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Lumpy was a member of the crew aboard the S.S. Venture (the Wanderer in the novelization). Despite his gruff exterior, the small man and his pet monkey Ignatz were very kind towards Ann Darrow during her time aboard the Venture. On Skull Island, Lumpy remained behind with Captain Englehorn while Carl Denham and Jack Driscoll threw together a search party to save Ann from the clutches of King Kong.

King Kong (2005)

Lumpy is the Venture's cook, and along with Hayes knew of Skull Island's existence from a dying Norwegian seaman they had found adrift. Lumpy went along with Denham and Driscoll as part of the search party to rescue Ann. When the group was shaken into a deep chasm from a log bridge by Kong, Lumpy was eaten by several giant tapeworm-like carnictuses.

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