Steel Clan

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The Steel Clan takes flight

Robots designed by Xanatos Enterprises to resemble gargoyles. The initial five robots were created using data stolen from Cyberbiotics by the deceived Manhattan Clan. The Steel Clan was first unleashed after David Xanatos and Demona determined that they couldn't rely on the Clan's further cooperation. They were technically superior to the gargoyles- made of steel instead of stone, capable of flying instead of gliding, and totally obedient. However, they lacked fighting experience, and were soon destroyed.

Further Steel Clan robots were built over the following years, used and modified as needed. One was used to take a DNA sample from Goliath; a pair accompanied the armored Xanatos in his search for the Manhattan Clan's new home, and another came with Demona, Xanatos and Coldstone in their winter showdown with the gargoyles. They accompanied Xanatos on several further missions, but were always defeated. Special iron-coated Steel Clan robots were even used against Oberon. They have only been used once since Xanatos became indebted to the Manhattan Clan, but they will surely see use again.

(In Puck's "Future Tense" dream-world, a bulkier, more heavily armed type of Steel Clan robot patrolled the skies and coasts of Manhattan.)

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