Talisman (Marvel)

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Talisman is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Elizabeth Twoyoungmen was a female human born as the daughter of Michael Twoyoungmen and his wife Kathryn Twoyoungmen. Her father was considered the best doctor in Canada with the family living in Calgary. During this time, the young Elizabeth came to make friends with Heather Hudson where she played games with her. When she was 4 years old, her mother fell ill and had to stay in the hospital with Elizabeth's promising her that he would make sure she got better. However, despite all his medical knowledge, he was unable to find a means of saving her and Kathryn Twoyoungmen passed away. This resulted in the young Elizabeth lashing out at her father for her mother's death. (Alpha Flight v1 #5) As a college archaeology student, Elizabeth was excavating the site of the original Fort Calgary when she discovered a skull. When she touched it, an apparition appeared that only she could see. (Alpha Flight v1 #14) Frightened, she sought out her father, whom she recognized as Shaman despite a spell he had cast to prevent himself from being so recognized. Together they investigated the skull, determining that it was the source of ancient anger or ancient evil. (Alpha Flight v1 #18)

Meanwhile, a young woman named Emily Stang was tending to her great-grandfather, Lucas Stang, when she was attacked by a mystical force manifesting itself through scrambled eggs as eggs were both a symbol of new life and a symbol of potential life unfulfilled. Shaman and Elizabeth traveled to the site of the manifestation, and Shaman seemingly defeated it. However, the force again manifested itself, this time through Lucas, and possessed Emily. As the possessed Emily attacked Elizabeth, Shaman identified it as Ranaq the Devourer, one of the Great Beasts of the North. Under Ranaq's barrage, Elizabeth found herself growing stronger until she was able instinctively to turn the force of Ranaq's attack back against it. Shaman launched an attack on Ranaq as well, and together they drove the beast out of Emily, saving her life. Shortly thereafter, Elizabeth reached into Shaman's mystical medicine pouch at his bidding and withdrew a coronet that was the Coronet of Enchantment. Placing it on her brow, she was transformed into Talisman, with the power to manipulate vast magical energies and command the spirits of nature to do her will. She then became a member of Alpha Flight. (Alpha Flight v1 #19) She was horrified to later learn that she was unable to remove the coronet without enduring unbearable, agonizing pain. (Alpha Flight v1 #20)


Personality and attributes

After gaining magical powers, she came to operate under the name of Talisman. (Alpha Flight v1 #19)

As a child, she came to hate her father as she had believed he broke his promise to her in ensuring that her mother would get better during the time she was ill. (Alpha Flight v1 #6)

From her father, she came to be a member of the Sarcee Tribe of Native Americans. (Alpha Flight v1 #6)

Powers and abilities

She was the product of prophecy of three hundred generations that was realised in her. Elizabeth was said to be the embodiment of a great and powerful force for good. In that role, she was the breaker of dark spells and was to be the 'One Who Binds All Evil'. It was said that if properly developed then her power might one day rival that of the Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange. (Alpha Flight v1 #19)


  • Talisman was created by John Byrne where she made her first appearance in Alpha Flight v1 #5 (December, 1983).

Alternate Versions


  • Alpha Flight v1: (1983)
  • Doctor Strange Annual:

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