The Tenctonese are an alien species from the Alien Nation series.
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The Tenctonese were noted for being a genetically engineered race that were bred to adapt for hard labor in almost any environmental condition and were from the planet Tencton. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon) Following their creation, they were made to serve as a slave species with special vessels being used to transport their occupants from one world to another. (Alien Nation movie) Whilst the majority of the Tenctonese were slaves, a number of their kind held a rank above the rest who were known as "Kleezantsun". This term translated into English meant "Overseer" and designated the cruel leaders of the vessel that used the Tenctonese as slaves. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul) An "Overseer" was charged with the supervision of slaves and gave commands along with maintaining both control as well as order amongst the slave populations. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon) Onboard the slave ships, the Tenctonese were often given small amounts of a powerful narcotic drug called Jabroka as a reward for their labor. All Tenctonese were given this drug with their "high" being an experience that lasted for several hours. (Alien Nation movie) Furthermore, a class based system was introduced with the lowest being the Eenos who were reponsible for waste management which included them devouring the bodies of dead Tenctonese at times when food was scarce. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon)
One of these slave ships contained over several hundred thousand Tenctonese that was on a course that would take it near the vicinity of the planet Earth. (Alien Nation movie) Onboard the slave ship, it was known that a number of Tenctonese slaves used to disappear with stories surrounding an Overseer known as Chorboke who moved these individuals into a part of the vessel called the "Special Section". Once there, it was known that Chorboke performed unspeakable experiments on his captives with rumors and legends surrounding him. Among his followers was a female Overseer known as Vesant who was his second in command. During their experiments, Vesant had uncovered a means of separating the Tenctonese mind from their body in an effort to promote a higher state of being. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul) Eventually, a rebellious movement was formed known as the Udara (meaning Freedom) who were a radical group that sought to purge the Tenctonese of all Overseers thus formenting a rebellion onboard the vessel. (Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy)
In the year 1989, the Tectonese slave ship was noted to had crashed on the planet known as Earth in the Mojave desert. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon) The ship consisted of over two hundred and sixty thousand members of the genetically engineered race who were surprised at their new surroundings. This was due to the fact that they were in frozen hibernation onboard their ship and awoke only after their malfunctioning autopilot landed them on Earth by mistake. After crashing on the planet, the vessel possessed no means for its occupants to return to the stars or their homeworld. After first contact with Humans was made, the Tenctonese were first quarantineed after they came out of their vessel in a camp not more than ten miles outside Los Angeles. At the camp housings, Tenctonese were lodged four into a single room with the selection process being entirely random. As such, these Tenctonese did not get the chance to stay with their friends or family during the quarantine. During quarantine, a quartet of Tenctonese which included William Harcourt, Porter, Hubley and Strader recovered the means of creating the Jabroka drug which they intended to manufacture in the future. Initially, Humans were very hesitant at meeting the alien race but eventually after they were released - it was shown that mankind was quick to accept as well as understand the alien visitors. In order to better integrate into Human society, the Newcomers began taking on Human names. Many of these Newcomers as they were known also began working near methane gases at oil refineries who hired them because methane was harmless to them. (Alien Nation movie) Whilst regular Tenctonese managed to adapt to this new society, the Eenos sub-caste was further ostracised and left to live in city sewer systems and live life in waste management. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon)
Following the crash, it was believed that the secret of making "Jabroka" was lost as the process of creating it was a closely guarded secret. (Alien Nation movie) Furthermore, it was believed that Chorboke died in the crash. Unknown to many both Chorboke and Vesant had actually survived and went into hiding on Earth. Vesant took the name Tivoli and began practicing as a Tenctonese doctor who eventually won the Nobel Prize on Earth once her species was accepted by Humans. This allowed her to shed her earlier life as Vesant without having to live with the stigma attached to her Overseer reputation. At the sametime, the Central Intelligence Agency sponsored the creation of Operation Silence (OPSIL). This goverment made project was tasked with the enlistment of all Newcomer scientists whether they were slave or Overseer. Agent Benson was in charge of this assignment and ensured that these individuals recieved new identities in return for their aid in studying surviving parts of the Tenctonese slave ship. At some point, Benson was killed and Chorboke had plastic surgeons transform his appearance to match that of the deceased CIA agent. Afterwards, he left the CIA and created his own business where he made use of elements of OPSIL to continue the study of Tenctonese weaponry. At the same time, the U.S. goverment hid this fact of letting numerous "war criminals" to live and thus maintained a conspiracy to ensure that the contents of OPSIL were never discovered. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul)
