Dragon Balls, Namekian

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The Namekian Dragon Balls were the originals that the Earth Dragon Balls were based on. Created by Guru, the Eldest Namek, the Namekian Dragon Balls were larger than the Earth versions, each about the size of a soccer ball. These Dragon Balls were sought out by Frieza, and he was kept from using them by Goku and his fellow warriors. They later travelled to Earth with the entire race of Namekians, and continued with them to New Namek.

The Namekian Dragon Balls differ from their Earth counterparts in several respects. First of all, all wishes on them must be made in the Namekian tongue. Second, they scatter for 130 days- a Namekian year- rather than an Earth year. They also grant three wishes instead of a single wish, but wishes to revive the dead must be done one at a time rather than in groups. However, a person can be revived unlimited times by the Namekian Dragon Balls.

Muuri later modified the Namekian Dragon Balls so that there were no limits on the number of people that could be revived in a single wish. Otherwise, it remained the same.

See also

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