Narancia Ghirga

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Narancia Ghirga is a male character who features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.




Narancia Ghirga (ナランチャ・ギルガ Narancha Giruga) was a male Italian born on 1984 to Mela Ghirga and her husband who was the child's father with him growing up in Italy. Initially, it was noted that he was a normal and happy child until his mother had contracted an eye disease and died from it when he was ten years old. By this point, his father began to neglect him as he did not love him very much leading to him no longer caring for the boy. This led to Narancia deciding to stop attending school and he began to spend more time with his friends at their house with them stealing food from restaurants for dinner. He came to consider that friendship was the most important thing in the world with one of them being an older blonde haired friend who he shared much about his life. One day, the friend told Narancia to dye his hair blond stating that it was cool and part of the current trend. This saw Narancia agreeing and he changed his hair thinking it did make him look cool. However, the next day, he was arrested by the police when a woman identified him as a thief that had attacked and stolen from her. Despite him professing his innocence, Narancia was found guilty and ordered to be put in a juvenile detention centre for a year. The confused Narancia attempted to find information about why he had been arrested and came to learn that his older friend had broken into a house and beaten up the old woman. To prevent identification, the friend then convinced Narancia to change his hair to a blonde colour so that he would be caught instead leading to his false imprisonment whilst the older friend managed to go free. During his time at the centre, the guards were noted to had constantly beating him up and leading to Narancia contracting an eye disease as a result. A year later, he was fifteen years old when he was finally released and returned to his neighbourhood but rumours about him began to spread among his former peers who spoke about Narancia having contracted the same eye disease as his mother and that it was contagious leading to his former friends shunning him. This included the older friend that had got him arrested as he was the person spreading the rumours as Narancia had confided in him about his mothers eye disease. Abandoned by those he called friends, Narancia had nowhere to go and forced to rely on himself as he had given up on his life with him convinced that he would die the same way as his mother.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Though young, he was a skilled member of the Passione gang. Narancia was also a Stand user allowing him to manifest his energy into a spectral form that aided him in battle. This Stand was known as Aerosmith (エアロスミス Earosumisu) that took the form of a monoplane. Whilst resembling a toy airplane, it was actually armed with guns on its wings able to shoot a form of bullets at targets and also could drop miniature bombs on enemies to destroy them. The plane had a very small pilot that operated it who was named Smith. It had a unique ability to detect enemies in that it had a radar that detected carbon dioxide allowing it to find targets by their breathing. Aerosmith was able to determine the size of a target simply by the extent of their breathing. Thus, it made it a difficult Stand to evade especially for those unaware of its abilities. However, similarly, it was difficult to use in areas with a large crowd as it could not determine its specific targets thus making it a danger of hitting innocents in a region.

Like Bruno, Narancia delivers his finishing line in segments. He'll say "vola, vola, vola..." during his rapid-fire attack and end with "Volare via" (Italian for "Flying Away") when he finishes. Sadly he is killed by Diavolo while in Giorno's body.


  • Narancia Ghirga was created by Hirohiko Araki where he featured in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe in Golden Wind.

In other media

Video games


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind:

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