Tony Tony Chopper

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Tony Tony Chopper is a male manga and anime character who features in One Piece.




Tony Tony Chopper.

Tony Tony Chopper (Japanese: (トニートニー・チョッパー, Hepburn: Tonī Tonī Choppā)

Chopper grew up on the winter island Drum, where he was an outcast among reindeer due to his blue nose. He ate the Hito Hito no Mi (ヒトヒトの実, Human Human Fruit) that was one of the Devil Fruits which gave him the ability to speak, think, and transform into a human. This ability further alienated him from the other reindeer, and he was rejected by the herd. He grew up an outcast until taken in by the fake doctor Hiluluk, a former thief, who accepted Chopper as his son to instil within him his initial passion for medicine. Then later became Doctorine's assistant and inherited her medical knowledge. Hiriluk taught Chopper his philosophy on life and his strong faith in the Jolly Roger as a symbol of strength against all odds. The two went from house to house, administering their "cures" in a country where all doctors not sanctioned by King Wapol were banned. When Hiriluk's health worsened, Chopper was left in the cold again as the old man did not want Chopper to watch him die. Once Chopper found out what had happened, however, he vowed to find a cure for his mentor, his one, and only friend. He soon found the cure he was looking for: an Amiudake, a special kind of mushroom with skull-and-crossbones prominently displayed in the medical book. Remembering what he overheard by some villagers that a "certain" type of mushroom can heal every illness, Chopper steals Hiriluk's favorite medical book to find the miracle mushroom. Chopper's arduous journey was a success, even though he risked his life and suffered many injuries, the worst of which occurred when during his journey into the wilderness, in order to get to the mushroom, which was growing atop a treacherous cliff, he had to cross through the territory of his old herd. Though most of the herd stopped and stared at him with silent scorn, the leader, a vicious older male whose forehead was covered in scars from combat, wanted to kill him for returning after the herd had cast him out. He attacked Chopper in a rage of prejudice and spite, and Chopper was forced to fight back, willing himself to carry on and get the mushroom. Though Chopper knocked the leader aside, the reindeer got up and murderously attacked him from behind. Chopper engaged him in a fierce fight and won, allowing him to claim the Amiudake. However, he barely made it out the fight alive, coming back to Hiriluk very weakened, with a broken left antler, dragging a badly broken left leg, and covered in many bruises and bloodied wounds. Though Chopper made a complete recovery after Hiriluk treated his injuries, and reattaching his snapped antler with a metal brace, it was painful for Hiriluk to see how terribly battered his son had gotten simply for his behalf.

Hiriluk, overwhelmed with tears of gratitude, ate the mushroom to show his love and appreciation to Chopper, but Chopper would later find out from Dr. Kureha that he had given Hiriluk a fatal dose of poison, Chopper calls her a liar but she assured him it was truth and further being kind was enough to save lives; you need actual medical skills and training or you won't be able to save anybody. Chopper realizing what he had done begins to sob uncontrollably as Kureha pity's the foolish reindeer. But Hiriluk was not to live much longer anyway as Kureha surmises that the quake doctor chose Drum Castle to be his grave; Chopper rushes out the door to castle after hearing this. Declaring that he had a wonderful life and after thanking Chopper, he committed suicide by blowing himself up outside of Drum Castle with a failed potion. Chopper, who had arrived to try and save him, was so upset over Hiriluk's death that and so angry that Wapol was making fun of it that he went completely berserk and tried to attack him, losing all control and running toward Wapol with a terrifying beastly roar. Dalton, who had heard Hiriluk's last words and realized that the monster he called his son was trying to attack Wapol he then stopped him. He then, with tears in his eyes, told him that he apologized for those who mocked Hiriluk's death but that he could not beat Wapol if he could not beat him. Chopper was brought out of his rage and then began to tear up as well at these kind words. He went to Kureha, waving Hiriluk's Jolly Roger outside her house and sobbing heavily, begging her to teach him and vowing that he would become a great doctor. As for Hiriluk's last wish, Kureha took Chopper in and taught him "real" medicine for the next 6 years. Chopper worked as hard as he could, in order to become a doctor like his idol, Hiriluk. As Chopper's studies grew, he eventually developed the Rumble Ball which could modify the wavelengths in a Zoan Devil Fruit's transformation abilities, giving him four extra forms. However, during one experiment where he took three Rumble Balls at once, he inadvertently took on an uncontrollable 'monster' form that went on a rampage and nearly wiped out an entire village, though fortunately nobody was killed. Chopper woke up in one of Kureha's hospital beds, bandaged and having no memory of what happened once he had eaten the Rumble Balls. After getting a lecture from Kureha to be more careful and that this form posed a danger to his friends, foes, and even himself, he promised never to unleash his monster form again. Following the Blackbeard Pirates' attack on Drum Island and Wapol and his forces cowardly fleeing, Chopper and Kureha would take up residence in the abandoned Drum Castle, coming down the mountain occasionally to seek out anyone in need of medical attention.

