Supergirl (DC Animated)
When Superman re-traced the original flight-recorder of the ship that brought him to Earth, he discovered that there was nothing left of Krypton but a Kryptonite asteroid belt. He was about to head home when he discovered a signal coming from the neighboring planet. He followed the signal and discovered the remains of Krypton's sister-planet Argo, including a bunch of cryogenic stasis chambers, all but one of which have been damaged, their occupants killed. The one remaining chamber contained Kara In-Ze, last survivor of Argo. She was taken by Superman to Earth, and placed in the care of his own adoptive parents, Johnathan and Martha Kent. Kara fashioned a Supergirl costume for herself and set about helping Superman out when possible. She rescued Superman from Darkseid's clutches and helped stop a stray comet whose course had been altered by Granny Goodness (one of Darkseid's minions), teamed up with Batgirl to stop the villainous trio of Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Livewire, saved Smallville from a brain parasite called Unity, and filled in for Superman by remote-controlling Superman robots while he was being manipulated by Darkseid's mind-control. Eventually, Kara joined the Justice League, helping Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Captain Atom defeat a nuclear monster in China.