Omega Flight

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Omega Flight is a team that features in Marvel Comics.




Omega Flight was a team of superpowered individuals that came to operate in Canada. The original incarnation of the group was founded by Jerry Jaxon who was on a quest for revenge against James MacDonald Hudson and Alpha Flight. To achieve that end, he met with Roxxon Oil and their chairman August D'Angelo who offered his assistance on the matter. It was at the Special Developments Department that Mr. Jaxon met Delphine Courtney who became his assistant and travelled across Canada to gather certain special people into the project that became Omega Flight. (Alpha Flight v1 #12)

A new version of the team were formed by the Master of the World where they were sent to ambush Alpha Flight. (Alpha Flight v1 #110)

Civil War

In light of the Civil War, the Canadian government became concerned over the threat of rising superhumans crossing over the border and affecting the country. The Superhuman Registration Act was said to had led to a number of supervillains departing the United States and taking their activities into Canada. Thus, it was decided a new team was needed to fight in this new era with them deciding to name the group Omega Flight. The C.S.I.S. managed its operation where it came to speak with S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark who agreed to outfit the new Omega Flight as Canadian security was seen as a national concern. Thus, among the new members chosen were American superheroes that included U.S. Agent and Arachne Julia Carpenter. Canadians officials then sought Walter Langkowki to head the new Omega Flight team. (Omega Flight v1 #1) In addition, Michael Pointer was chosen to join the program though the surviving Alpha Flight members were opposed to the appointment to Alpha Flight. (Omega Flight v1 #2)

A new incarnation of Omega Flight was formed where they came under the supervision of Department H. Several months ago, they were dispatched to investigate an Origin Bomb site that had been unleashed on the world by Ex Nihilo. One of the locations being struck was in Regina with Omega Flight going in to check on the area. During their search, contact was lost with the team with many of its members being killed in the process. The Avengers were asked to help investigate the matter with Agent Michaud accompanying them to check the fate of Omega Flight. They found that Validator was the only person to had survived but had been transformed in the process and revealed that the 'system was online'. (Avengers v5 #10)


In appearance, Omega Flight were a team of super-powered individuals that were gathered together. The original Omega Flight was created by Jaxon with the express purpose of destroying Guardian and Alpha Flight. (Alpha Flight v1 #12) The Flight program was seen as both the first and last line of defence for the nation. (Omega Flight v1 #1)


  • Delphine Courtney : a female robot created by Roxxon Oil who was disguised as a human where she served as Jerry Jaxon's assistant that helped gather Omega Flight together. (Alpha Flight v1 #12)
  • Diamond Lil :
  • U.S. Agent :
  • Arachne :
  • Michael Pointer :
  • Validator : a woman with long black hair where she was the daughter of Agent Michaud and wore a special suit where she headed the team to investigate the Origin Bomb site only to be transformed by one of the chrysalis. (Avengers v5 #10)
  • Box :
  • Kingdom :
  • Wendigo : a Wendigo came to serve as a member of the team until it was killed at the Origin Bomb site at Regina. (Avengers v5 #10)


  • Omega Flight was created by John Byrne where they made their first appearance in Alpha Flight v1 #11 (June, 1984).

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Omega Flight was mentioned in the setting of the action role-playing video game. Following the Wakanda incident, it was said in a briefing with Captain America and Iron Man that they had been absorbed into the Fold alongside the X-Men, Avengers, the Great Lakes Avengers, Excalibur, China Force and the Winter Guard.
  • In Marvel: Future Revolution, Omega Flight appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. This version was a scientific organization that looked to stop the Convergence that was causing Earth to collide with an alternate reality counterpart of itself. Headed by Hank Pym, they constructed the Convergence Engine to stem the collision but the machine forcing the vision to act where he merged the worlds into a single reality. Omega Flight then served as a support staff in ensuring the stability of the world.


  • Alpha Flight v1: (1984)
  • Omega Flight v1
  • Avengers v5:

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