Chopper was next seen following Kureha when she visited Cocoa Weed. She noted inflammation in Tamachibi's limbs and diagnosed a bacterial infection in his bones. With the villagers infuriated by Kureha's exorbitant fee, Chopper prepared to fight them but Kureha told him not to attack. Kureha and Chopper left with the supplies and money. Chopper's isolated life in Drum Castle which he and Kureha annexed after Wapol fled would one day come to an end with the arrival of Luffy and his pirate crew. Chopper, naturally distrustful of humans, was not pleased, especially given Luffy and Sanji's desire to cook and eat him. When Nami offered him a chance to join their crew, he was quick to turn them down due to his mistrust of humans. Soon, Chopper smelled the arrival of his old nemesis, Wapol. He gathered Doctorine and Luffy to help defend the castle and experienced his past via a flashback of how his previous master had died at the hands of Wapol. However, they were soon assaulted by Wapol and his men. Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper fought against Wapol until he unleashed his ultimate form. Chopper watched as Wapol attacked the captain flag and denigrated the name, and meaning, behind the flag. In retaliation, he consumed his Rumble Ball and transformed into several forms to fight back. After Luffy defeats Wapol, Chopper is approached by Luffy once more to join his team. However, when Usopp spots Chopper, Usopp yells out that a monster is present and Chopper runs screaming, fearing the persecution from being difficult. He tells Luffy he is unable to join them. When Chopper met with Kureha, she forbade him to leave and even chased him around the castle. Chopper remembered Dr. Hiriluk wishes that Chopper should sail the seas to see the world on his own and with his desire to broaden his medical horizons, he decided to join Luffy and his crew. Fleeing the castle with the Straw Hat Pirates, Chopper was given a send-off of gigantic proportions: Kureha had turned the snow into sakura blossoms, the very same that Hiriluk had researched over 30 years that would one day, cure the people of Drum of their "sickness of the heart," passed to Kureha as one of his last request before death. Overcome with tears, Chopper made a fond farewell to his birthplace and mentors, setting out to sea for the first time in his life.

