X-Factor Investigations

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X-Factor Investigations is a superhero team that features in Marvel Comics.




X-Factor Investigations was a detective agency run by Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man. The initial staff consisted of Madrox's best friend, Guido Carosella and their former teammate Rahne Sinclair. The agency was originally named XXX Investigations, but the name was changed because Rahne thought that it sounded too much like Madrox was investigating pornography. The firm was renamed X-Factor Investigations after the government-sponsored X-Factor mutant superhero group that the three founders had previously served on. (Madrox v1 #5) Following M-Day, Madrox's new-found wealth from winning a Who Wants to be a Millionaire-style game show allowed him to recruit two of his former colleagues of the Paris branch of the now-defunct X-Corporation: Siryn and Generation X's Monet. (X-Factor v3 #1)

Seeking revenge, Tryp, Jr., badly beat Siryn and left her for dead after neutralizing her vocal powers. She was then captured and tortured by the macabre Doctor Leery, but escaped with Rictor's help, getting Leery killed in the process. (X-Factor v3 #5) As a response, Madrox and Guido threatened Tryp in a very public warning. (X-Factor v3 #6) In a subsequent confrontation, the Tryps made Madrox an offer to merge X-Factor with their firm, which was rejected. (X-Factor v3 #7) Following this interaction, Madrox investigated the story behind the Tryps, finding out they were not father and son, but actually the same individual. (X-Factor v3 #8) While Madrox investigated Tryp, X-Factor struggled with personal problems. Siryn was informed by the X-Men about the heroic sacrifice of her father Banshee, which she responded with denial. (X-Factor v3 #7) Moreover, Layla Miller manipulated events in order to guarantee her permanent stay with X-Factor Investigations. (X-Factor v3 #6)

The mystery involving the mutant decimation was eventually entangled after Siryn learned the truth from a mesmerized Spider-Man. Simultaneously, Mutant Town became an interest for the vile Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch's brother, who tampered with the Inhuman Terrigen Crystals to fabricate superhuman abilities. Despite Layla Miller's attempts to evade Quicksilver, he was able to approach X-Factor. (X-Factor v3 #8) After the meeting, Madrox started suspecting Singularity Investigations was not responsible for the decimation, as he had previously believed. As such, he asked Siryn to find out more about it from the heroes who might have been involved. She learned from Spider-Man, and later from Quiksilver, that the X-Men were, in fact, central to the ending of the House of M and the subsequent Decimation. After a confrontation, Madrox decided X-Factor would take a public stance in defiance of the Superhuman Registration Act and the X-Men decided not to interfere with Quicksilver as long as he stayed in Mutant Town. (X-Factor v3 #9) A former Singularity employee informed X-Factor Investigations that Tryp planned to create a mutant-killing virus. Guido was charged of protecting the informant, but murdered him in cold blood. (X-Factor v3 #10)

X-Factor rapidly disclosed that Guido had been psychically turned into a sleeper agent by Tryp. The rampaging Guido was ironically put out of commission by Quicksilver. After breaking into Singularity Investigations, X-Factor was met by Damian Tryp. (X-Factor v3 #11) As the team was fleeing the building, one of Madrox's dupes blew up the whole thing, apparently killing Tryp, Jr. and Tryp, Sr. After this, the elder Damian Tryp, who had managed to survive the explosion, revealed to Layla that her very existence had foiled his plans, but things would be different now that he knew of her existence. (X-Factor v3 #12)

Meanwhile, Rictor, spotted a girl he thought was Layla, but discovered she was a young prostitute who simply resembled Layla. After some aggressive words with the young woman's pimp, he gets into a fight that leaves him wounded. After Guido joins in the fight, the men quickly disperse, and he escorts Rictor to a hospital. Elsewhere, Jamie is seen looking for a fight and finds himself at a Purifier gathering. After shooting their leader with a tranquilizer, Jamie makes three copies of himself and readies for a fight. Siryn reveals to a reverend that she is pregnant with Jamie's child, and later at a bar, reveals to Monet that she intends to give birth to the child. (X-Factor v3 #28)

In the aftermath of the event, Val Cooper met with the team and tried to recruit them, giving them 24 hours to think about it. Around this time, Madrox also began hallucinating a figure of Layla Miller, who would help him realize things that his subconscious already knew. Thanks to this, Madrox realized what Siryn had been trying to tell him for the last couple of days: she was pregnant with his child. After talking to her about it, the two embraced and discussed the future of the baby and Val Cooper's offer. The whole team then voted, but decided to escape and relocate to Detroit, Michigan. (X-Factor v3 #32)

During the Secret Invasion, Darwin goes in search of Professor Xavier because he wants to help him. He encounters Longshot, who tries to lead him to the Professor by using his powers. Longshot, however is unsure if his powers have been working correctly and tests them out on a group of people which turn on Darwin and attack. After a brief fight, Darwin manages to get away and the crowd turn on Longshot. Darwin's father hires X-Factor to find his son, supposedly because he feels bad for walking out on him and his mother when he was younger. Madrox, Monet and Guido track down Darwin and Longshot but Longshot is attacked by Jazinda and She-Hulk who are trailing after him because he is really a Skrull. After a fight between the two groups, they both realize Longshot is a Skrull, capture and hand him over to Jazinda and She-Hulk and go their separate ways. (X-Factor v3 #34)

Siryn also gave birth around that time and finally acknowledged that her father was dead. The baby was then named Sean, in his honor. As Jamie held his son for the first time, tragedy struck and he absorbed Sean, leaving Theresa in a deep state of sorrow. (X-Factor v3 #39)



  • Jamie Madrox :
  • Butterfly :
  • Darwin :
  • Havok :
  • Longshot :
  • M :
  • Pip the Troll :
  • Polaris :
  • Rictor :
  • Shatterstar :
  • Strong Guy :
  • Wolfsbane :


  • X-Factor Investigations was created by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi where it made its first appearance in Madrox v1 #1 (November, 2004).


  • Madrox v1: (2004)
  • X-Factor v1:

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