Vixen (DC)

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Mari Jiwe McCabe is a female comic superhero that features in DC Comics.




Mari Jiwe McCabe was the daughter of Jeanne-Mari Jiwe (Vixen: Return of the Lion v1 #1) and Reverend Richard Jiwe from the African nation of Zambesi where he was noted as being the Gandhi of his country. (Justice League of America v1 #234)

Her uncle was Mustapha Maksai who was the half-brother of her father with him rising in the military during the time of the decolonization of the country of M'Changa around 15 years ago. It was believed that General Maksai who was known by the moniker of the Gored Ox that he was responsible for shooting the fatal bullet that killed her father. (Justice League of America v1 #234)

Justice League

The New 52


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Within the Tantu Totem, there resided an entire world where resided the god Kwaku Anansi. (Justice League of America v2 #25)


  • The Mari Jiwe McCabe Vixen appeared in Gerry Conway and Bob Oksner where she made her first appearance in Action Comics v1 #521 (July, 1981).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, Vixen appeared in the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where she was voiced by actor Gina Torres.
  • In the Arrowverse, Vixen made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Vixen, Mari Jiwe McCabe made her first appearance in the animated web series where she was voiced by actor Megalyn Echikunwoke. She was born in the village of Zambesi with her having an older sister by the name of Kuasa. Mari was only a baby when their home was attacked by the local warlord Benatu Eshu. Her mother was the bearer of the Tantu Totem but was unable to stop the carnage and was fatally wounded by Eshu though not before she managed to get her youngest daughter to safety. As a result, Mari was given the Tantu Totem with her being separated her sister and did not know of her existence whilst Mari was taken to America where she was adopted as the foster daughter of Chuck McCabe and Patty McCabe. She grew up and became interested in fashion that led to her taking a career there but she wanted to learn more about her past leading to her briefly leaving Detroit in search for answers but she discovered nothing. By this point, Mari was unaware of the mystical nature of the Totem she wore which she thought was a family heirloom and also did not know that her sister Kuasa was seeking her out as she intended to claim the relic which she believed was her birth right that was denied her. With armed guards, she had Mari kidnapped and taken to their ruined village of Zambesi with Kuasa using a mystic rite to get the Totem to remove itself from her. Kuasa claimed it herself but ultimately Mari managed to defeat her and took back the Totem. She then began to operate as a superhero in Detroit with her being given the name Vixen. Later, the warlord Eshu arrived in Detroit with him seeking all the totems of Zambesi leading to him acquiring the Fire Totem. This led to a battle with Mari who was unable to defeat him and she ended up freeing her sister as well as seeking allies from other members of the superhero community. Kuasa convinced her younger sister to seek out the Water Totem that she claimed for herself where she battled Eshu in order to avenge her village but she was seemingly killed by the Fire Totem's power. Mari then managed to use the power of the Tantu Totem to finally defeat Eshu.
    • In Arrow, Mari Jiwe McCabe made her live-action debut in the television series where she was portrayed by actor Megalyn Echikunwoke.
    • In Legends of Tomorrow, Mari's grandmother Amaya Jiwe appeared in the live-action who was portrayed by actor Maisie Richardson-Sellers.


Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, Vixen appeared in the MMORPG game in a non-voiced role.


  • Action Comics v1:

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