Amongst the biggest concentration of the species being in the United States city of Los Angeles. Racial strife appeared amongst Humans who tended to refer to Tenctonese in the derogatory term "Slag" with ghettos consisting of Newcomers being called Slagtown. (Alien Nation movie) In order to promote better relations between the Newcomers and Humans, the Bureau of Newcomer Affairs was established. Integration within Human society was noted for being a difficult thing to accomplish though a number of Tenctonese did find partners as well as mates amongst Humans. This led to the creation of the InterSpecies Project, Los Angeles (I.S.P.L.A.) though there was vocal opposition along with protests from both Humans and Tenctonese who had their own reasons for believing that such pairings were wrong. Among the Tenctonese, it was believed that a hybrid race of Human/Tenctonese would bring about the end of their species. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul) A notable Tenctonese to rise to the position of being a successful businessman was William Harcourt. Harcourt was known as the most influential and powerful Tenctonese to had risen in Human society who had secretly learnt to recreate the "Jabroka" drug and began manufacturing it on Earth. He intended to distribute the drug amongst the Newcomers in order to restart their addiction and get them to pay him for further supplies of it. This was eventually stopped by LAPD Detectives Matthew Sykes and George Jetson. (Alien Nation movie) One of the Overseers known as Ahpossno recieved a transmission from Earth and came to the planet in order to attempt to capture whatever Tenctonese were present. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon)
In the shadows, "Benson" black ops mission using the CIA and U.S. government to achieve his goals in utilizing Newcomer weaponry. Furthermore, he allowed Dr. Tivoli to continue her original experiments onboard the slave ship in promoting a higher state of being. This led to the creation of a genetically engineered Tenctonese/Human hybrid that possessed a single heart but was split into two beings. Each one was linked to the other and required the other to survive. The only known test subjects included a large giant male Tenctonese who served as a brute slave and a child-like female Tenctonese who served as the higher intelligence that directed the former through a form of mental link. Following their creation, a test was made on a Newcomer Phase cannon which led to a weakening of power in the Special section which allowed for the giant to escape along with the child. The child was later recaptured by "Bensons" forces but led to him terminating Dr. Tivoli due to the link to his organization. It was Detectives Matthew Sykes and George Francisco of the LAPD who uncovered the experiments as well as the fact that Chorboke was still alive. They were able to cause an overload in the Special Section leading to its destruction. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul)
Newcomers were ultimately a humanoid based species but possessed heightened senses along with greater intelligence and were much stronger when compared to Humans. (Alien Nation: Dark Horizon) Being a genetically engineered species, the Tenctonese were created to adapt quickly to hostile environments which was noted as their greatest strength. This did not apply simple to their bodies but their minds as well which were quick to learn as a Tenctonese was able to master English within the span of three months. As they possessed a different physiology, the Tenctonese posssessed different weak spots compared to Humans. One notable example was the fact that a blow to the nerve plexus under the arm was the equivalent to a Human male being kicked in the groin. A Human attempting to kick a male Tenctonese in the groin region would only injure themselves with the Newcomer showing little sign of injury. Their blood was also different compared to Humans as it was purple in color. (Alien Nation movie) As a result, it was known that there were a equivalent of a Tenctonese sleeper hold which was accomplished by jumping on the back of another and administering the technique which was able to knock a member of the species unconscious. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul)
Another notable aspect in their biology was the fact that methane was harmless to them which was a reason why many Newcomers were hired by oil refineries to work at such sites. However, seawater had an adverse chemical reaction in their bodies as it served as the equivalent of battery acid to them. Tenctonese exposed to water thus suffered from horrible burns and deaths. In terms of nutrition, it was known that sour milk had an intoxicating effect on their bodies. Furthermore, their bodies did not assimilate nutrients if the food had been cooked which was why they tended to eat raw meat. (Alien Nation movie)
There was also a powerful narcotic known as Jabroka which was harmless to Humans but had an effect similar to cocaine on Tenctonese. The "high" a Newcomer experienced was known to last for several hours at least. Whilst a narcotic, a Newcomer did not die from an overdose from the drug but instead a massive amount triggered a physiological change in a Tenctonese body. Initially, following the massive influex of Jabroka, a Tenctonese body seizes up to the point that they appeared dead. However, this was not the case as they were actually in a state of incubation. After emerging from it, the Tenctonese was horrifically changed into an altered form. They were much stronger with feral features such as sharp teeth as well as taloned hands along with a distorted head and plated skin capable of withstanding bullet shots. Furthermore, they had a muscle of cord around their necks giving them the appearance of a cobra. Whilst they retained their intelligence, they were primarily feral and instinctive in nature as well as terribly violent. (Alien Nation movie)
It was known that the third gender Binauum were sensitive to psychic thoughts. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul) Furthermore, the Eenos sub-caste had only a difference in spots on their scalp being the only distintive feature amongst them. However, a group of life force devouring mutant Eenos later formed on Earth which were headed by a queen that ruled a hive forming a new subrace for the Tenctonese until they were destroyed. (Alien Nation: The Enemy Within)
