently leading to them operating outside galactic law. Assignment in the Spectres was less contentious compared to military deployment which showed that the Council was more about the situation. It was said that Spectres were not trained but rather chosen with these being individuals forged in the fire of service and battle where their actions elevated them above the rank and file.

When killed, a Spectre was stripped of their status after they were declared legally deceased. If alive, they could be reinstated but required proof of living such as appearing in person and passing biometric checks. However, if their title was never officially rescinded then all that was required was a Citadel Councilor's approval for full restoration of rights and privileges.

Membership into the ranks of the Spectres was open to any race though in practice they were typically selected from the races of the Citadel Council. A species having one of their members chosen to join the Spectres as seen as a means of raising their profile in the Council.

At the Citadel, the Spectre Office was located near the Citadel Embassies. The site contained a terminal allowing for operatives to view and take part in developing situations affecting Citadel politics as well as security. In addition, they could procure specialised equipment and items needed for missions. Furthermore, a Spectre could engage in weapon fire practice at the shooting range along with having a workbench to modify their armaments.


  • Saren Arterius :
  • Nihlus Kryik :
  • Shepard : a human who was selected to be the species first Spectre to join the Council where they uncovered the treachery of Saren Arterius and the existence of the Reapers.
  • Kaidan Alenko :
  • Ashley Williams :
  • Tela Vasir :
  • Jondum Bau : came to operate as the Spectres spokesperson during the Reaper War where he coordinated with the united forces in passing intelligence in battling the Reapers.
  • Avitus Rix :


  • Mass Effect:
  • Mass Effect II:
  • Mass Effect III:

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