The crew saw a Sea Cat as they neared Arabasta. Starving for food, they try to capture it but Vivi stopped them since it was considered a sacred animal. As they pass through a steam of water from an underwater volcano, Luffy and Usopp caught an okama while fishing. As they waited for his crew to catch up, he entertains them with his Devil Fruit ability to copy other people's appearances, one of which was Vivi's father. When the man's crew caught up, he was revealed to be Mr. 2 Bon Kurei of Baroque Works. Knowing his abilities, they made an 'X' mark on their left arms to know when he was posing as one of them. The crew landed in Nanohana where they encountered Smoker and Tashigi. A powerful pirate named Portgas D. Ace appears, and is revealed to be Luffy's older brother. Ace fights Smoker while the Straw Hats run for their ship. Ace catches up to them and gave Luffy a Vivre Card before departing. They docked their ship near the once 'green city' of Erumalu where they see the extent of the country's suffering as Vivi explained how Baroque Works was using Dance Powder to cause it. After tackling some of the dangers in the desert, they reach Yuba where they meet Toto, a friend of the royal family. They find out that the Rebel Army has moved out of Yuba and headed to Katorea, and the rebel leader Koza, Toto's son and Vivi's childhood friend, is determined to attack. The crew travels to the city of Rainbase to take down Crocodile and Baroque Works, but run afoul of Smoker and Tashigi. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Smoker are trapped by Crocodile. Chopper distracts Crocodile while Sanji frees the rest of the crew, but find themselves trapped yet again. After escaping from Rain Dinners, Usopp and the crew together with Vivi crossed the desert to Alubarna, where the final battle will take place. Crocodile, however, managed to catch Luffy, beginning the first round of their battle. The crew, excluding Luffy, proceeded to Alubarna. As they reached their destination, they split up to distract the Baroque Works agents to engage their battle separately. At first Chopper was paired with Sanji when the two were pursued by Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, until Sanji left to check up on Usopp and Chopper had to fight by himself for a short while until Usopp came to assist him. The battle of Usopp and Chopper vs. the Mr. 4 team then begins. Things looked hopeless for Usopp and Chopper as they continued to suffer from every attack that the Mr. 4 team made. When Miss Merry Christmas told them that Luffy is dead, Usopp refused to believe it, claiming that Luffy will become the next Pirate King. When she laughed at this, Usopp told Chopper that a real man never lets his friend's dreams be laughed at and must fight for it no matter what. Albeit severely beaten and bruised, Usopp and Chopper finally defeated the Mr. 4 team. Later, the Straw Hats hurried to locate the bomb before it went off. Vivi figured out where the bomb was, and had Usopp call the Straw Hats together with a flare. She found it inside of the clock tower, but the Mr. 7 pair of Baroque Works were there. Vivi defeats them but realized the bomb couldn't be stopped so easily. It had a timer, and right before it blew up, Pell showed up and took it into the atmosphere, where he sacrificed himself to save Alubarna. The Rebel and Royal armies continued to fight even after the bomb went off. It isn't until it rained and Crocodile was revealed to be one behind the drought that they stopped. Tashigi and Smoker both are rewarded for taking on Crocodile, but neither one of them believed it was right since the Straw Hat pirates did all the work. Luffy rescued Nico Robin and Cobra from the collapsing tomb where he fought and defeated Crocodile. He was then brought to the palace to rest. When he awakened, a banquet is thrown for the pirates. They were then invited to enjoy the hot spring steam-room inside the palace. Later that night, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei contacts them, telling them he prevented their ship from being taken by the Marines. The next day, the day of her speech, Vivi was to make a decision on whether or not she will stay with the crew. Meanwhile, Bon Kurei and his crew helped the Straw Hats escape from Hina so they could get to Vivi, who declined joining them for the sake of her country. Regardless, they all showed their 'X' mark to signify that they will still consider her as one of them. After escaping from the Marines, when Ms. All Sunday appeared from inside of the Straw Hats ship. Her real name was Nico Robin where she managed to persuade the crew to let her join since she has nowhere else to go.

