Janosz Poha
Dr. Janosz Poha was the fussy curator of the Manhattan Museum of Art, who secretly had affection for Dana Barrett during her time as a restorer of old paintings. Despite his odd European accent, Janosz claimed to be a native of New York, specifically from the Upper West side, although Peter Venkman made many jokes at his expense suggesting him to be an illegal immigrant. Working late one night cleaning the newly-arrived portrait of Vigo von Homburg Deutschendorf, Janosz was hit with a bolt of otherwordly energy that shot from Vigo's eyes. Instantly, the curator was brought under the ancient Carpathian's spell.
Vigo commanded him to find a suitable child for his spirit to inhabit, so Janosz, knowing that Dana had an infant son, immediately began making plans to kidnap baby Oscar for his master. His first attempt, to try and talk his way into Dana's apartment during the blackout (which had been caused by Ray Stantz's subterranean meddlings), failed. Ultimately, he required Vigo's help to get Oscar. Endowed with temporary supernatural power, Janosz flew to the window of Dana's apartment and snatched Oscar, putting him into a demonic baby carriage he carried, then flew back to the museum. After giving the baby to Vigo, Janosz asked if, in return for his services, he could take Dana as his wife once Vigo ruled the world. Remarkably, a grateful Vigo decreed that it would be so. Neither had to move a muscle to get her however, as Dana came to the museum of her own accord seeking to retrieve Oscar. She was quickly captured.
Vigo's evil plans were ruined with the arrival of the Ghostbusters. Armed with modified squirt guns that shot positively-charged mood slime, Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore hosed Janosz down. The positively-charged slime dispelled Vigo's evil from Janosz, returning him to normal.