Tyr Anasazi
Tyr Anasazi is a male Human that features in the TV series Andromeda.
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Tyr Anasazi was a member of the Nietzscheans species thus was a genetically engineered offshoot of mankind and was a member of the Kodiak Pride. His lineage was a notable one as he was stated to be out of Victoria by Barbarossa and his family line traced back from Temujin. It was known that the Kodiak Pride had a special role in Nietzschean society as they were entrusted with the protection of the mummified remains of the Progenitor; Drago Museveni. Tyr was stated to had seen Drago's remains as a child as they were enshrined in a fasthold as part of the Kodiak's pacts with the other Prides who were supposed to ensure their safety. (Episode: Double Helix) During this time, his Pride's Matriarch was known to be Naomi where he saw a fellow Kodiak female by the name of Medea Zimri playing outside her fathers house and during that time he fell deeply in love with her. (Episode: And Your Heart Will Fly Away) This was until the Drago Kazov Pride finally declared in the post-Nietzschean Uprising period that they the true keepers of the Progenitor. This saw the Drago Kazov and a number of other prides including the Orca Pride attacking the Kodiaks. Tyr Anasazi was present at the time when the Kodiak's fought bravely against their enemies with the foolish hope that their allies would come and support them but the other Prides simply abandoned them. Those of the Kodiak Pride that were not killed were simply displaced or exiled with Tyr seeing his mother killed due to her being too slow. In the aftermath, Tyr adopted the life of becoming a mercenary and gave up dream of becoming an Alpha. (Episode: Double Helix) As such, due to the inter-clan conflict that led to the destruction of his Pride, Tyr become one of the few if only survivors of the Kodiaks. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)
Afterwards, by the age of sixteen, Tyr was captured by slavers and ultimately sold to the diamond mines on Zokotl. During that time, he noticed that the main support for his section was rotted and pointed this fact to the overseers. However, instead of fixing the problem, they cut his rations and doubled his work shifts. A week later, the ceiling collapsed and buried Tyr under two hundred meters of ground. He managed to claw his way out of the bodies of the dead and escaped into the desert where he lived on seep-water along with sand rats for an entire reason. He later was known to had visited the overseers and "thanked" them for their regards to worker safety. (Episode: The Widening Gyre) He was once apprenticed to the famous assassin known as Tugo Sentenza. (Episode: Twilight of the Idols) On one of his jobs as a mercenary, an employer appreciated fine dining leading to Tyr learning how to cook. When his employer refused to pay him for an assignment, Tyr prepared him a tiramisu that was laced with strychnine leading to his death in twelve seconds whilst he enjoyed the meal. (Episode: Forced Perspective) At some point, Anasazi met an arms dealer known as Ferahr with the two becoming well acquainted colleagues for over a decade of their lives. (Episode: Lava and Rockets) At some point, Tyr was hired by the weapon designer and genius Bartolome Naz in order to kill his lover Desiree D'lene after she grew tired of him. This was because Naz did not want anyone else to possess her if she no longer loved him. However, instead of eliminating her, Anasazi fell in love with her and they entered into an affair when he discovered that she was actually a fellow Kodiak Pride survivor whose real name was Medea Zimri. Tyr later reported to Bartolome that he accomplished his mission whilst he secretly hid Desiree on Elba IX. (Episode: And Your Heart Will Fly Away)
It was known that he adapted well to the life of a mercenary where he became highly skilled in the profession. It was suspected by some that he was doing this in order to prove his genetic traits so that he could be accepted into another Pride. He was hired by the Nightsider Gerentex during the attempted salvage of the High Guard vessel Andromeda Ascendant. Tyr was kept in stasis but awakened when Captain Dylan Hunt prevented the salvagers from claiming the ship and decided that he wanted to restore the Systems Commonwealth. Thus, Gerentex had hired Tyr along with a small group of mercenaries to eliminate the threat. Tyr easily managed to dispatch the android crew that remained and managed to cause Captain Hunt to flee from the bridge. Afterwards, Anasazi was tasked with breaching the computer core but was ambushed by Hunt who managed to defeat as well as capture one Tyr's fellow mercenaries. Tyr later commented to his employer Gerentex that Dylan Hunt was waging a guerilla battle and had full knowledge of the terrain which was why he was difficult to eliminate. Upon learning that the Andromedas AI was attempting to take control of the Eureka Maru, Gerentek abandoned the ship along with a number of his crew which included Tyr Anasazi. The Nightsider attempted to destroy the Andromeda Ascendant by pushing it back into the black hole. Facing the possibility of death, Tyr attempted to enter into stasis in the hope of surviving but Captain Hunt came and proposed a solution which involved Anasazi taking the role of the vessels fire controls officer in order to launch forty Nova bombs into the black hole thus reversing its effects and allowing the Andromeda Ascendant to pull free. He accompanied the rat-tag crew in rescuing recovering the Eureka Maru from Gerentex and attempted to kill his former employer but was stopped by Captain Hunt. Afterwards, he decided to join the crew of the Andromeda Ascendant when Dylan Hunt decided to restore the Systems Commonwealth. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)
