Jaime Sommers (Bionic Woman)

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Jaime Sommers is a female television character who features in The Bionic Woman.



Jaime Sommers

Born on June 22, 1949, Jaime was raised in Ojai, California by her parents James and Ann Sommers. She had a very active childhood, and often engaged in mischievous behavior. As a little girl, Jaime rode horses, climbed and fell out of trees, and was even caught by her mother hanging from the rafters of the barn at the "old Hanson place." Jaime's mother often encouraged her development, whether through digging up the flowers around her house or hitting tennis balls against the garage door. Jaime had a pet--a dog named Puzzles. As an adult, she recalled when she was Puzzles's "favorite toy." In elementary school, Jaime met a young boy named Steve Austin. On his first day in the third grade, she dared him to eat one of everything in the cafeteria. Even though she walked Steve home after he got sick, he still took revenge on her by putting a lizard down her back as she was swinging in the park. Jaime's fourth grade teacher was a very proper Mrs. Langford.

At the age of sixteen, Jaime's parents died in a car accident. James and Helen Elgin, stepfather and biological mother of her childhood friend, Steve Austin, became Jaime's legal guardians.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

After a skydiving accident left her broken and near death, a top secret OSI-funded surgery turned the tennis pro into the world's first bionic woman. The procedure was apparently successful initially, and she commenced training to utilize her bionic abilities. However, subsequent bionic rejection led to the formation of a blood clot at the base of her brain, the attempted removal of such leaving her medically-defined dead on the operating table. Miraculous cryogenic procedures and further surgery later restored her to life, but left her without most of her long-term memories.


  • Jaime Sommers was created by Kenneth Johnson where she was portrayed by actress Michelle Ryan in the setting of the reboot Bionic Woman universe.

In other media

Comic Books


  • Bionic Woman:

External Links

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