Fatality (DC)

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Fatality in Green Lantern Corps v3 #33.

Fatality is a female comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




Yrra Cynril

She later came to learn that the last of the Green Lanterns was on Earth and sought to eliminate them. Disguising herself as a human, she tracked down her quarry to a club called Disco Tech where she mingled among the crowd. Once there, she found Kyle Rayner and began to flirt as well as dance with him. She wanted to draw him outside but he came to refuse her leading to Fatality revealing her true nature where she attacked him as he became Green Lantern. (Green Lantern v3 #83)

Star Sapphire


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Fatality was a beautiful dark skinned humanoid woman with black hair and pointed ears. (Green Lantern v3 #83)

The experience caused her to swear revenge against all Green Lanterns where she looked to hunt them down. (Green Lantern v3 #83)

Powers and abilities

She came to be trained by the Warlords of Okaara allowing her to fight indefinitely. (Green Lantern v3 #83)

Originally, she used to wield a staff that could energy blasts from the end. She also had a range of other weapons included bladed spears and shurikens that had explosives in them. (Green Lantern v3 #83)


  • Fatality was created by Ron Marz where she made her first appearance in Green Lantern v3 #83 (February, 1997).

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, Fatality appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game.



  • Green Lantern v3: (1997)
  • Green Lantern Corps v3:

External Links

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