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Ubbo-Sathla was an enigmatic, amorphous being that existed during the early, primordial era of Earth, and is said to dwell still in deep Y'qaa. Ubbo-Sathla was said to be the source of all life on Earth, as well as life's ultimate destination in its final days. It also guarded tablets that held the forbidden wisdom of the Elder Gods, which no wizard has even successfully seen.

Many contradictory elements have been cited as the history of Ubbo-Sathla. Some say it was the original proto-Shoggoth created by the Elder Things, or that it is one and the same as the extremely similar Abhoth. Others say it was an ally of Azathoth and was punished with mindlessness for the crime of stealing knowledge from the Elder Gods. Still others paint it as a creator or ally of the Great Old Ones in their rebellion against the Gods of Eld.

See also

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