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Faluzure is a literary character who features in Dungeons & Dragons.



Faluzure was a great and powerful dragon that was known as the god of destruction and decay.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Falazure was a vast and sleek dragon with silver-edged scales of midnight blue and vestigial wings. With his powers, he could also appear as a handsome human or comely elf.

Faluzure was the dragon deity of Energy Draining, Undeath, Decay, and Exhaustion.

He was noted for being brilliant and a gifted master of disguise, who lacked his sister Tiamat's recklessness.

Like Chronepsis, Bahamut, Tiamat, and others, Faluzure is a child of the draconic creator deity Io. Faluzure hates Bahamut and Tiamat equally, and he fears Chronepsis. He hates Bahamut, Tiamat, and Sardior equally, for despite their differences, they represent the idealized life of each of the three main branches of dragonkind. He hates even the destructive evil of Garyx, as within that evil is a desire to shape the living world, rather than bring death to everything. He takes cruel delight in twisting and annihilating those Tamara holds dear, simply to show her that death is stronger than life. It is for Chronepsis, however, that he reserves his greatest hatred, mirrored by an equal measure of fear. Where Faluzure desires a continued existence in undeath for all things, the Death Dragon represents the final end of all things, even the undead. It is with some irony, and no small mystery, that these two opposed deities manifest in the Realmspace crystal sphere as the single deity Null. Faluzure has devoted considerable attention in recent centuries to completely subsuming Chronepsis’s Guardian of the Lost aspect of Null, with little success. Tamara is one of his staunchest enemies. He may occasionally ally with Nerull. Legend has it that Faluzure endlessly pursues his sister Hlal in retribution for a prank she played on him.

As a god, he came to be worshipped by shadow dragons and undead dragons. He was also revered by many necromancers of nondraconic races as well, and by intelligent undead. Faluzure teaches that, as long as the lives of dragons are, still they are finite. This need not be the case, however, for undeath lies beyond like a tantalizing treasure trove. Most believe that Faluzure played a part in the creation of the first undead dragons, though he is not mentioned in the legend of Dragotha. The favored weapon of Faluzure's clerics is the scimitar or claw. Prayers are held twice daily, at evening and midnight. Faluzure's rituals normally involve raising up undead or transforming oneself into undead form. Prayers to the Night Dragon celebrate death and decay, comparing transformation into undeath to waking from sleep.

Powers and abilities

He requires a continuous stream of death to maintain his beauty and perfection; if he goes without death for too long, he becomes gaunt and skeletal.

Faluzure's Mausoleum of Pain was located on the plane of Tarterian Depths of Carceri.

Temples to Faluzure are always subterranean and kept safe from the light of the sun.


  • Faluzure featured in the setting of the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

In other media


  • In in Dungeons & Dragons 2: Wrath of the Dragon God, Faluzure appeared in the setting of the live-action film. This version possessed a pair of fully-functional wings for flight and has more menacing appearance, latter which due to being depowered for so long and the extent of his necromatic powers was only displayed through Damodar's use of the Orb of Faluzure, mystical object used to contain the dragon god's dark powers. In times long ago, he challenged the Turanian civilization and demanded they give tribute to him. However, the Turanian mages had mastered the four elements of magic and sought to fight against Faluzure's evil. What followed was a long and brutal battle which resulted in Faluzure being defeated. However, they were incapable of destroying a god and insteed, chose to imprison him for all of time. Separating the dragon god from his powers and placing it in a black sphere, the Turanian mages then imprisoned the massive dragon into the mountains where he slept an endless sleep until a prophecised time of awakening. This endeavour, however, crippled the Turanian civilization who faded away into the mists of time. Only a small number of guardians remained to watch over the black sphere and prevent Faluzure's return. Centuries later, the undead being Damodar began a quest to use Faluzure's awakening as a way of gaining revenge on the mage city of Izmir.


  • Dungeons & Dragons:
  • Monster Mythology: (1992)
  • On Hallowed Ground: (1996)
  • Cult of the Dragon: (1998)

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