High Guard
The High Guard is a military organization from the TV series Andromeda.
The origin of the High Guard was traced to the original Vedran Empire which was formed after the species developed Slipstream technology. Upon the formation of the Empire, the commanding general of the Vedrans military declared his female mate Yoweri I Empress. The group of retainers that served her formed the core nucleus of what would become the military arm of the Empire and became known as the High Guard. (Website: All Systems University Timeline)
During the Nietzschean Uprising, the High Guard fought and were ultimately defeated by their foes despite possessing a fleet ten times of their foe as well as hundred times as many men. However, it was attributed to the fact that the High Guard had not fought a real war in over a thousand years as well as the large fleet that the Nietzscheans assembled combined with the element of surprise being the key to bringing about their destruction. (Episode: Under the Night) Following the Battle of Hepaistos, the High Guard was known to had been slowly losing the war. In the final stages of the Nietzschean Tactical Offensive; Admiral Constanza Q. Stark managed to assemble a hundred ships by the Witchhead Nebula with the intention of assaulting the enemy homeworld of Fountainhead. However, the broken remnants of this fleet commanded by Captain Teddy Roosevelt on the flagship Termopoli were ambushed by a fleet of 500 Nietzschean ships. Despite being outnumbered, the High Guard forces fought bravely in the Battle of Witcchhead and despite being destroyed - they managed to cripple their Nietzschean foes to the point that the conflict became known as an unmitigaed disaster as the Nietzscheans turned against one another leading to the collapse of their alliance. (Episode: Angel Dark, Demon Bright)
Much of their procedures and blueprints were stored of flexis that were touch sensitive plastic sheets which served as datapads. (Episode: To Loose the Fateful Lightning) In the High Guard, it was deemed that knowledge was not a luxury but in fact a necessity which they referred to as D Minus Zero that was a reference to the first day of hostilities which indicated the first priority in a battle engagement was intelligence gathering. (Episode: D Minus Zero) High Guard personnel were required to be disciplined and follow the chain of command with any unauthorized departures leading to the individual being detained for two weeks in the brig as a result. (Episode: The Mathematics of Tears)
In terms of ground combat, one of the favourite weapons used by the High Guard was the Force Lance that was a smart gun. When retracted, they could be used as a light source or a scanner as well as a number of other functions and when deployed it could effectively be used as a quarterstaff in melee combat. In either configuration, it was able to fire tiny attack drones known as effectors which were actually smart bullets allowing them to travel in different trajectories in order to strike their target. Force lancers were keyed to their owners DNA and if an unauthorized person picked up the weapon, they received an electric shock due to the capacitors beinf discharged that led to the wielder being rendered unconscious. Despite this security arrangement, it was possible to remotely control a Force Lancer either by voice command, pulse laser or microwave transmission so long as they individual possessed the right access codes. Through such a process, it was possible to remotely remove access to a Force Lance. (Episode: All Great Neptune's Ocean)
High Guard ships of the line contained a full range of combat capabilities which included the use of Nova Bombs. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) Amongst their smallest craft were Type 2 Arc Glide Slipfighters. (Episode: To Loose the Fateful Lightning) They also made use of Mercy class Medical Support ships. (Episode: D Minus Zero)
Amongst the technologies used by the High Guard included a Footprint Magnification System (FMS) which projected a larger image ontop of a smaller ship allowing such craft to appear as a ship of the line. The purpose was to distract enemy warships from higher priority targets by forcing them to attack the ship being projected by the FMS. (Episode: D Minus Zero)
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