Hayashida, Professor
Professor Hayashida was a biologist who devoted his life to the study of Godzilla. His interest in Godzilla began as a child, after his parents were killed during Godzilla's original attack upon Tokyo. At first, he studied Godzilla in an effort to figure out how to destroy him, out of a desire for revenge for the death of his parents, but as he grew older, he forgave Godzilla, and instead looked upon the beast as merely a force of nature which shouldn't be held responsible for its destructive actions. Nevertheless, when Godzilla returned in 1985, it was Hayashida who figured out how to (temporarily) dispose of him, by luring him into the heart of an erupting volcano using a device that emitted birdcalls, after Hayashida figured out that, as a dinosaur, Godzilla's brain has a common evolutionary trait with birds.