Personality and attributes
As was the case with most Nietzscheans, Tyr was focused simply on survival and stated thats what all he cared about in the end. (Episode: D Minus Zero) He claimed that he cared little about the universe; it did not matter even if all the suns in the cosmos died so long as he was there to see it and survived was all that was important to him. When he joined the crew of the Andromeda Ascendant on their mission, his first question was what he got from it. He also did not believe in leaving his enemies alive. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) As such, he was also known to always hold a back up plan in case his primary goal failed. (Episode: Double Helix) This was perhaps one of the reasons why he did not like surprises. (Episode: The Ties that Blind) He also was only ever interested in weather reports when they affected his health and well being. (Episode: The Pearls that were his Eyes) Typically, he did not believe a wounded enemy being left behind though he was known to allow it at certain points. (Episode: Dance of the Mayflies)
Furthermore, as he was concerned with obtaining power, he was marvelled by the fact that the Andromeda Ascendant carried forty Nova bombs and commented on the power available to the ship and how it could be used. He was respected the works of Frederich Nietzsch which he believed were the "right book". (Episode: An Affirming Flame) He was known to had kept a hardcopy of the book that he at times read in times when he had nothing to do. As was the case with other Nietzcheans, he believed in the words of Nietzsch that emphasized survival and reproduction. Furthermore, he did not believe in cross breeding with other species and claimed he did not find such a prospective desirable as he felt it served no purpose. Thus, even with Human women, he stated that he felt no form of attraction or desire to propagate. (Episode: Forced Perspective)
Tyr was completely dedicated to his Prides ideals namely the preservation of the Progenitors remains to the point that he felt that the bones of Drago Musevini belonged to him. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) He also remembered the words of his father which said "Eat well and grow strong." (Episode: Forced Perspective) Though he rarely trusted anyone, it was known that he did feel the loss of individuals he believed were friends such as Ferahr. (Episode: Lava and Rockets)
He was known to had been deeply in love with Medea Zimir since their childhood. (Episode: And Your Heart Will Fly Away)
On Captain Hunt during their first encounter, Anasazi commented that Dylan was a survivor and that he would not be easy to kill. Whilst this was the case, in a later fight he told Captain Hunt that he was incapable of defeating him as he was self assured of his own combat skills as well as superiority. Afterwards, he commented that Dylan was a man of high ideals which would be a problem. Despite this being the case, he decided to join Captain Hunt's crew on the account that it would be something different after working for a great number of fools. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) A later account revealed that one of his initial reasons for staying on the Andromeda Ascendant was to steal the ship from Captain Hunt and used it as a platform from which he could achieve his goals. However, this later changed when he encountered the Magog Worldship heading towards the Known Worlds. (Episode: Exit Strategies.)
Similar to many of his kind, he initially held an aversion and hatred of Rev Bem due to the fact he was a Magog. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) In addition, he held a dim view on religion and felt that meditation was for weak people with troubled minds. (Episode: The Ties that Blind) He also a special hatred for the Drago-Kazov Pride due to their part in his clans destruction. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum)
Powers and abilities
By the time he was an adult, Tyr was already a skilled combatant and described as being a veteran mercenary which was why he was expensive to hire. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) Amongst the skills he acquired was the ability to field strip a gauss rifle blind and one handed giving him enough technical skill to fix an SP Lens. Furthermore, he claimed he was able to cook and was one of the many skills he developed during his life as a mercenary. (Episode: Angel Dark, Demon Bright) He believed that powerful ships tended to make their crew complacent and that such individuals needed to know skills in order to combat enemies in close combat with no advanced weapons. (Episode: Be All My Sins Remembered)
During his assignment on the Andromeda Ascendant, he made use of a rifle and had a hidden blade by his boots. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) He also made use of a pistol that he used in his other hand. (Episode: The Mathematics of Tears)
- According to the unproduced episode "Coda" by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, the Perfect Possible Future envisioned by Trance would have seen Tyr become Emperor of the unified Nietzschean Empire who would war with Dylan Hunters restored Commonwealth until they became united against the Abyss along with its servants.
- Andromeda:
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