It was known that the species had the ability to "genetically adapt" to new environments within a single generation and that "interbreeding" with other races such as humans was a distinct possibility. Pairings with Humans, however, was noted for being dangerous due to the great amount of strength available to a Tenctonese. As such, special classes were required for Humans in order to make sure they were not injured as a result of engaging in sexual activity. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul)
Though genetically engineered, the Newcomers possessed their own culture and society which included their own language and games. This included a term known as "dusty bonded" which meant that one Tenctonese was loyal to another above pain or death. It meant that these individuals would never betray the other even if it meant their death. Whilst Humans found this remarkable, it was noted as being a distinctive Newcomer aspect in their culture. Some Tenctonese, however, believed it to be an outmoded value. Another part of their society was the fact that the Newcomers mated for life and concepts such as divorce was alien to their mindset. (Alien Nation movie)
The Newcomers possessed their own language and writing which were capable of being translated into English though certain words were lost in the translation. Examples of their words included:
- Ss'kya'ta : which meant "screw you". (Alien Nation movie)
- Ss'trokya' ss'lato na'! : meant "Your mother mates out of season."(Alien Nation movie)
- Ss'loka : meant "small but intelligent creature" though it lost some of its meaning in the translation. (Alien Nation movie)
- Ss'verdlatya ss'alo : translated to mean "Duty-bonded." and indicated a persons allegiance to another was above pain or life. (Alien Nation movie)
Their assimilation into Earth society was noted as being a difficult move for the Newcomers. Being formerly a slave race, some of the Newcomers were quite curious about Humans. This was because mankind had invited the Tenctonese to live amongst them in an atmosphere of equality which they had never known before. Furthermore, they were allowed access to a world of freedom and opportunities with full ownership over their own lives for the first time in their history. In addition, Humans asked the Tenctonese no more of them than what mankind accomplished themselves; namely the rules that did not keep people subordinate to one another but rather attempt to preserve the atmosphere of equality. These were considered very high ideals amongst the Newcomers who were greatly saddened when Humanity failed to live up to them. This was because they were always the subject to aggression and hatred by Humans which they bore the brunt of in such instances. Newcomers simply accepted the hatred and contempt due to their fragile position on Earth as the separationists intended to return them to the isolation camps whilst the fundamentalists intended to give them the same rights afforded to house pets only. Despite this being the case, the Tenctonese accepted this simply because this life was preferable to their enslavement by their former masters. (Alien Nation movie)
Whilst on Earth, there was division amongst the Tenctonese in regards to integration within Human society. The possibility of interspecies mating and procreation was another debated topic amongst members of their race. This was because a number of Tenctonese felt concern over the future of their race if they reproduced with Humans as they wondered what would happen to their own kind. It was believed by some that in the generations to come, the Humans and Newcomers could potentially evolve into a new species. However, it was believed that the resultant race would be closer to Humans than Tenctonese which would set their own kind back by a thousand years. This ultimately meant that some supported interspecies mating whilst others opposed it. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul) Furthermore, there was cultural aspects involved as well as these Tenctonese did not believe they should celebrate Human holidays. Such individuals felt that they had no place on the planet Earth. (Alien Nation: Millennium)
One aspect introduced into Tectonese society was the creation of a caste based system. A majority of their species whilst bred as slaves were employed in somewhat respectable positions such as miners. However, a more lowly position emerged such as those tasked with waste disposal onboard the slave ship which was given to a distinctive subcaste known as the Eenos. This group had only a few visual differences compared to normal Tenctonese but were still otherwise hated and loathed to the point that the mainstream castes viewed the Eenos as a separate lowly species rather than a class of their own race. This revulsion stemmed from multiple sources the first of which was the responsibility of disposing of waste. Due to lack of food available, the Eenos had little recourse but to eat the very waste they were tasked with disposing. Furthermore, amongst this waste included the dead bodies of Tenctonese and at times when food was low; it was known that the Eenos fed on the body of their fellow Tenctonese. As such, regular Tenctonese viewed the Eenos with disgrace and being unclean as they were viewed as being canniabls. (Alien Nation: The Enemy Within)
An extremist faction of Tenctonese dated to the time during their enslavement onboard their mothership. Known as the Udara, this group sought for the elimination of all Overseers and later encompassed the Humans who they believed had now taken over their old "masters" role. (Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy)
It was known that the Newcomers possessed a priesthood and often prayed at shrines. One of their most cherished spiritual relics was a device known as the portal which was to serve as an aid to seekers in finding enlightenment. (Alien Nation: Millennium) They were also known to had demonized a number of their Overseers due to the unspeakable crimes and actions they committed. One of the most noted of their number was Chorboke who was a scientist that performed horrible experiments on the slaves. As a result, he was called the Dark One and the Keeper of Hell. (Alien Nation: Body and Soul)
One of the darkest secrets that the Tenctonese attempted to hide from Humanity was their dependence on the "Jabroka" drug. (Alien Nation movie)
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