Speed Force

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The Flash in the Speed Force in Flash: The Fastest Man Alive v1 #1.

The Speed Force is a concept that features in DC Comics.





One account held that the power of the Speed Force was the same as the Godwave that was formed following the destruction of the Third World of the Old Gods. (Genesis v1#2)

On the planet Savoth, the alien inhabitants had developed a deep understanding of the Speed Force with universities being built for its study. A scientist by the name of Gorflack later built a Speed Force cannon to defend his world from alien invaders. However, use of the device instead brought Jay Garrick to Savoth who helped protect the world. For his help, Gorflack gave Garrick a lightning shaped piece of solidified Speed Force that he along with his successors could use to transport to Savoth. (Flash v2 #233)

Gorbzil Mammit used helmet like devices in order to instill the Speed Force into four gorillas that fought Max Mercury. He also made use of an anti-Speed Force device in an attempt to defeat Bart Allen but was stopped when a power cut shut off the machine. (Legends of the DC Universe v1 #19)

During the battle against Superman Prime, a number of speedsters attempted to defeat him by shunting him into the Speed Force. A number of long departed speedsters aided in dragging him into that dimension. Jay Garrick later commented that he felt that the Speed Force was gone. (Infinite Crisis v1 #4)

In the 25th century, study of the Speed Force outside of the Flash Museum was illegal and grounds for arrest by the Science Police. (Flash v3 #8)

In Dark Tomorrow, an alternate future was created when Impulse and Carol Bucklen travelled to the 30th century. Once there, Bucklen began studying the Speed Force and a way of imparting it on normal humans o accelerate their metabolism, improve health and confer speed powers to everyone on Earth. Carol's early tests were successful with Earthgov President Thawne abusing this development to create an army of speedster soldiers known as the Hyperguard to enforce his rule. A side effect of the process, however, led to a complete physical and mental breakdown of the subjects with this future being averted by Impulse. (Impulse v1 #73-75)

The New 52

Following the Flashpoint, a new history of events was created by the altered timeline.

It was claimed that the Speed Force had long sought a person that was worthy of its power. Long ago, it was responsible for wiping out the ancient Mayan civilization, had struck gorillas where it sped their minds to give them heightened intelligence who built Gorilla City and snatched people that were trapped within it. (Flash v4 #9)

Doctor Elias Darwin concluded that the use of the Speed Force by the Flash caused tears in the fabric of space and time with him seeking to destroy it to prevent future destruction. (Flash v4 #5)

As a result of Darwin Elias's monorail crash, a puncture came into the Speed Force that broke it. Following that moment, various beings that utilized the Speed Force such as Daniel West, Barry Allen, Gorilla Grodd and others led to a widening of the tear with reality bleeding out. Twenty years in the future, a version of Barry Allen saw the damage that this rupture created and decided to go back in time to eliminate himself as the release of the Speed Force from his past self could heal the damage. He was stopped by a future version of Wally West who died trying to save the past version of Barry Allen but not before passing his power to him. This led to the past version of Barry Allen being sent elsewhere as the rupture in the Speed Force healed and leaving the future Flash trapped in the modern day. (Flash v4 #35)

William Selkirk first discovered the existence of the Speed Force in legends around the world when he studied his doctorate at Oxford. He attempted to publish his findings but was derided by his peers causing him to devote his fortune to finding proof of its existence. His travels led him to the Utah Salt Flats where he discovered a tear into the Speed Force where Selkirk got dragged into it. After passing through, he got trapped within the otherworldly realm of the Speed Force that held various beings from across the timeline that were trapped within its confines. (Flash v4 #38)

At some point, a treaty was made between A.R.G.U.S., S.T.A.R. Labs and the Justice League that made any research of the Speed Force off-limits. (The Flash: Rebirth v2 #1)

In an effort to stop Godspeed, Flash drained the Speed Force from those that gained speedster powers from the Speed Force Storm and channelled it into himself along with Wallace West. (The Flash v5 #7) Captain Cold later examined the technology of the Black Hole group and used it to create a Cold Gun that tapped into the Speed Force. He used this enhanced weapon against the Flash where it disrupted the Speed Force within the Flash preventing him from vibrating through the ice generated by it. (The Flash v5 #17)


The Speed Force was stated as being an infinite realm of velocity that feeds all motion in the universe. (JLA v1 #82) It was claimed that the Speed Force was the life blood of time itself. (Flash Annual v4 #3) It was also described as being an absolute barrier with those running two fast being lost inside of it. (JSA v1 #20) When approaching the speed of light, a Speed Force user created time rifts whereby objects or people could be sucked into the vortex and displaced anywhere in the timeline. (Flash v4 #5)

Conduits to the Speed Force afforded the user a range of abilities including:

  • Infinite Mass Punch : an ability used by Wally West whereby using the Speed Field and accelerating towards approaching lightspeed, the speedster body's mass began to increase towards infinity with them being able to strike with an incredibly powerful punch able to send powerful superhumans flying across continents. (JLA v1 #3) Thus, the faster they went the more mass they generated until they reached lightspeed whereupon their fists could strike with the force of a white dwarf star. (Flash v2 #148)
  • Speed-Mind : increases the speed of thought allowing the user to calculate outcomes and see potential paths for the future. (Flash v4 #16)
  • Speed-Talk : a wielder was able to lock their speed with another speedster creating a moment that was frozen allowing the two to speak to one another whilst time seemingly stopped around them with it appearing as a quick screech to outsiders. (The Flash v5 #12)

By channelling the Speed Force, a speedster could sense things that were disrupting space-time. (Nightwing v4 #21)