Nami's Log Pose then began to point to the sky which was when a big ship fell from sky and the crew found a map in of an island named Skypiea on a 200-year-old ship. They competed with the monkey-like Masira's salvage crew while they searched for more clues on how to get there. The Straw Hats decided to go to Jaya island to look for information on Skypiea. The Straw Hats met with Mont Blanc Cricket on another part of Jaya; Cricket is a descendant of Mont Blanc Noland, an infamous 'liar' who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was cast out for looking for artifacts of the gold city. He might have be the only person who knows how to get to Skypiea. Cricket explained how the Straw Hats can ride a dangerous vertical current called the Knock Up Stream to get to Skypiea. However, they first had to catch a South Bird to point them toward the point where the stream will erupt from the ocean. While the Straw Hats were looking for a South Bird, Bellamy and his crew attacked Cricket's house, and stole the gold artifacts he'd collected over the years from his salvage work. When the Straw Hats returned and see what happened, Luffy decided to take a side trip back to Mock Town. The Going Merry is refitted by Masira and Shoujou to be more flight capable, and the Straw Hats catch a ride on the Knock Up Stream for Skypiea. They started from entering the Gate of Heaven. First they had been recommended by an old woman to pay their extol, but they didn't have to pay the old woman and she let them pass. As they were carried by a sky shrimp, they landed on a place that's surrounded by clouds. There they met Conis, a Skypiean. As their conversation about the waver continued, the White Berets interrupted them and labeled them as a criminal of illegal entrants. As Chopper along with Zoro, Nami, and Robin boarded the ship, the shrimp suddenly carried them, they tried to escape, but that was impossible because of the skyfish behind them. The shrimp left them in the Sacrificial Altar. Zoro, Nami, and Robin explored the land and left Chopper to guard the ship. As he guarded the ship Shura, one of the priests suddenly appeared to eliminate him. He fought Shura with his ability but found himself no match for the priest. He whistled the whistle to call Gan Fall. As Gan Fall appeared, he fought Shura but in the end, Gan Fall is defeated. Gan Fall fell into the water surrounding the altar and Chopper jumped in to save him but failed due to him not being able to swim. Both Gan Fall and Chopper were saved from drowning by the giant South Birds. Chopper is then told by the birds that Gan Fall is the former god. As the crew reunited, he is seen healing Gan Fall. They spent a night on the ship to regain more energy. The next morning, Chopper explored the island together with Luffy, Zoro, and Robin to search for the gold, but a giant python named Nola attacked them, causing the group to split up. After finding himself all alone, Chopper was caught in the cross fire between Enel's enforcers and Shandia. Chopper eventually found himself on the Ordeal of Swamp where Gedatsu, one of the priests was. He mustered up his strength and defeated Gedatsu. Confident on being on his own, Chopper proceeded to the Upper Yard, but he encounters Ohm, who defeated him. He later regained consciousness when Luffy finally rang the bell. Later he was seen joining in the celebration. The next day, the crew has collected a large amount of gold from Nola´s body when a group of Skypieans arrive with Robin bringing a large gold post, but the rest of the Straw Hats mistake it for a large cannon and they start running to their ship. They manage to return to the Blue Sea with the help of Pagaya and Conis.

Chopper and company came across a mysterious pirate ship after trying to escape a giant wave. Soon, they arrived on an island inhabited by strange animals. The Going Merry was captured by the Foxy Pirates. After Tonjit re-united with his horse, they were attacked by Captain Foxy and his subordinates, who challenged Luffy in a Davy Back Fight, a contest of pirates where the stakes are members of the crew. The first round of Davy Back Fight involved a race around the island with tiny boats. In the anime, Chopper was teamed up with Zoro, and their boat was eliminated immediately. With only Luffy, Nami, and Porche's boat remaining, it was an all out war to the goal, but after Foxy exposed his Devil Fruit powers, Porche won and took Tony Tony Chopper from the crew. When Foxy decided to take Chopper after the first round, the 'Donut Race', Chopper cried, saying that he only went out to sea because he knew that his crew would be the Straw Hats. Zoro lectured Chopper, telling him that he must be a man and that he is responsible for becoming a pirate. Then the contest began with the second round. Without Chopper, Sanji and Zoro had to face the Foxy Pirates in a ball game, but were hampered by their blatant cheating and the crooked referee. The bickering rivals Sanji and Zoro managed to overcome the opposing team by working together whereupon Luffy took Chopper back. Luffy and Foxy faced off in the final game: a battle of brawn aboard Foxy's ship. The Straw Hat pirates watched from the side as Luffy continued to battle Foxy with the odds not in his favor, and the fight continued inside Foxy's ship. They had not seen the battle when they fight inside the ship. Luffy managed to finally defeat Foxy by using his own ability against him. After the Davy Back fight, the Straw Hats met Aokiji, one of the three Marine Admirals. Aokiji helped out Tonjit by freezing a path to the next island. After Tonjit left, Aokiji explained to the Straw Hats some things about Robin's past, such as how each organization she had been with were completely destroyed with Robin being the sole survivor. A confrontation ensued and Aokiji froze Robin. Usopp grabbed the frozen Robin and ran back to the Merry along with Nami and Chopper to unfreeze her. After the ordeal with Aokiji, the Straw Hats continued with their journey in search for a Shipwright.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Tony Tony Chopper was a toddler-sized human/reindeer hybrid where he had a furry body and cloven hands as well as feet. Due to his appearance, he was mistaken for being a pet of the Straw Hat Pirates.

