User talk:Darth Batrus

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Thank you! This is some great material you're adding... Jeb 20:31, 1 October 2007 (CDT)

  • Thank you, I plan on expanding those articles that I briefly added on as I really feel that this place can become one of the greatest places for fictional material :) Darth Batrus 22:36, 3 October 2007 (UTC)




Hi, guess I should have said something earlier, but it's preferable not to copy entries directly from Wikipedia (or any other site); see . Doing a great job overall, though, thanks! Jeb 00:40, 30 December 2007 (CST)


I have added you as a sysop, as I know you're a proper (and excellent) contributor. Jeb 20:13, 17 November 2008 (CST)

Actually, I went ahead and made you a bureaucrat too. This means you can give any other user sysop (or even bureaucrat) rights as well. Please be generous in giving out sysop rights on request, unless they seem fishy, and feel free to revoke the rights if they misbehave... Sorry I've been absent so long and let the spam problem get so huge. Jeb 20:23, 17 November 2008 (CST)
Wow, sorry its just I didn't expect to be appointed as a bureacrat :) Does that give me the ability to ban the spammers as well? I used to just undo the spam but recently, they just became very persistent and it became very tiring to undo :-/ Anyway no problem about being absent. Darth Batrus 18:03 19 November 2008 (CST)

Another option besides super-locking down the wiki

Also posted on Kooshmeister's profile. Rather than limiting editing to sysops and bureaucrats, which will discourage new users in a major kinda way, now that you guys have the power to ban users (when you're logged in, there should be a "block" option near the user's name in recent edits), maybe the spam problem is manageable. Are you guys willing to be spam police when I'm not here? Jeb 23:52, 17 November 2008 (CST)

FYI, it appears the spam edits, while frequent, were by a limited list of usernames (although the user list has many more suspicious names on it) on a limited set of pages. So this seems like a problem that won't be too hard to manage, and if it is, I can restore "sysop/bureaucrat-only". But it's up to you two, you all are here way more than I am... Jeb 00:01, 18 November 2008 (CST)
Yeah it was I think about six or so users who were consistently after a select few pages like the Bane article. Anyway will do my best to help contribute to the wiki. Darth Batrus 18:03 19 November 2008 (CST)

Logo problems

It's an issue with the new Internet Explorer browser. On mine, it looks like they fixed it in a subsequent update, because the error's gone (possibly not coincidentally after I sent a comment in mentioning the issue). It also never showed up at all in the latest version of Firefox... Jeb 20:44, 6 July 2009 (CDT)


Just wanted to thank you again for your continuing contributions to the site. I especially like your Green Lantern additions... Jeb 22:45, 19 August 2009 (CDT)

Welcome back!

Glad to see you here! Enjoy! Jeb 23:52, 19 March 2012 (CDT)

Re: Problem

Sorry I took so long to respond. Still having that issue you reported on my talk page? If so, I'll bring it up with the site host and see if we should be concerned... Jeb 00:24, 25 May 2012 (CDT)

Hi, I can't reproduce the problem you're having. I'm not sure what to tell you. Could you provide further specific examples of what's causing the errors, so I could try them for myself? Sorry I can't be of immediate help... On another topic, you've been doing a great job keeping the spammers down, keep up the good work! Jeb 20:35, 13 June 2012 (CDT)
OK, I just reproduced the search error. Lemme contact the site host and see if they can help. Jeb 20:37, 13 June 2012 (CDT)
All right, the problem should be fixed at this point. If there are any more issues, tell me... Jeb 23:31, 12 July 2012 (CDT)

Banning potential spammers

FYI. In order to be a bit more pro-active regarding spammers, I'm going to adopt a policy of banning any new user that has a name similar to that of previous spammer user names (with a note that they can contact me if they want to protest, on the off chance I ban a legitimate user with an odd name). I would prefer that you and other admins not ban any users pre-emptively yourselves, however, so that there's only a single person for unjustly banned users to complain to. (In other words, let me be the bad guy.) Feel free to continue banning users that actually engage in spamming, of course... Jeb 22:35, 19 December 2012 (CST)

Yeah, I was holding off on pre-emptive banning for the same reason as you, but it's become such an obvious pattern... still, that's why I include the note about contacting me if I ban someone unjustly.
As for the periods with no spam, followed by a burst of spam, let's just say I made some changes to the way new users register... but it only stops the spammers temporarily, it appears. So I'm getting a little meaner.
In any case, thanks for the support! Jeb 05:04, 22 December 2012 (CST)

Wiki problem repaired

Looks like the problem stemmed from a server upgrade, which made one of Mediawiki's modules break. I found a patch online, and it looks like it fixed it, but let me know if there are any more errors. Jeb 12:07, 10 January 2015 (CST)

Please contact me by e-mail about the future of the wiki

[1] Jeb 23:49, 8 June 2018 (EDT)

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