Irina Spalko

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Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko is a female film character who features in Indiana Jones.




Irina Spalko (Russian: Ирина Спалько) was a female human who operate in the mid-20th century where it was said that she was from Eastern Ukraine. She came to be the Soviet Union's foremost expert on matters of the supernatural where she came to rise to the rank of Colonel. It was said that she headed teams from the Kremlin all over the world in order to recover artifacts that she thought might have paranormal military applications. An accomplished swordswoman in addition to being a brilliant scientist.

Eventually, Spalko obtained a doctorate and joined the Soviet secret police which would become the KGB. Partly owing to her psychability that allowed her to see events before happening, Spalko had a very successful career in the agency. United States of America intelligence members, such as General Robert Ross, became aware of her activities as early as 1951, with all available information of Spalko being supplied by the Department of Counterintelligence Lieutenant Colonel McGuinness in a government dossier. By contrast, Spalko was regarded as a national hero by her own nation. Believing that telepathy already existed in lesser developed forms such as the bond between a mother with her child, Spalko proved her point to her nation by testing rabbits, killing the offspring and seeing how the mothers would react upon learning of their offspring's deaths despite being miles away. As part of the KGB's Science and Technology Directorate, Spalko participated in numerous experiments in ESP, telepathy and telekinesis - potentialities that the Soviet Union generally took more seriously than the West. In one such experiment, a mother rabbit's newborn litter was placed aboard a submarine, which was then submerged. The mother remained onshore, her EEG readings carefully monitored, while beneath the surface of the water, inside the submarine, the young rabbits were killed one by one. As each one was slain, the mother's readings registered a reaction at the exact instant of each death. The experiment verified what Spalko already instinctively knew: that there was a tangible psychic link between living beings. Joseph Stalin himself was so impressed by her that he personally recruited her for his dream project to gain advantage during the Cold War: psychic warfare research, which they could use to achieve Soviet domination by harnessing the legendary Crystal Skull of Akator. Spalko's superior dreamed with opening a new frontier in that field through the crystal skull, deeming it a mind weapon, but Stalin passed away in 1953 before that could come to be. Meanwhile, Spalko was awarded the Order of Lenin, the highest decoration in the Soviet Union, three times for outstanding services rendered to the State and the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor for exceptional achievements in the national economy and culture..

In 1957, Spalko plotted to acquire the Crystal Skull of Akator and use it, with Indiana Jones' help, to lead her to the lost city of Akator, where, she hoped, she would obtain mental powers which would allow her to singlehandedly win the Cold War. Upon reaching Akator, the godlike, interdimensional beings who inhabited the city offered a gift in exchange for the Skull's safe return. Spalko stepped forward to claim the gift, demanding to know "everything." Unfortunately, "everything" turned out to be too much for Spalko to handle, and her brain overloaded and her body was destroyed.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Irina Spalko was a tall, thin woman who was in her mid-30s.

Powers and abilities

She came to earn a doctorate where she focused on paranormal psychic research science and its use in military applications. It was noted that she came to be considered Stalin's favourite scientist.

On three occasions, she came to receive the Order of Lenin and also a medal as Hero of Socialist Labor.

Colonel Spalko was shown to carry a rapier that she was skilled in using in a fight.


  • Irina Spalko was created by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson where she was portrayed by actress Cate Blanchett in the setting of the Indiana Jones universe.


  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: (2008)

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