Ceph (Crysis)
Ceph are an alien species that feature in Crysis.
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The Ceph were an alien race from a technologically advanced civilization that were seemingly native to their home planet located in M33 galaxy.
In 1919, a private expedition led by Jacob Hargreave was launched to investigate the site of the Tunguska Event of 1908. Alongside his colleagues Karl Rasch and Walter Gould, the group discovered the Ceph under unknown circumstances. Only those three survived the expedition where Hargreave managed to come into possession examples of the alien technology as well as knowledge of the threat posed by the Ceph to mankind. Through the stolen technology, he established Hargreave-Rasch Biomedical Research Centre in preparation for the coming of the aliens.
Lingshan Accident
Officially, the unidentified aliens were discovered at the Lingshan Islands by the efforts of an archaeological team led by Dr. Rosenthal who was being tracked by the CIA. Her team had uncovered fragments of the Ceph technology in other parts of the world that had brought them to the island. However, the alien technology attracted the attention of the North Korean government who dispatched the Korean People's Army to secure the Lingshan Island to appropriate it. This in turn brought about a United States response who dispatched their own military forces to prevent the KPA from acquiring the artifacts. However, the Korean Gneeral Kyong activated the structure thus inadvertently awakening the Ceph who activated an icy sphere that froze most of the island as well as killed everyone within range. The aliens engaged both the United States and North Korean forces thus forcing them to evacuvate the island. Ultimately, the American forces authorised a limited nuclear strike against the ice sphere. However, the sphere simply absorbed the nuclear explosion instead of dispersing it thus allowing it to expand. The resultant Ceph counterattack was massive enough to sink the entire US fleet.
Manhattan Invasion
In the following period, the various human forces led by Prophet were responsible for hunting down the Ceph around the world. This period continued over the next twenty years where they managed to uncover the existence of a high ranking alien commander known as the Alpha Ceph. However, whilst engaging in this hunt, the C.E.L.L. corporation was responsible for secretly operating from behind the scenes where they began to erect Nanodomes to contain the Ceph presence in their specific outbreak locations. Among these included New York where the Liberty Dome was erected that kept the aliens contained. At this point, C.E.L.L. was responsible for capturing the Alpha Ceph and contained the organism where they began to tap into its energy in order to harness the alien technology. This was with the intention of creating free energy which the corporation beamed globally and made the rest of the world dependant on. As a result, the Ceph deactivated as their hive mind was rendered inactive due to the Alpha Ceph's containment with only Stalker type organisms still operating though these entered into a wild, feral state. Through Ceph energy, C.E.L.L. made the rest of the world dependant on them and had individuals pay off their debt by working for the corporation. Unknown to any, the Alpha Ceph's mind still operated in Karl Rasch who had used the alien nanotechnology to extend his life. This led to a mental battle between the Alpha Ceph and Rasch which the human lost whereupon the alien influence began to work to free itself. The moment only arrived when Prophet was freed from C.E.L.L. imprisonment by resistance fighters. This group was directed to attack the Ceph energy installation though they were not aware of the Alpha Ceph's imprisonment. Instead, they believed that the creature had been killed when Prophet had been hunting the aliens down prior to his capture. Thus, once the containment facility was destroyed, the Alpha Ceph was freed where it began reactivating the rest of its compatriots and bringing them under the direction of the hive mind. The result was large scale fighting between C.E.L.L., the Ceph and the human resistance fighters. However, the ultimate goal of the Alpha Ceph was to begin its species Stage 3 colonization strategy that involved using its power to create a wormhole to its home galaxy to allow an incursion force to invade Earth. Upon learning of this fact, Prophet moved to engage the alien and succeeded in killing the Alpha Ceph but not before the wormhole allowed a single alien warship to partially emerge. After being transported into orbit, Prophet took control of the C.E.L.L. Archangel orbital weapon satellite and used it to destroy the alien starships which exploded as well as seemingly collapsed the wormhole. Thus, the Ceph were defeated and the C.E.L.L. corporation was brought down after their monopoly on alien energy generation had ended alongside the collapse of their brutal reign.
Their hive mind was described as being force of pure energy which linked all their race to one another. Outsiders that connected to it faced the danger of being overwhelmed by it and consumed by the hive mind.
Among the greatest of the Ceph was a large entity known as the Alpha Ceph that was able to control and direct their comrades as well as their technology. Stalker type Ceph were notably different from the rest of their kind as they did not require a connection to the hive mind in order to operate. Instead, when deprived of the mind link, they entered into a more feral state where they attacked any target but without any coordination. This mindstate changed when the hive mind was brought back online.
Different types of Ceph units included:
- Grunt : these 6.5 meter tall humanoid armored machines were armed with blades for melee combat but also made use of a built-in energy weapon and an EMP device designed to drain energy reserves within their foes electrical equipment.
- Stalker : a 6 meter tall construct that adopted a sleek hunched hunter-like stance and typically fought with melee blades but also possessed a built-in machine gun weapon. These Ceph did not solely rely on their racial hive mind but reverted to a feral state when separated from it.
- Guardian Units : a powerful Ceph bipedal construct that shared traits of the Stalkers as well as others but were much more powerful and had the ability to enter into a stealth mode making them invisible.
- Devastator Units : these heavily armored bipedal constructs held heavy weapons and some form of missile launcher. Their greater mass allowed them to smash into enemy lines and the Ceph typically deployed them in pods from their dropships.
Other notable type of Ceph included:
- Scorchers : an insectile quadrapedal creature designated pyrus-xenus that acted as a mobile turret that were armed with Incinerators that shot out streaks of flame to roast enemies. It held an armored head which it used to protect itself from enemy fire but was capable of being remotely hacked by a Nanosuit.
- Masterminds : these quadrapedal four armed large constructs were able to control energy fields to drag targets to them and used it to manipulate other Ceph to fight for them.
Stage 3 Ceph Colonization strategy was one of the approaches the aliens did when engaging another world. In circumstances where initial invasion failed, the overhive was responsible for dispatching their warrior caste en mass through a wormhole from their home planet. This incursion force was tasked with sending multiple starships that would gain orbital supremacy and conquer the target world.
A craft utilized by the aliens in terrestrial operations were Ceph gunships that were small aircraft similar to a Human helicopter. These gunships possessed strong armor and required missile weapons to destroy them. Their armaments took the form of a powerful plasma chaingun and a lunahc system that fired multiple enery projectiles. Ceph dropships were aerial craft that were used to deploy up to six drop pods onto the ground and releasing these forces to engage enemy units. An example of Ceph starships included large alien structures underground that were capable of breaking forth and floating in the air. These structures were described as being a lithoship.
One of the weapons available to the Ceph was a weaponized virus that was capable of large scale infecting of a populace. It was generated and released into the atmosphere from large spires that emerged from the ground that in turn were part of a larger underground Ceph structure. Another aspect of their technology linked closely to the Ceph's hive mind nature was the establishment of devices called MindCarriers. These machines were situated on the field where they provided individual Ceph a connection to their hive mind. A further ability of the Ceph was the capacity to create wormholes that crossed between galaxies in order to allow their starships to travel to different planets.
- The novel Crysis: Legion has the Ceph being given a Human designation of Charybdis.
- Crysis
- Crysis: Warhead
- Crysis II
- Crysis III
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