Starkiller Base

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Starkiller Base is a space station that features in Star Wars.




Starkiller Base was a large planet-sized space station that contained a superweapon able to destroy entire star systems. It was constructed at some point after the Battle of Endor following the collapse of the Galactic Empire. In the aftermath, remnants of the Empire formed the First Order who established their forces in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Deep within that area of space, they constructed a superweapon that used an entire world as a weapon platform with this being Starkiller Base. The icy planet that housed the weapon became the First Order's greatest secret and was essential in their plans in conquering the galaxy. The First Order used it in a strike against the Hosnian system that was home of the world of Hosnian Prime which was the location of the New Republic's capital. The entire system was destroyed as a result dealing a crippling blow to the First Order's foe allowing them to stage their assault against the rest of the galaxy.


In appearance, the base resembled a planetoid with a large firing chamber that was situated in the centre.

The station was designed to harvest energy from its sun which it contained using magnetic fields at the base's core and converted it into an ultra-powerful beam able to fire through hyperspace. When activated, the energy converted from the sun was able to destroy an entire star system with a single shot.

In addition to its weapons, it was staffed by an entire compliment of troops, personnel and vehicles ranging from ground walkers to spacefighters.


  • General Hux :
  • Kylo Ren :


  • Starkiller Base was created by J.J. Abrams and featured in Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Battlefront II, Starkiller Base appeared as a setting in the video game.


  • Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens:

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