Tet (Oblivion)

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The Tet in orbit around Earth.

The Tet is a space station that features in the movie Oblivion.




It was claimed that the Tet was built by humanity when Earth had been devastated by the Scavengers with the station in the planet's orbit to serve as mission control. The station was said to be temporary created prior to mankind's migration to Saturn's largest moon of Titan. The two cloned humans were kept on the planet by the aliens where they were told that they had suffered a mandatory memory wipe by their government and were working for the population on Titan. This was to keep them in a docile state thinking that they were working for the benefit of their people and unaware of the true agenda of their secret alien masters. These two humans were to serve as repair personnel that maintained equipment on Earth's surface with these primarily being the Hydro Rigs that converted the planet's sea water into fusion energy. The two humans were placed at Tower 49 who were told that these rigs were used to help the new colony on Titan with this being claimed to be vital to the survival of humanity. These two were also used to help maintain the drones needed to protect the facilities from what were claimed to be the lingering threat of the Scavengers. During the course of the hydro rig operations, it was believed that the machines would take all the water leaving nothing behind on the world but dust and radiation.

In 2270, Tet's planetary operations were threatened when one of the Hydro Rigs was destroyed by Scavengers who were believed to had used stolen fuel cells as weapons that were thrown into the facility thus destroying it.


Tower 49 that was a planetary based facility made regular contact with the Tet in order to update Mission Control on their status and receive new directives. The station relayed transmissions and visual contact for the Tower when in sight but once its orbit passed over the area. When contact went offline, the Tower personnel were on their own which was why they normally operated when the Tet was visible in the sky. It was claimed that Mission Control at the Tet was tasked with running the planetary hydro rigs whilst the drone maintenance personnel at Tower 49 had to directive to protect the installations.


  • Sally : seemingly a brunette haired human female with a southern accent who served as Mission Control.


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