IED Unit

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An IED Unit, which means Infiltrate, Execute, Detonate Unit was a machine that featured in an episode of Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends.


An IED Unit was a synthetic assassin that was considered almost unstoppable. It appeared as a black humanoid with yellow eyes and mechanical type hair. It was capable of blending into its surroundings through a type of cloaking mechanism that allowed it to camoflage itself to any surrounding. Its weaponry consisted of firing powerful energy blasts from its eyes. It was remarkably resilient and able to regenerate its limbs as well as absorb external power sources in order to reactivate.

The Unit was equipped with a positronic DNA tracer allowing it to locate its target across great distances. It was single minded in its goals but destroyed anything that impeded its goal. They were capable of surviving a fall from an airplane and continue on without any damage. It was also designed to be quick allowing it to quickly move across its surroundings. This was also accomplished by moulding its appendages into sharper shapes giving the unit the appearance of a spider. In order to accomplish its goals, it was capable of interfacing with foriegn computer systems to better locate its prey. It was intelligent enough to separate its prey from its defenders in order to better eliminate it.

One such IED Unit was imprisoned underground in a steel container in Nevada by the Global Alliance until Nick Logan accidently awakened it. This unit was stopped through relentless engagement that spanned across a week along with numerous Global Alliance casualties until its power core ran out.

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