Ajin (species)

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Ajin are a species that features in Ajin.



Ajin (亜人, Demi-Human) were humans of unknown origins that were functionally immortal and had ties to Invisible Black Matter.

The first Ajin discovered in Japan was said to had been later taken by the American government for study.

This led to the establishment of the Ajin Control Commission that actively sought the capture of these demi-humans for study. In time, Ajin came to be prized on the black market who sold them to companies where they could test anything on the specimens who simply regenerated after death. As a result, they became invaluable and could lead to people earning a fortune.


In appearance, Ajin resembled ordinary human beings with no means of truly identifying one of their kind. The primary point to locate an Ajin was when they died as their immortal nature meant that their bodies simply regenerated. Injuries did not heal unless the Ajin died whereupon the body's healing triggered to restore them. Thus, injured Ajin did not always heal from their wounds though a way to circumvent this was by the individual committing suicide thereby forcibly triggering the regeneration process. It was said that when regenerating that the closest pieces of the Ajin moved to reconnect with the larger pieces. If a piece was not present or too far away then the lost mass was simply regrown. Whilst incapable of being killed, a means of 'eliminating' an Ajin was severing the head and keeping it some distance from the body. Thus, the Ajin simply regenerated a new head and had a different set of memories from the original. A means of combating an Ajin was to use tranquilizers in order to render them unconscious and avoid killing them.

An Ajin could unleash a powerful paralysing scream that froze the nervous system of anyone within the vicinity. According to researchers, such a trait was linked to a kind of thanatosis reflex and worked best on those unaware of the Ajin. It was directional in the sense that the Ajin could free those they wished from the paralysis. A way of combating the scream was by wearing some form of noise dampener such as ear plugs thus preventing the targeting from the paralysis.

An aspect of Ajin's was a phenomena that was coined by Americans as Invisible Black Matter (IBM) (インビジブルブラックマター Inbijiburu Burakku Matā?) which could only be seen by members of their kind. It was said to be formed of tangible physical matter but one where light did not show it to ordinary senses. The appearance of a Black Ghost varied between the person with them typically being humanoid in form but some possessing wings or claws or different head configurations. They were said to be the source of the regenerative abilities of the Ajin. Every Black Ghost had different concentrations of IBM with this determining how frequently they could manifest the entity. The IBM's were said to be an unstable substance that defied physics which meant that the moment they manifested they began to slowly disintegrate. As such, it meant that the moment a Black Ghost was formed then its body slowly dissipated until it vanished forcing the Ajin to have to summon it again or wait until he could call upon it once more. Another noted trait was that IBM's consisted of radioisotopes that sent out a form of electromagnetic signal to one another with this being the link between an Ajin and a Black Ghost. The unstable nature of the Black Ghost meant that mediums such as water interfered with an Ajin's ability to control the entity with this being compared to how people lost telephone signals in certain conditions.


  • Sato :
  • Kōji Tanaka :
  • Kei Nagai :


  • Ajin were created by Gamon Sakurai and featured in the setting of Ajin.


  • Ajin:

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