Legion of Substitute Heroes

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The Legion of Substitute Heroes are a team that feature in DC Comics.





The Legion of Substitute Heroes were a team formed in the 30th century that consisted of individuals that had applied to the Legion of Super-Heroes. The Legion held try-outs, and had to reject several well-meaning but unsuited applicants, including Polar Boy, Night Girl, Chlorophyll Kid, Fire Lad and Stone Boy. The rejects met up and were encouraged by Polar Boy that even though they weren’t Legion material, they could still use their powers to help people. They formed the Legion of Substitute Heroes, vowing to help people and, if need be, the Legion of Super-Heroes in their time of need. They built their own clubhouse in the side of a mountain as well as a spaceship and Science Police monitoring system. They got a warning about giant evolved sea creatures that had escaped from the Ocean Research Laboratory, and were quick to respond, but the LOSH were already on the scene wrangling the beasts. The next Science Police alert came when scientists who’d built a domed city in the Arctic went rogue. They secretly built an atomic power plant under the dome, propelling the city into space, and delivered an ultimatum that they’d use the advanced weaponry they’d built to attack Earth unless they were given tribute. The Substitute Heroes flew into space, but Sun Boy of the Legion streaked through space near the domed city, and fearing they were about to be hit by a meteorite the scientists piloted their city back to Earth where they were apprehended by Colossal Boy and Cosmic Boy. Robot-ships attacked Earth and Polar Boy offered the Legion back-up, but Brainiac 5 refused him, saying the mission was too dangerous for untrained civilians. The Substitute Heroes’ anxieties finally got to them, and they decided they were no help as a team after all and prepared to disband. Chlorophyll Kid spotted seeds that had rained down from space, and used his plant growth powers on one. The seed grew into a plant man that attacked him, and the Substitute Heroes defeated it, and Fire-Lad incinerated the rest of the seeds. They learned from their monitor system that the seeds had come from a distant planet that had also sent the robot-ships. The robot-ships were meant to divert the Legion while the planet rocketed more seeds to Earth to conquer the planet. The Substitutes traveled to the planet, found the warehouse storing millions of seeds, and Chlorophyll Kid used his powers to prematurely grow them to plant men. The planet was now burdened with a population explosion, and had to cease its’ plans of invasion. The Substitutes decided to stay together after all, and were pleased to keep their victory a secret amongst themselves, and attended a parade for the Legion celebrating their defeat of the robot-ships. (Adventure Comics v1 #306)

Ambush Bug broke out of jail and decided to annoy Superman, teleporting on his back and wrapping his cape around his head as he was traveling through time. Superman had an errand to run in the 40th Century, but couldn't bring the Bug, so he stopped by the 30th century and dropped him by the Legion of Substitute Heroes, who were subbing for the MIA Legion. Polar Boy put him in a holding cell, and assured Superman everything would be okay. Superman ran his errand only to find Ambush Bug had escaped the heroes' custody. Chlorophyll Kid admitted that their holding cell was broken, so they had Bug in an aquarium tank. The Science Police alerted Superman to the chaos Bug was causing, and he was currently running through the Superman Museum. Superman dreaded Ambush Bug discovering his secret identity, and flew to the museum with the Substitute Heroes. He tried frying all the bugs he used to teleport, but Ambush Bug had more stored in his antennae. Superman reasoned that Ambush Bug could be tricked by putting up signs telling him not to enter a room, and not to push a button, and as soon as the signs were up Ambush Bug activated a Phantom Zone projector, trapping him. Superman gave the Subs a pep talk, telling them they'd make their own legends one day. (DC Comics Presents v1 #59)



  • Polar Boy :
  • Night Girl :
  • Stone Boy :
  • Antennae Boy :
  • Color Kid :


  • The Legion of Substitute Heroes were created by Edmond Hamilton and John Forte where they made their first appearance in Adventure Comics v1 #306 (March, 1963).

In other media



  • Adventure Comics v1: (1963)

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