Spheres of Power
From Multiversal Omnipedia
(Redirected from Sphere of Energy)
The Spheres of Power are one of five "alignments" to which the Immortals of Mystara are connected.
- The Sphere of Energy is the Sphere of Power that is favored by wizards and chaotic beings. Based in the element of Fire, the Sphere of Energy resists order and sameness, and emphasizes changeability and randomness.
- The Sphere of Entropy is the forbidden Sphere of Power that favors destroying everything to clear the way for the new. It is connected to the void, to nothingness, and is the Sphere of beings evil and nihilist.
- The Sphere of Matter is the Sphere of Power that is favored by fighters and lawful entities. Based in the element of Earth, the Sphere of Matter resists change, destruction, and decay, and emphasizes sameness and order.
- The Sphere of Thought is the Sphere of Power that is favored by thieves and philosophers of all alignments. Based in the element of Air, the Sphere of Thought believes in the purpose and meaning of all things, and seeks to know and understand all. They oppose the destruction wrought by Energy, the limitations of Matter, and force organization onto Time.
- The Sphere of Time is the Sphere of Power that is favored by priests and neutral entities. Based in the element of Water, the Sphere of Time embraces regulated change, as is brought about through the progress of time. It opposes any unordered change or any unchangeable order.