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The Helghast are a human civilisation that features in the Killzone series.



The Helghast were a human civilization that was based on the world of Helghan. Their origins were traced to the events that saw the Earth being rendered uninhabitable following nuclear war. In the aftermath, the international United Colonial Nations (UCN) formed in 2055 that began to partner with industries and private firms to establish colonies on other worlds. Among the industries that formed during this time was the Helghan Corporation that was an energy company which became involved in this venture. An expedition was launched to the Alpha Centauri system whereby two worlds were discovered namely habitable Vekta that was named after Helghan Corporation CEO Phillip Vekta and the other being resource rich but barren Helghan named after the corporation. Whilst settling Helghan, the corporation also intended to purchase ownership of Vekta as well. However, the UCN imposed sanctions against the company due to what it deemed as unfair business practices used by the corporation. A conflict emerged that was known as the First Extrasolar War that lasted from 2199 till 2204 whereby the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance was formed as the military wing of the UCN. Ultimately, they were successful in defeating the Helghan Corporation who were dismantled with all its assets being seized by the UCN. The Helghan Corporation members were thus driven from Vekta and forced it into exile from the world. The exiled colonists then settled on Helghan where they established their own civilization with them engaging in the greatest exodus in the history of mankind. This new civilization was based on the principles of authoritarianism and militarism where they attempted to live on their new homeworld. The harsh environment of Helghan killed many of the colonists forcing the survivors to make use of respirators and air tanks in order to breath. Early life on the world was hard as the heavy radiation in the atmosphere and began to cause their hair to fall out with their children being deformed. In time, their bodies began to adapt to their environment with the Helghast mutating from normal humans to pale-skinned hairless humanoids that had increased strength, stamina along with intelligence.

Multiple Helghan vessels approached the planet Vekta whose defenses were sabotaged allowing the craft to drop into orbit and deploy their military. This led to a wide scale invasion of the planet as they sought to take control of the world. It was the 3rd Helghan Army that led the campaign of attacking the planetary defenders.


In appearance, the Helghast were largely similar to their human forebears as being humanoids with similar features. However, life on the hostile world of Helghan led to them holding a paler skin and tending to be bald. Helghast were said to had mutated to gain increased strength, stamina and intelligence due to life on Helghan.

Under Visari, the Helghast were exclaimed as being a superior species and a master race over the rest of mankind. They considered humans to be beneath them and dreamed of reconquering Vekta before expanding their empire to Earth.


  • Scolar Visari :
  • Joseph Lente : male General that commanded the 3rd Helghan Army invasion forces of Vekta.
  • Gregor Hakka : a male Colonel who was actually an in-field operations agent spy that reported to the I.S.A.
  • Jorhan Stahl :


  • The Helghast were antagonists that appeared in the Killzone series.


  • Killzone:
  • Killzone 2:
  • Killzone 3:
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall:

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