Taken (Destiny)

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The Taken are an army that feature in Destiny.




The Taken was an army that was created by the power of the Darkness who bestowed the ability to transform any living being into an ethereal creature to the Hive King Oryx. He first gained the power when he was still Auryx where he sought power to help defeat the Ecumene. This led to him killing his two sisters in order to gain an audience with the Worm God Akka who was the Worm of Secrets. During this encounter, he slayed the Worm and stole the secrets from its flesh that he wrote onto a set of tablets that became the Tablets of Ruin. This allowed him to commune with the Deep directly and when he returned he was transformed into Oryx who became the Taken King. With his new power, he waged war against the Ecumene in a conflict that lasted over 1140 years where he defeated his foes utterly after which he used his abilities to restore his sisters. Thus, from that point onwards, the Taken served Oryx as he continued his war across the universe with him adding many races into the ranks of the Taken. During the Golden Amputation, Oryx used his power to Take the Emperor Raven thus ensuring the defeat of the Taishibethi. Afterwards, the Vex under the direction of Quria, Blade Transform came to invade the throne world of Oryx where he was only able to expel the cybernetic machines by Taking them and turning them against each other. Later on, Oryx came to encounter Quria aboard the Nicha Thought-ship where he took the machine and later gifted it to his sister Savathûn, the Witch Queen.

Many years later, the Hive Prince Crota came to be slain in the Solar System at the hands of the Guardians. This resulted in the Taken King taking his Dreadnaught to the system as he sought revenge for the death of his son. His fleet came to clash with the Awoken and defeated them by the rings of Saturn where he decided to use his power to Take his enemies. This included Taking several of Queen Mara Sov's Techeuns after repellng their forces with his Dreadaught's superweapon. This resulted in the instigation of the Taken War where the likes of the Fallen, Vex, and Cabal were absorbed into his army of Taken in addition to some of his own Hive forces. The Taken spread across the Solar System were they were involved with the various factions that inhabited its worlds. In this time, they also came to spread into the Dreaming City of the Awoken where Oryx was able to Take the Ahamkara known as Riven.

With the Taken King defeated, it was believed that the Taken lacked a leader and thus were no longer a threat. However, during the Red War, there was an increased spike of Taken activity who were shown to be more coordinated. This led to Ikora Rey theorising that the Taken had come under the control of a new leader with this turning out to be Savathûn, the Witch Queen. At some point, Red Legion Psions used their psionic powers to successfully harness and infuse Taken energy into themselves and their superiors thus empowering them further but their efforts were stopped by the Guardian. On Io, Ikora Rey and Ashen Mir discovered that the Taken had established a foothold on Echo Mesa where they were drawing on the remnants of the Traveler's Light. With this power, they attempted to open a portal into the Ascendant realm but the Guardian succeeded in stopping them. Afterwards, Blights were used by the Taken to stage a major assault where they looked to pollute the water supply in the European Dead Zone. Their attempts were foiled by the Guardian who destroyed the Blights and killed the Taken Commander with this incident leading to the Vanguard suspecting that one of Oryx's sisters had taken control of the Taken. To bolster their numbers, the Taken also began abducting Vex and converting them members of their army but this plan was also thwarted by the Guardian.


In appearance, the ranks of the Taken consisted of a wide number of races that went through the Taking process where they were transformed into ethereal beings coated in darkness with an unnatural negative light emitting from their core. Those that accepted to be Taken were ripped from the normal dimension and then sent back where they were transformed as they had become wholly possessed by the Darkness who had corrupted their minds and bodies. The process of Taking involved an aperture forming that swallowed a living being which passed to the otherside. They were destroyed as being paracausal ontopathogenic weapon that infected and subverted individual targets turning them into compliant slaves with inexplicable abilities that violated the laws of physics.

The Taken were able to exude a black shadowy liquid or vapor called Blight which crackled with the eerie luminescence that coated their own forms. It served as a transmitter where it connected them to others that had been turned into Taken. Blight could seep into the environment and contaminate water supplies making it a danger with the Taken employing it to serve various purposes such as shields, area-denial and interdimensional communication nodes.


  • Baxx : Hand of Oryx
  • Malok : Pride of Oryx
  • Syrok : Word of Oryx
  • Ta'aun : Hand of Oryx
  • Grask : the Consumed
  • Quria : Blade Transform
  • Perfect Raven :
  • Voice of Riven :
  • Morgeth : the Spirekeeper
  • Riven of a Thousand Voices : a Ahamkara in the Dreaming City who was corrupted and turned into one of the Taken.


  • The Taken were created by Bungie where they featured in the setting of Destiny.


  • Destiny:
  • Destiny 2:

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