Wild Child (Marvel)

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Wild Child is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.





Kyle Gibney

Kyle never made it up to the ranks of Beta and Alpha Flight and, in time, when the government decided to stop the Flight program and cut the funding of Department H, he, like many others, found himself out of job and without a future. (Alpha Flight v1 #1)

Alpha Flight

Jerry Jaxon, an old rival of James Hudson, took advantage of this and had his associate, a robot woman named Delphine Courtney equipped with a behavior influencer, recruits Wild Child and most of the others for Omega Flight. Jaxon’s revenge was well planned and he lured Hudson, aka Guardian, away from Canada, but he still managed to contact Alpha Flight for help. In battle, Wild Child lashed out against Aurora, who called him ugly, which earned him the wrath of Northstar, who slammed him into a wall. In the battle of the two teams, Guardian‘s suit was damaged and he was seemingly killed in the ensuing explosion. (Alpha Flight v1 #12)

Despite his claim to rather die than go back to prison, Kyle was arrested again and, apparently, regained control of himself, at least partially. When Alpha Flight went missing for months, the government decided that a new team of super-powered operatives was needed. At the time, Kyle was the only available member of the old Flight programs, so he was released to be part of Gamma Flight along the enigmatic Nemesis and three newcomers. (Alpha Flight v1 #76)

Weapon Omega accompanied Alpha Flight on their World Tour and got to meet other heroes like the American X-Factor and some super-powered individuals in Europe. The tour was cut short, however, when the Infinity War occurred. Alpha Flight returned to the North American continent to meet up with some other hero teams, as evil duplicates of them were causing destruction all over. Face to face with his own evil self, actually a simulacrum of him from his Wild Child days, Kyle questioned if he could really ever be fully cured, or if there was some remnant of the beast buried deep inside himself. (Alpha Flight v1 #112)

Questioning himself, Wild Child temporarily left Alpha Flight to find some answers about himself. It was right then that he found himself targeted by Wyre, who had learned that one of the people who had been modified with his DNA was still alive. Wyre drugged Kyle and overpowered him but, instead of killing him right away, he teased and taunted him about his past, trying to get Kyle to snap into his killer mood, which would have proven him right in slaughtering him. However, Kyle did not and was ready to accept his fate, in return for some answers about his past. Before the situation could be solved either way, Alpha Flight intervened, as they had searched for their missing teammate, concerned about his state of mind. (Alpha Flight v1 #115)

Kyle continued to serve Alpha Flight until Canada experienced its own wave of anti-mutant/superhero hysteria. Thinking this to be a too hot topic, Department H decided to temporarily shut down the Flight programs and lay low for a while. (Alpha Flight v1 #130)


It was just the team’s official status as a group that was affected, though, and several of the Alphans remained at Department H and served as individual operatives. Kyle and Aurora started a brief relationship. For once in his life, everything was perfect but it soon all came crashing down. Out of the blue, Kyle’s body betrayed him, as he mutated back into his former look, his face sporting animalistic features. Fearing the effects his changed looks would have on Aurora’s fragile psyche, he jumped the first chance to leave Canada, which presented itself in Valeria Cooper, asking for assistance in retrieving X-Factor’s kidnapped leader, Havok. (X-Factor v1 #116)

Before long, Aurora hunted down Wild Child and it became painfully clear that his sudden departure had done more harm than facing his ugliness would have done. Not knowing why her lover had abandoned her, Jeanne-Marie had blamed her sanity problems to be the cause for the break-up. Now once more over the edge, she arrived with a bad temper, declaring that if she couldn’t have Kyle, no one could. She was soothed by Mystique shapeshifting into the handsome Kyle, but Wild Child refused to see her being lied to again and told Aurora that it was yet another trick. This was too much for her to handle and, after she released her light powers in a rather explosive way, she fainted and was picked up by Northstar and Puck, who took her back to Canada. Wild Child stayed with X-Factor, feeling guilty and ashamed. (X-Factor v1 #116)

Shortly after X-Factor had faked their own death in order to break free from the government, everyone’s doubts and suspicions regarding Sabretooth came true. Having found a way to remove the inhibitor collar, he could perform his actual mission, as he was part of the Hound program. He slashed his way through X-Factor’s base, seriously injuring everyone in his way, including all of his teammates. Wild Child fared much better than the others, thanks to his healing factor, and even battled Creed twice, but the outcome was never in doubt. After Sabretooth had made his escape, Val Cooper found the unconscious team and, as the government and the troops of Operation: Zero Tolerance were hot on their trail, she had no choice but to contact Havok and the Brotherhood to take care of them. (X-Factor v1 #137)

Weapon X

House of X

Following the establishment of Krakoa, the living island came to be a homeland for all Mutants with Wild Child being offered a place there. This saw him being removed from Department H and taken to Krakoa but his nature led to violent anti-social tendencies that caused the X-Men to lock him up. The Quiet Council came to decide on his fate where they put him on a team of other similar misfits that were struggling to interact in Krakoan society. (Hellions v1 #1)

Eventually, the team arrived in Arakko where they were confronted by the Vile Locus who revealed that the Swordbreakers of Arakko had departed for the tournament. Thus, the team had failed in their mission but Mister Sinister's true intention was to acquire the genetic samples of the inhabitants of Arakko. The Hellions were then massacred by their foes as they delayed their foes to allow some of their number to escape. Psylocke then asked Wild Child to fight the enemy to allow the others to flee through the portal with Kyle sacrificing himself for his team mates who managed to escape back to Krakoa. (Hellions v1 #6)


Personality and attributes

He said that most people tended to find his face disturbing. (Alpha Flight v1 #11)

Powers and abilities

Department H provided Kyle with special pills to suppress his animalistic tendencies, which were a side-effect of his mutation. (Hellions v1 #1)


  • Wild Child was created by John Byrne where he made his first appearance in Alpha Flight v1 #11 (August, 1983).

Alternate Versions

  • In X-Men: Alpha v1 #1 (1994), an alternate version of Wild Child appeared in the Age of Apocalypse reality that was designated as Earth-295 in the Multiverse. Wild Child was recruited into the forces of Apocalypse. Due to either a lack of control or an unwillingness to fight for Apocalypse's goals, he was incarcerated in a prison designated especially for those who betrayed Apocalypse. He remained in a cell by himself until Sabretooth refused to participate in anymore genocide and was locked up in the same cell. Their feral natures caused them to fight for three full days in a red haze of animal fury. When Sabretooth came to he found that he had proven himself the alpha male of the two and that Wild Child was now submissive to him. Working together, the two broke out of the prison and found refuge with the X-Men. With the X-Men, Wild Child would ever be at Sabretooth's side, the two almost inseparable.

In other media


  • In X-Men, Wild Child made a cameo appearance in the 1990s animated television series in the episode "One Man's Worth".



  • Alpha Flight v1: (1983)
  • Wolverine: Origins v1:
  • Hellions v1: (2020)

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