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'''Tails''', real name Miles Prower, is a two-tailed fox of [[Mobius]] and sidekick of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]]. He isn't as fast as his mentor (though still speedy), but he makes up for it with his intelligence and the ability to use his twin tails to fly like a helicopter. He looks up to Sonic as a hero. Tails can transform into [[Super Tails]] when he acquires the seven [[Chaos Emeralds]] and seven [[Super Emeralds]].
'''Tails''' is a male character who features in [[Sonic the Hedgehog]].
==Video Games==
'''Miles "Tails" Prower''' (Japanese: マイルス "テイルス" パウアー, Hepburn: Mairusu "Teirusu" Pauā)  was a two-tailed fox of [[Mobius]] and sidekick of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]]. He isn't as fast as his mentor (though still speedy), but he makes up for it with his intelligence and the ability to use his twin tails to fly like a helicopter. He looks up to Sonic as a hero. Tails can transform into [[Super Tails]] when he acquires the seven [[Chaos Emeralds]] and seven [[Super Emeralds]].
Tails came to had taken up residence on West Side Island where he was bullied by the native animals for his two tails. One day while walking around alone and sad, he saw Sonic the Hedgehog run past him. Seeing Sonic run like the wind made Tails admire him for how cool he was. With a change of heart, Tails resolved to become as cool as Sonic and began following him. However, Tails was too shy to show himself to Sonic and hid whenever Sonic noticed him. Though Sonic ignored him, Tails still followed him and eventually earned his attention by keeping up with his speed. During an early afternoon, Tails discovered Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, on the beach. Fascinated by the craft, Tails investigated it, but shyly stayed away from Sonic napping under it. Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the woods, and Tails sought shelter under the Tornado where Sonic stood by him. There, he saw the destruction of the island and Badniks digging in the ground. As Sonic ran into the attack, Tails reflectively followed him. Arriving in the inferno, Tails and Sonic discovered it was Sonic's archenemy, Dr. Robotnik, who was behind this. The doctor had arrived on West Side Island where he turned the Animals into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were currently on the island, so he could create the Death Egg to conquer the world. Tails and Sonic thus teamed up to find the Chaos Emerald and save the island. Traveling across West Side Island, the duo claimed the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way, Tails proved to be a great ally to Sonic and the two build a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Tails and Sonic followed the doctor to the Wing Fortress in the Tornado, but when they got there, Tails and the Tornado were shot down by the Wing Fortress' lasers. However, Tails returned in time with a rocket engine-enhanced Tornado to help Sonic get to Robotnik in his space rocket. Back on the ground, Tails watched the Death Egg explode thanks to Sonic, and took the Tornado back into the sky to look for Sonic. There, he saved Sonic from his fall from space and the two of them flew through the sky together. At the end of their adventure, Tails and Sonic had become best friends, and Tails was made his idol's sidekick.
==Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog==
==Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog==
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==Sonic X==
==Sonic X==
===Personality and attributes===
He was given the nickname of '''Tails''' (テイルス, Teirusu).
It was shown that he was a very sweet-natured and humble fox.
He was often picked on because of his twin tails until he met Sonic.
===Powers and abilities===
By spinning his two tails, he could make them reach such speeds that they could act like a helicopter rotor giving him the unique ability to push himself through the air.
He was noted for being a mechanical prodigy that could rival Dr. Eggman but had not yet realized his full potential.
Tails was able to enter into a super-powered state by using the Chaos Emeralds or the Super Emeralds that allowed him to become Super Tails.
*Tails was created by Yasushi Yamaguchi where he featured in the setting of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.
==In other media==
*In Sonic X, Tails appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actress Ryō Hirohashi and English actress Amy Palant in the dub.
===Video games===
*''Sonic the Hedgehog 2'': (1992)
==External Links==
*[https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Miles_%22Tails%22_Prower Sonic Wiki Entry]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tails_(Sonic_the_Hedgehog) Wikipedia Entry]
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Latest revision as of 06:20, 25 May 2023


Tails is a male character who features in Sonic the Hedgehog.



Miles "Tails" Prower (Japanese: マイルス "テイルス" パウアー, Hepburn: Mairusu "Teirusu" Pauā) was a two-tailed fox of Mobius and sidekick of Sonic the Hedgehog. He isn't as fast as his mentor (though still speedy), but he makes up for it with his intelligence and the ability to use his twin tails to fly like a helicopter. He looks up to Sonic as a hero. Tails can transform into Super Tails when he acquires the seven Chaos Emeralds and seven Super Emeralds.

Tails came to had taken up residence on West Side Island where he was bullied by the native animals for his two tails. One day while walking around alone and sad, he saw Sonic the Hedgehog run past him. Seeing Sonic run like the wind made Tails admire him for how cool he was. With a change of heart, Tails resolved to become as cool as Sonic and began following him. However, Tails was too shy to show himself to Sonic and hid whenever Sonic noticed him. Though Sonic ignored him, Tails still followed him and eventually earned his attention by keeping up with his speed. During an early afternoon, Tails discovered Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, on the beach. Fascinated by the craft, Tails investigated it, but shyly stayed away from Sonic napping under it. Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the woods, and Tails sought shelter under the Tornado where Sonic stood by him. There, he saw the destruction of the island and Badniks digging in the ground. As Sonic ran into the attack, Tails reflectively followed him. Arriving in the inferno, Tails and Sonic discovered it was Sonic's archenemy, Dr. Robotnik, who was behind this. The doctor had arrived on West Side Island where he turned the Animals into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were currently on the island, so he could create the Death Egg to conquer the world. Tails and Sonic thus teamed up to find the Chaos Emerald and save the island. Traveling across West Side Island, the duo claimed the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way, Tails proved to be a great ally to Sonic and the two build a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Tails and Sonic followed the doctor to the Wing Fortress in the Tornado, but when they got there, Tails and the Tornado were shot down by the Wing Fortress' lasers. However, Tails returned in time with a rocket engine-enhanced Tornado to help Sonic get to Robotnik in his space rocket. Back on the ground, Tails watched the Death Egg explode thanks to Sonic, and took the Tornado back into the sky to look for Sonic. There, he saved Sonic from his fall from space and the two of them flew through the sky together. At the end of their adventure, Tails and Sonic had become best friends, and Tails was made his idol's sidekick.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic encountered Tails, who was parentless, and he took him along on his journeys.


Sonic and Tails were raised together in Knothole Village. He looked on Princess Sally Acorn as an aunt-figure.


Sonic and Tails were raised together in Knothole Village. He looked on Princess Sally Acorn as an aunt-figure. Tails apparently has some grand destiny ahead of him.



Sonic X


Personality and attributes

He was given the nickname of Tails (テイルス, Teirusu).

It was shown that he was a very sweet-natured and humble fox.

He was often picked on because of his twin tails until he met Sonic.

Powers and abilities

By spinning his two tails, he could make them reach such speeds that they could act like a helicopter rotor giving him the unique ability to push himself through the air.

He was noted for being a mechanical prodigy that could rival Dr. Eggman but had not yet realized his full potential.

Tails was able to enter into a super-powered state by using the Chaos Emeralds or the Super Emeralds that allowed him to become Super Tails.


  • Tails was created by Yasushi Yamaguchi where he featured in the setting of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.

In other media


  • In Sonic X, Tails appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actress Ryō Hirohashi and English actress Amy Palant in the dub.


Video games


  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2: (1992)

External Links

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