Though it was the source of their energy, there was danger of a speedster when tapping into the power of the Speed Force. Upon merging with it, they began to lose their memories and sense of self as they became one with it. Their body began to breakdown and was transformed into pure kinetic energy that served as fuel for the next generation of speedsters. (DC Universe: Rebirth v1 #1)

Within the Speed Force was a veritable world and during the time there was a rip in it all manner of beings, animals and technology slipped into it to occupy the lands of the Nexus. (Flash v4 #36) There were numerous patches and islands within this dimension that obeyed different rules such as one where time did not follow the standard laws. Such areas were bathed in eternal sunlight and occupants did not age though neither could they have children. (Flash v4 #37)


  • Barry Allen :
  • Wally West :
  • Savitar :
  • Magali : a Nahuatl woman who lived in 1520 that gained powers allowing her to heal or kill with a touch with her being saved from Spanish Conquistadores by Professor Zoom who recruited her as part of a team to hunt Barry Allen. (Flash Annual v4 #4)
  • Xolani : a Zulu male who lived in 1883 that gained the power to fold his body as well as teleport leading to him being known as the Folded Man that used to steal diamonds until white men killed his wife whereupon he was recruited by Professor Zoom to be part of his hunting down to eliminate Barry Allen. (Flash Annual v4 #4)
  • Human Block : a Maori woman who lived in 1957 that gained the power to speed the molecules on her skin to make them invulnerable whereupon she was recruited by Professor Zoom into his Barry Allen hunting team. (Flash Annual v4 #4)
  • Roscoe : a white Oklahoman orphan in 1982 who gained the power to create tornados around himself after which he got recruited by Professor Zoom to be part of his Barry Allen Flash hunting team. (Flash Annual v4 #4)
  • August Heart : a male detective at the Central City Police Department that was hit by a Speed Force storm making him into a speedster that the Flash attempted to train to be a superhero. (The Flash v5 #2)
  • Meena Dhawan :


Alternate Versions

  • In JLA v1 #9 (1997), the Key used a psycho-virus to put the Justice League into a dream state where they imagined separate worlds from reality. The dream of the Flash Wally West had him becoming a speedster after he was bequeathed a ring from the dying New God Fastbak that allowed him to access the Speed Source. This ring created a condensed hyperdimensional gel around him making him a manifestation of the Speed Source making him the Flash of this dream world. The dream reality experienced by Wally West thus merged the Source with the Speed Force.
  • In Elseworld's Flashpoint (2000), it was mentioned as a field of accelerated energy that some considered heaven. Its existence was long ago discovered by the religious scientists of Mars who had a key that was able to open the way into that realm. A chief priest sought to achieve a higher state of being for both himself and his world causing him to cut the key into this dimension. The resultant subspace wormhole generated an unexpected anomaly creating a flashpoint even that killed all life on the planet. Only the priest's acolyte survived who was the Martian that remained on his world where the key remained buried for many years. By the modern age, Mars was subject to an expedition from Earth led by Barry Allen's Allen Industries and Vandal Savage's Immortality, Inc. This led to the uncovering of the key that was found by Wally West who died from the encounter though he was cloned by Savage in an effort to learn more about the abilities given by the relic. The key was recovered by Savage who sought to unleash its power until he was defeated by Barry Allen who disappeared into the otherworldly heavenly realm.

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, the Speed Force was shown in the shared continuity setting of the DC Animated Universe in the episode "Divided We Fall". During the battle with the merged Brainiac/Lex Luthor, Flash was the only member of the Justice League not defeated. He seemingly runs from the battlefield but in actuality was traveling at near light speed levels in order to deal tremendously powerful strikes to the supervillain. After numerous of such blows, Luthor was stripped of his Brainiac components that were destroyed making Lex a normal human again. However, the use of his powers threatened to draw him into a Speed Force until the rest of the Justice League managed to pull him out before he was lost forever.
  • In The Flash, the Speed Force was mentioned as part of the backstory in the 2014 live-action series. Eobard Thawne's cells were depleted of the Speed Force after he jumped back in time where he attempted to kill a young Barry Allen. In "The Runaway Dinosaur", Barry Allen ended up in communion with the Speed Force who stated that they had been there since the creation of reality during the Big Bang and they will be there at the end of the universe. In "The Present", Jay Garrick described the Speed Force as eternity itself with it being an endless void of time and energy. In the future, the Flash was responsible for imprisoning the speedster Savitar in the Speed Force that served as his prison where he sought to free himself in the modern day.


  • In Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, the Speed Force was mentioned as being the source of energy for those using superspeed and allowed them to bend the laws of physics to run fast. It afforded them the power also to heal themselves from injuries with Barry Allen gaining this power from a mixture of chemicals and being struck by lightning. His arch-nemesis Professor Zoom replicated this event to give himself such powers as well. Allen used the Speed Force to break the time-barrier to save his mother but this created an alternate timeline that saw the world devastated by the Amazon-Atlantean war. Flash attempted to revert back to the original timeline but Zoom had pursued him where he siphoned the Speed Force from him to prevent him from breaking the time barrier again. However, the Flashpoint Batman killed Zoom allowing the Flash to change history once again.

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, the Speed Force was related to the Paradox Wave and the Paradox Reapers that were created due to the disturbance in the timeline created by arrival of Future Lex Luthor and Future Batman.
  • In Infinite Crisis, it was mentioned in the Flash's power set where he stacked Speed Force abilities that amplified his attacks.
  • In Injustice 2, the Speed Force was mentioned in dialogue during the video game setting with Flash and Reverse-Flash both being wielders of its power.


  • JLA v1:
  • Flash v4:
  • Flash Annual v4:

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