Aes Sedai

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The Aes Sedai are an organization that feature in The Wheel of Time.



The Aes Sedai (Old Tongue: Servant of All)

In the Old Tongue, Aes Sedai (pronounced: /ˈaɪz sɛˈdaɪ/) means "servants of all," and the Aes Sedai of the Age of Legends lived up to this definition. They aided mankind as scientists, healers, and philosophers. Women used saidar and men saidin, although it is believed that channelers in the Age of Legends were much stronger, or at least more knowledgeable, in the Power than their modern equivalents; it is believed that they could fly, and things that would seem miraculous today were supposedly commonplace to them. Some of their lost Talents, such as Traveling and Dreaming, have only just been rediscovered. One thing is clear, however; the greatest works were wrought by male and female channelers working together. Additionally, due to the social structure of the Age of Legends being based on how well one served society, the Aes Sedai as an organization were held in extremely high regard and were very well respected due to the fact that, with the advantage of being able to channel, the Aes Sedai contributed extraordinarily to the betterment of humankind.

It was an Aes Sedai research team at the Collam Daan that ripped open the Dark One's prison. The researchers, headed by Mierin Eronaile, thought they had found a power that both men and women could wield. They were not entirely mistaken, but it allowed the Dark One to manipulate the darkest desires of those that lived in the Age of Legends. What followed was a general collapse of civilization over the course of 100-110 years, concluding in the War of Power. It was said that, during this time, almost half of all Aes Sedai went over to the Shadow. In the end, the Dragon, with the help of the Hundred Companions, sealed the Dark One and the Forsaken in his prison at Shayol Ghul, and the Dark One's final counterattack tainted saidin itself, eventually driving all male channelers mad.

With the female Aes Sedai unable to control them, the men rampaged across the known world, boiling oceans, raising mountains where there were none, killing countless innocents. This was the Breaking of the World. While some of the men managed to find refuge in Ogier stedding (where they could not touch the Power, and therefore could harm no one and were protected from the effects of the taint), after a time they left the stedding hoping that the taint on saidin had disappeared. It had not, and they went insane, prolonging the breaking of the world according to some. Others hold to the view that this was not as disastrous as if all the men had gone insane all at once.


Aes Sedai rank themselves according to a strict hierarchy based on the levels of powers in saidar and also the ruling positions established by elections (as the Amyrlin Seat, the Ajah Heads, the Sitters in the Hall) or directly chosen and appointed by this women to another ruling position (as the Keeper of the Chronicles, the Mistress of Novices, the Head of a delegation, etc.). Usually the women chosen in such ruling offices stand already in a high hierarchical position being among the strongest in the levels of power. Despite the strict hierarchy based on strength in the One Power, a Sister's strength or standing compared to other Sisters is not usually openly discussed, and it is considered rude to do so. Rather, Aes Sedai naturally expect weaker Sisters to submit to the authority of stronger Sisters which younger initiates learn on their own without explicit instruction.

This means that a Sister's social or economic status prior to joining the White Tower has little to no influence on her standing within the establishment. A quite strong Sister born a commoner can easily outrank a sister born into a great noble family and holders of certain positions of power rank at the top. Morgase Trakand who is recognized as being given the right to wear the Ring was more a formality as a link to the Andoran Royal Family and her position as Queen, but her ability to channel was so little that she was seen as being below even the newest of Novices in the Tower.

Current Aes Sedai differ greatly from those from before the Breaking, most notably in their organization and their level of knowledge. Present day Aes Sedai are organized into what is known as the White Tower. Only those women accepted by the White Tower can be called Aes Sedai, and all other channelers are known as wilders. Additionally, their overall philosophy has changed drastically, and not for the better. Modern Aes Sedai, by and large, are trained not only in the Power, but are taught how to manipulate those around them. As observed by Nynaeve and numerous others, most Aes Sedai tend to place the White Tower's status, authority, and well-being above all other considerations. As such, they are seen as being very self-interested and self-serving. Many Aes Sedai excuse their behavior with the justification that whatever is best for the Tower is best for the world, but needless to say, this outlook is not shared by others. Additionally, the implementation of the Three Oaths, which make Aes Sedai incapable of telling an outright lie, have backfired with regard to their effectiveness. This is due to the fact that Aes Sedai simply use metaphorical doublespeak to circumvent the Oaths, and people are well aware of it.


  • Moiraine Damodred :
  • Egwene al'Vere :
  • Nynaeve al'Meara :
  • Elayne Trakand :
  • Cadsuane Melaidhrin :
  • Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan :


  • The Aes Sedai were created by Robert Jordan where they featured in the setting of the The Wheel of Time universe.

In other media



  • The Wheel of Time:

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