He was shown as being naïve and extremely timid towards unfamiliar humans, often acting like a child because he did not know any better. He came to be easily impressed at things like beams, cannons and hidden abilities. Chopper was shown to be somewhat of a coward at times but this stemmed from his childishness and overall lack of trust in his own fighting skills. This led to him seeking t run and hide than fight, but becomes more courageous when others were there to support him.

Immensely kind-hearted by nature, Chopper was a trustworthy friend and caring companion who will try anything to overcome a task given by his team. Even back when he was Hiriluk's assistant, he would go to extreme lengths just to acquire a mushroom which he thought would cure Hiriluk's chronic disease.

His dream is to carry out his deceased mentor, Hiriluk's belief that there is no incurable disease, and to become a doctor that can cure any illness. To this end, his childish nature vanishes whenever his medical skills are required. He does not hesitate in the least in any actions regarding the well-being of his patients.

Chopper has a sweet tooth and can be just as gluttonous as Luffy when it comes to eating sweets. True to his epithet, his favorite food is cotton candy and he will gleefully accept any opportunity to enjoy this treat. Alongside Luffy, he was ecstatic when arriving in Totto Land, which is made entirely of sweets and even devoured an entire chocolate cafe on Cacao Island. While Chopper and Carrot hid inside the gigantic wedding cake during the mission to save the Vinsmokes, Chopper constantly eats it non-stop.

Powers and abilities

Tony Tony Chopper was originally an ordinary reindeer with his most distinctive feature being his blue nose. This had led to him being rejected by the other reindeers. He later came to eat the Hito Hito no Mi (ヒトヒトの実, Human Human Fruit) that was one of the Devil Fruits (悪魔の実, Akuma no Mi). While Chopper was usually seen in his hybrid form, which is a tanuki-like chibi-creature, he would sometimes transform into his human form to try and fit in with humans, often with minimal success due to his full human form looking more like an apeman. In terms of combat, his full human form is very bulky and strong, and with his humanoid body structure, he can use melee attacks that he cannot use in his true reindeer form, such as punching and kicking.

As an animal, he was able to understand and communicate with other animals, thus allowing him to serve as a translator between humans and them.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Scope (診断スコープ Sukōpu?, literally meaning "Diagnosis") :
  • Heavy Gong (重量ヘビーゴング Hebī Gongu?, literally meaning "Weight Gong") : a basic punch to the face that can be used by Chopper in his Heavy Point transformation.

Having studied under Dr. Kureha, one of the finest doctors of the medically advanced Drum Kingdom, Chopper himself is an extraordinary doctor with outstanding knowledge of both medicine and medical drugs as well as the preparations of most remedies and ointments that can be made from regular fruits, herbs, roots, and vegetables that can be found and used on most islands. He is also capable of administering surgery and resuscitation. Overall, Chopper can treat even the most brutal injuries.

Along with his normal forms, Chopper has added on to these by use of the Rumble Ball. This yellow jawbreaker-like drug gives him several more transformations for three minutes by "distorting the wavelengths of transformation".

Using the Rumble Ball, he could achieve the following transformations:

  • Jumping Point :
  • Guard Point :
  • Arm Point :
  • Horn Point :
  • Monster Point :

Chopper came to be recruited into the Straw Hat Pirates (麦わらの一味, Mugiwara no Ichimi) where he served as the ship's doctor.


  • Tony Tony Chopper was created by Eiichiro Oda where he featured in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media



Video games


  • One Piece:

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