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Earthforce is a military organization that features in Babylon 5.



Earthforce Public Relations arranged for Commander Sinclair to have an interview with a popular reporter from Interstellar Network News at Babylon 5 to mark the second anniversary of it coming online. At the time, agents from the bio-weapon's division moved to acquire recently discovered organic technology at Babylon 5 where it was claimed it was being taken by Earth Central for defensive purposes. (Episode: Infection)

At Io, General Hague in command of the Alexander along with friendly ships engaged those of President Clarke's where his compatriot vessels allowed him to escape despite taking damage during the skirmish. This came as a result of martial law being declared in the Earth Alliance leading to riots and uprisings across human space. Hague attempted to call upon others in the military and the disbanded Earth Senate to rise up against Clarke. However, four of the five cruisers that defected were destroyed whilst Hague himself was on the run. (Episode: Point of No Return) The crew of the Alexander managed to intercept a message from Earthforce Command that saw bombing runs made on Mars after it refused to obey President Clarke's order of martial law. This campaign against Mars was stated to continue until the Mars Provisional Government followed Earth's orders whilst rebel forces arriving at Babylon 5 saw loyalist ships being deployed to take control of the station. (Episode: Severed Dreams)

After the death of President Clark, Sheridan surrendered to Earthforce authorities in order to decide the legality of his action. Ultimately, he was praised for his campaign against Clark but was forced to resign his commission though was given amnesty along with his crew on Babylon 5. (Episode: Rising Star) Though Babylon 5 served as headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance, this was until they could buy the station from the Earth Alliance. In that time, it was decided an Earthforce Captain was meant to manage its operations with Elizabeth Lochley selected by President Sheridan in 2262. (Episode: No Compromise)


The mandate of Earthforce was to protect Earth against all threats be them foreign or domestic. It was not the policy of the military to dictate the actions of the government. (Episode: No Surrender, No Retreat)

Under the authority of Earthforce Command, it was possible to order a junior commander to tae control of a ship if its captain was deemed to be conducting a court martial offense. (Episode: No Surrender, No Retreat) All high ranking Earthforce com systems carry an identifier code on a sub-channel that was kept secret so that false orders could not be given and thus could not be faked. (Episode: Voices of Authority) Members had their genetic code being mapped and recorded for identification purposes. (Episode: A Late Delivery from Avalon)

Review boards were put together in order to examine the actions of personnel and determine their guilt. (Episode: A Late Delivery from Avalon) Advancement and promotion depended entirely on high visibility assignments. (Movie: In the Beginning)

One of its branches was Earthforce defense's bio-weapons division that sought the acquisition of organic technology and weapons. (Episode: Infection)

Notable units within Earthforce included:

  • 54th North American Unit : Sheridan was part of this unit when he first joined Earthforce. (Episode: No Compromise)

One of the awards given for decorated officers was the Silver Star of Valor. (Episode: Voices of Authority) Military tribunals were assembled in order to consider the actions of a crew involved in possible war crimes or illegal actions. (Episode: No Surrender, No Retreat) Standard indemnification clauses in personnel contracts meant that insurance covered for legal action made against the person but if it went above a certain financial threshold then the individual had to pay the remaining amount. (Movie: River of Souls)

At some point, Earthforce armed its personnel with PPG's in order to have a weapon that burnt flesh but would not puncture the hull like a slug thrower would do. (Episode: Grey 17 is Missing)

Edgar Industries chemical weapons division was one of the major suppliers of Earthforce. (Episode: The Exercise of Vital Powers)


  • Jeffrey Sinclair :
  • John Sheridan :
  • Elizabeth Lockley :
  • Susan Ivanova :
  • Warren Keffer :
  • Hague :
  • Smits : a male general who informed Captain Sheridan that Nightwatch was to taken over security duties at Babylon 5 though secretly gave a message to him show him how to circumvent their authority. (Episode: Point of No Return)
  • Sandra Hiroshi : a female captain who commanded the Churchill who participated in the rebellion against President Clarke where her vessel was destroyed during the stand at Babylon 5 against loyalist forces. (Episode: Severed Dreams)
  • Dexter Smith : a male captain in charge of the destroyer Agrippa who was part of Clarke loyal forces and deployed to take control of Babylon 5. (Episode: Severed Dreams)
  • Elizabeth Lochley : female captain assigned as the new commander of operations for Babylon 5 in 2262. (Episode: No Compromises)
  • John Clemens : a male human who served under Clark's regime and operated as a Major on Beta 3 colony but was forced to escape when Sheridan led the Liberation Fleet to free Earth. In 2262, he made an assassination attempt against President Sheridan during the inauguration ceremony. (Episode: No Compromise)


  • Babylon 5: "Voices of Authority"

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