Stiyl Magnus

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Stiyl Magnus is a male anime and manga character who features in A Certain Magical Index.



Stiyl Magnus (Japanese: ステイル=マグヌス, Hepburn: Suteiru Magunusu)

At some point, he came to join the ranks of Necessarius where he specialised in rune magic. During this time, he came to be close friends with Index Librorum Prohibitorum and Kaori Kanzaki. Around 2 years ago, he was assigned as a partner to Index where the two began to work together on missions.

Before Index's memories were erased; he, Index and Kanzaki were close friends, as indicated by their interactions when they are altogether. Stiyl traveled around the world next to Index's side, to copy the original grimoires in her mind, he also accompanied Index to the Vatican as so another book can be implanted into her mind. However, both Stiyl and Kanzaki received terrible news, that Index will die if her memories are not erased once a year. The church explains that since most of Index's mind was already used to contain the 103,000 grimoires and as such there was not enough space left in the brain for it to contain new memories, and since Index had photographic memory she wouldn't forget any unnecessary memory at all. This will kill her since she would use the remaining part of her brain for necessary functions, according to the church. Even then, both Stiyl and Kanzaki asked if there was any other alternative, though obviously they were told there was not. Both of them witnessed the deterioration of Index's body and were forced to erase her memories, weeping by her side. After her memories were erased, both of them tried to make new memories with Index and become her friends, though, the burden of doing the process annually, and then forcibly erasing her memories again was too much for them to handle, and they had given up. Because of this, it created a misunderstanding with Index, where she concluded that Stiyl and Kanzaki were after her and the grimoires inside her head and were enemies. Though they disliked the thought that she believed of them as her enemies, they allowed it to occur as it would detach Index from them, and giving her no reason to worry about losing the memories of her friends

Afterwards, Index fled to Academy City in Japan with Magnus and Kanzaki both sent to recover her. Stiyl promised that he will always protect Index whatever it takes, though it is unknown at which point in time he made this promise. Stiyl also received his trademark barcode tattoo, ear piercing and rings after Index had her memories erased.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Stiyl Magnus appeared as a handsome young man with shoulder-length blond hair that was dyed red and styled on either side. Typically, he was seen wearing a black priest robe and had a silver ring on each of his ten fingers, earrings on both ears, and a barcode tattooed under his right eye. His sorcery name was Fortis931, "I prove why my name is the strongest here" (我が名が最強である理由をここに証明する Waga Na ga Saikyō de aru Riyū o Koko ni Shōmei suru).

Stiyl has a short temper, but is actually kind as he cares about Index and is hinted to have affections for her; promising to protect her at all costs.

One of his greatest regrets was the failure to save Index's life without her losing her memories.

He did not like Touma very much and often enjoys causing him discomfort when they are together, but still respects his abilities and the fact that Index can be happy with her current partner.

Stiyl has to deal with the antics of Laura Stuart, even though she is his superior, when she is not performing her duties and is shown to punish her without a thought when she gets out of hand.

Powers and abilities

He came to be a formidable magician that used runes and fire magic.

Among the spells known to him included:

  • Squeamish Bloody Rood (吸血殺しの紅十字 Kyūketsu Goroshi no Kurenai Jūji?, lit. "Crimson Cross for Vampire Killing") :
  • Flame Sword (炎剣 Enken?, lit. "Flame Sword") :
  • Innocentius (魔女狩りの王イノケンティウス Majogari no Ō (Inokentiusu)?, lit. "King of Witch Hunters") :


  • Stiyl Magnus was created by Kazuma Kamachi where he featured in the setting of the A Certain Magical Index universe.

In other media



Video games


  • A Certain Magical Index:

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