Vendetta Galante

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Vendetta Galante.

Vendetta Galante was British Intelligence's chief scientist at a secret laboratory somewhere in Paris, France, tasked with supplying field agents with their equipment. When introduced to Michael Corben by Derek Richardson, she commented that she had expected "a much older man," and that she had prepared for someone "more conservative." The equipment she initially prepared for Corben then had to be hastily re-thought to fit Michael's style (or lack thereof, as Mariska would say). Galante provided Corben with X-ray glasses, exploding chewing gum, and sneakers with suction cups on the soles, as well as a Lotus Esprit sports car equipped with rocket launchers.

Later, when Corben phoned her and Richardson that he'd discovered Augustus Steranko was behind the killings of European finance ministers, Richardson did not believe him. However, Galante did, and convinced Richardson (along with Lieutenant Colonel Larabee) to accompany her to the Chatteau Richelieu. There, she apprehended "the French Teacher," Mrs. Grober, but was told to release her after Corben explained, "She's with me."

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