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Thri-kreen are intelligent insects, larger than a man. They stand on their rearmost limbs, leaving them with four three-fingered "hands". Their exoskeleton is as tough as most armour (especially in a world without metals), and a sandy-brown colour. Their heads have poison-tipped mandibles, large multifaceted eyes and long antennae. Other species have never been able to distinguish between male and female thri-kreen.

They first appeared in Dark Sun where they were a playable race, but have since been seen in other settings, too.

Thri-kreen never sleep, and do not understand the need for other species to do so, but the do need to rest to regain spells or psionic energy, like anyone else. Many thri-kreen are psionic, though they seem to have little proficiency for magic.

The thri-kreen's diet is composed principally of meat, and they find elf flesh to be especially tasty, which leads to poor relations between the two species.

Their four arms allow them to wield four weapons (or two two-handed weapons) at once, with favourites being the thee-bladed throwing disk known as the chatkcha and the double-ended pole-arm known as the gythka. The blades of these weapons are made from their hardened saliva, in the manner that many insects build hives.

The thri-kreen of the Tablelands are nomadic and call no place their home, but a great Kreen Empire has recently been discovered to the north of the Jagged Cliffs.

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