Kirt Niedrigh

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Kirt Niedrigh is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.



Kirt Niedrigh

With Vera discovered, he quickly beat her and placed the Durlan in the stasis cells so that he could absorb her powers later on. Afterwards, the Legion attacked the satellite with the goal of freeing their friends leading to Niedrigh deciding to use Vera's powers to shapeshift into her form. In this guise, he came before Colossal Boy allowing him to ambush him before fighting Superman. With Superman depowered, Kirt had the advantage with his large powerset leading to Superman forcing him through the window into space. (Action Comics v1 #862)


Personality and attributes

Though he had met the young Superboy, he came to believe that Kal-El was inept and had only be chosen to join the Legion based on who he would become rather than based on who he was at the time. As such, he felt that Superman should have been rejected from the Legion rather than himself. (Action Comics v1 #862)

Powers and abilities


  • Absorbency Boy was created by Cary Bates and Mike Grell where he made his first appearance in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes v1 #218 (July, 1976).
  • The character was later re-invented as Earth-Man by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank where he made his first appearance in Action Comics v1 #858 (December, 2007).

Alternate Versions


  • Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes:
  • Action Comics:
  • Legion of Super-Heroes:

External Links

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